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Annotating Datasets

FiftyOne provides a powerful annotation API that makes it easy to add or edit labels on your datasets or specific views into them.


Did you know? You can request, manage, and import annotations from within the FiftyOne App by installing the @voxel51/annotation plugin!


Check out this tutorial to see an example workflow that uses the annotation API to create, delete, and fix annotations on a FiftyOne dataset.

Basic recipe

The basic workflow to use the annotation API to add or edit labels on your FiftyOne datasets is as follows:

  1. Load a labeled or unlabeled dataset into FiftyOne

  2. Explore the dataset using the App or dataset views to locate either unlabeled samples that you wish to annotate or labeled samples whose annotations you want to edit

  3. Use the annotate() method on your dataset or view to upload the samples and optionally their existing labels to the annotation backend

  4. In the annotation tool, perform the necessary annotation work

  5. Back in FiftyOne, load your dataset and use the load_annotations() method to merge the annotations back into your FiftyOne dataset

  6. If desired, delete the annotation tasks and the record of the annotation run from your FiftyOne dataset

The example below demonstrates this workflow using the default CVAT backend.


You must create an account at in order to run this example.

Note that you can store your credentials as described in this section to avoid entering them manually each time you interact with CVAT.

First, we create the annotation tasks:

import fiftyone as fo
import fiftyone.zoo as foz
from fiftyone import ViewField as F

# Step 1: Load your data into FiftyOne

dataset = foz.load_zoo_dataset(
    "quickstart", dataset_name="cvat-annotation-example"
dataset.persistent = True

    "predictions", gt_field="ground_truth", eval_key="eval"

# Step 2: Locate a subset of your data requiring annotation

# Create a view that contains only high confidence false positive model
# predictions, with samples containing the most false positives first
most_fp_view = (
    .filter_labels("predictions", (F("confidence") > 0.8) & (F("eval") == "fp"))
    .sort_by(F("predictions.detections").length(), reverse=True)

# Let's edit the ground truth annotations for the sample with the most
# high confidence false positives
sample_id = most_fp_view.first().id
view =

# Step 3: Send samples to CVAT

# A unique identifier for this run
anno_key = "cvat_basic_recipe"


# Step 4: Perform annotation in CVAT and save the tasks

Then, once the annotation work is complete, we merge the annotations back into FiftyOne:

import fiftyone as fo

anno_key = "cvat_basic_recipe"

# Step 5: Merge annotations back into FiftyOne dataset

dataset = fo.load_dataset("cvat-annotation-example")

# Load the view that was annotated in the App
view = dataset.load_annotation_view(anno_key)
session = fo.launch_app(view=view)

# Step 6: Cleanup

# Delete tasks from CVAT
results = dataset.load_annotation_results(anno_key)

# Delete run record (not the labels) from FiftyOne


Check out this page to see a variety of common annotation patterns using the CVAT backend to illustrate the full process.


By default, all annotation is performed via, which simply requires that you create an account and then configure your username and password credentials.

However, you can configure FiftyOne to use a self-hosted CVAT server, or you can even use a completely custom backend.


See this page for CVAT-specific setup instructions.

Changing your annotation backend

You can use a specific backend for a particular annotation run by passing the backend parameter to annotate():

view.annotate(..., backend="<backend>", ...)

Alternatively, you can change your default annotation backend for an entire session by setting the FIFTYONE_ANNOTATION_DEFAULT_BACKEND environment variable.


Finally, you can permanently change your default annotation backend by updating the default_backend key of your annotation config at ~/.fiftyone/annotation_config.json:

    "default_backend": "<backend>",
    "backends": {
        "<backend>": {...},

Configuring your backend

Annotation backends may be configured in a variety of backend-specific ways, which you can see by inspecting the parameters of a backend’s associated AnnotationBackendConfig class.

The relevant classes for the builtin annotation backends are:

You can configure an annotation backend’s parameters for a specific run by simply passing supported config parameters as keyword arguments each time you call annotate():


Alternatively, you can more permanently configure your backend(s) via your annotation config.

Annotation config

FiftyOne provides an annotation config that you can use to either temporarily or permanently configure the behavior of the annotation API.

Viewing your config

You can print your current annotation config at any time via the Python library and the CLI:


If you have customized your annotation config via any of the methods described below, printing your config is a convenient way to ensure that the changes you made have taken effect as you expected.

Modifying your config

You can modify your annotation config in a variety of ways. The following sections describe these options in detail.

Order of precedence

The following order of precedence is used to assign values to your annotation config settings as runtime:

  1. Config settings applied at runtime by directly editing fiftyone.annotation_config

  2. FIFTYONE_XXX environment variables

  3. Settings in your JSON config ( ~/.fiftyone/annotation_config.json)

  4. The default config values

Editing your JSON config

You can permanently customize your annotation config by creating a ~/.fiftyone/annotation_config.json file on your machine. The JSON file may contain any desired subset of config fields that you wish to customize.

For example, the following config JSON file customizes the URL of your CVAT server without changing any other default config settings:

    "backends": {
        "cvat": {
            "url": "http://localhost:8080"

When fiftyone is imported, any options from your JSON config are merged into the default config, as per the order of precedence described above.


You can customize the location from which your JSON config is read by setting the FIFTYONE_ANNOTATION_CONFIG_PATH environment variable.

Setting environment variables

Annotation config settings may be customized on a per-session basis by setting the FIFTYONE_XXX environment variable(s) for the desired config settings.

The FIFTYONE_ANNOTATION_DEFAULT_BACKEND environment variable allows you to configure your default backend:


You can declare parameters for specific annotation backends by setting environment variables of the form FIFTYONE_<BACKEND>_<PARAMETER>. Any settings that you declare in this way will be passed as keyword arguments to methods like annotate() whenever the corresponding backend is in use. For example, you can configure the URL, username, password, and email (if applicable) of your CVAT server as follows:

export FIFTYONE_CVAT_URL=http://localhost:8080
export FIFTYONE_CVAT_EMAIL=...  # if applicable

The FIFTYONE_ANNOTATION_BACKENDS environment variable can be set to a list,of,backends that you want to expose in your session, which may exclude native backends and/or declare additional custom backends whose parameters are defined via additional config modifications of any kind:

export FIFTYONE_ANNOTATION_BACKENDS=custom,cvat,labelbox

When declaring new backends, you can include * to append new backend(s) without omitting or explicitly enumerating the builtin backends. For example, you can add a custom annotation backend as follows:

export FIFTYONE_CUSTOM_CONFIG_CLS=your.custom.AnnotationConfig

Modifying your config in code

You can dynamically modify your annotation config at runtime by directly editing the fiftyone.annotation_config object.

Any changes to your annotation config applied via this manner will immediately take effect in all subsequent calls to fiftyone.annotation_config during your current session.

import fiftyone as fo

fo.annotation_config.default_backend = "<backend>"

Requesting annotations

Use the annotate() method to send the samples and optionally existing labels in a Dataset or DatasetView to your annotation backend for processing.

The basic syntax is:

anno_key = "..."
view.annotate(anno_key, ...)

The anno_key argument defines a unique identifier for the annotation run, and you will provide it to methods like load_annotations(), get_annotation_info(), load_annotation_results(), rename_annotation_run(), and delete_annotation_run() to manage the run in the future.


FiftyOne assumes that all labels in an annotation run can fit in memory.

If you are annotating very large scale video datasets with dense frame labels, you may violate this assumption. Instead, consider breaking the work into multiple smaller annotation runs that each contain limited subsets of the samples you wish to annotate.

You can use Dataset.stats() to get a sense for the total size of the labels in a dataset as a rule of thumb to estimate the size of a candidate annotation run.

In addition, annotate() provides various parameters that you can use to customize the annotation tasks that you wish to be performed.

The following parameters are supported by all annotation backends:

  • backend ( None): the annotation backend to use. The supported values are fiftyone.annotation_config.backends.keys() and the default is fiftyone.annotation_config.default_backend

  • media_field ( “filepath”): the sample field containing the path to the source media to upload

  • launch_editor ( False): whether to launch the annotation backend’s editor after uploading the samples

The following parameters allow you to configure the labeling schema to use for your annotation tasks. See this section for more details:

  • label_schema ( None): a dictionary defining the label schema to use. If this argument is provided, it takes precedence over the remaining fields

  • label_field ( None): a string indicating a new or existing label field to annotate

  • label_type ( None): a string indicating the type of labels to annotate. The possible label types are:

  • "classification": a single classification stored in Classification fields

  • "classifications": multilabel classifications stored in Classifications fields

  • "detections": object detections stored in Detections fields

  • "instances": instance segmentations stored in Detections fields with their mask attributes populated

  • "polylines": polylines stored in Polylines fields with their filled attributes set to False

  • "polygons": polygons stored in Polylines fields with their filled attributes set to True

  • "keypoints": keypoints stored in Keypoints fields

  • "segmentation": semantic segmentations stored in Segmentation fields

  • "scalar": scalar labels stored in IntField, FloatField, StringField, or BooleanField fields

All new label fields must have their type specified via this argument or in label_schema

  • classes ( None): a list of strings indicating the class options for label_field or all fields in label_schema without classes specified. All new label fields must have a class list provided via one of the supported methods. For existing label fields, if classes are not provided by this argument nor label_schema, the observed labels on your dataset are used

  • attributes ( True): specifies the label attributes of each label field to include (other than their label, which is always included) in the annotation export. Can be any of the following:

  • True: export all label attributes

  • False: don’t export any custom label attributes

  • a list of label attributes to export

  • a dict mapping attribute names to dicts specifying the type, values, and default for each attribute

If a label_schema is also provided, this parameter determines which attributes are included for all fields that do not explicitly define their per-field attributes (in addition to any per-class attributes)

  • mask_targets ( None): a dict mapping pixel values to semantic label strings. Only applicable when annotating semantic segmentations

  • allow_additions ( True): whether to allow new labels to be added. Only applicable when editing existing label fields

  • allow_deletions ( True): whether to allow labels to be deleted. Only applicable when editing existing label fields

  • allow_label_edits ( True): whether to allow the label attribute of existing labels to be modified. Only applicable when editing existing fields with label attributes

  • allow_index_edits ( True): whether to allow the index attribute of existing video tracks to be modified. Only applicable when editing existing frame fields with index attributes

  • allow_spatial_edits ( True): whether to allow edits to the spatial properties (bounding boxes, vertices, keypoints, masks, etc) of labels. Only applicable when editing existing spatial label fields

In addition, each annotation backend can typically be configured in a variety of backend-specific ways. See this section for more details.


Specific annotation backends may not support all label_type options.

Label schema

The label_schema, label_field, label_type, classes, attributes, and mask_targets parameters to annotate() allow you to define the annotation schema that you wish to be used.

The label schema may define new label field(s) that you wish to populate, and it may also include existing label field(s), in which case you can add, delete, or edit the existing labels on your FiftyOne dataset.

The label_schema argument is the most flexible way to define how to construct tasks in CVAT. In its most verbose form, it is a dictionary that defines the label type, annotation type, possible classes, and possible attributes for each label field:

anno_key = "..."

label_schema = {
    "new_field": {
        "type": "classifications",
        "classes": ["class1", "class2"],
        "attributes": {
            "attr1": {
                "type": "select",
                "values": ["val1", "val2"],
                "default": "val1",
            "attr2": {
                "type": "radio",
                "values": [True, False],
                "default": False,
    "existing_field": {
        "classes": ["class3", "class4"],
        "attributes": {
            "attr3": {
                "type": "text",

dataset.annotate(anno_key, label_schema=label_schema)

You can also define class-specific attributes by setting elements of the classes list to dicts that specify groups of classes and their corresponding attributes. For example, in the configuration below, attr1 only applies to class1 and class2 while attr2 applies to all classes:

anno_key = "..."

label_schema = {
    "new_field": {
        "type": "detections",
        "classes": [\
                "classes": ["class1", "class2"],\
                "attributes": {\
                    "attr1": {\
                        "type": "select",\
                        "values": ["val1", "val2"],\
                        "default": "val1",\
        "attributes": {
            "attr2": {
                "type": "radio",
                "values": [True, False],
                "default": False,

dataset.annotate(anno_key, label_schema=label_schema)

Alternatively, if you are only editing or creating a single label field, you can use the label_field, label_type, classes, attributes, and mask_targets parameters to specify the components of the label schema individually:

anno_key = "..."

label_field = "new_field",
label_type = "classifications"
classes = ["class1", "class2"]

# These are optional
attributes = {
    "attr1": {
        "type": "select",
        "values": ["val1", "val2"],
        "default": "val1",
    "attr2": {
        "type": "radio",
        "values": [True, False],
        "default": False,


When you are annotating existing label fields, you can omit some of these parameters from annotate(), as FiftyOne can infer the appropriate values to use:

  • label_type: if omitted, the Label type of the field will be used to infer the appropriate value for this parameter

  • classes: if omitted for a non-semantic segmentation field, the observed labels on your dataset will be used to construct a classes list

Label attributes

The attributes parameter allows you to configure whether custom attributes beyond the default label attribute are included in the annotation tasks.

When adding new label fields for which you want to include attributes, you must use the dictionary syntax demonstrated below to define the schema of each attribute that you wish to label:

anno_key = "..."

attributes = {
    "occluded": {
        "type": "radio",
        "values": [True, False],
        "default": False,
    "gender": {
        "type": "select",
        "values": ["male", "female"],
    "caption": {
        "type": "text",

    classes=["dog", "cat", "person"],

You can always omit this parameter if you do not require attributes beyond the default label.

Each annotation backend may support different type values, as declared by the supported_attr_types() method of its AnnotationBackend class. For example, CVAT supports the following choices for type:

  • text: a free-form text box. In this case, default is optional and values is unused

  • select: a selection dropdown. In this case, values is required and default is optional

  • radio: a radio button list UI. In this case, values is required and default is optional

  • checkbox: a boolean checkbox UI. In this case, default is optional and values is unused

When you are annotating existing label fields, the attributes parameter can take additional values:

  • True (default): export all custom attributes observed on the existing labels, using their observed values to determine the appropriate UI type and possible values, if applicable

  • False: do not include any custom attributes in the export

  • a list of custom attributes to include in the export

  • a full dictionary syntax described above

Note that only scalar-valued label attributes are supported. Other attribute types like lists, dictionaries, and arrays will be omitted.

Restricting additions, deletions, and edits

When you create annotation runs that involve editing existing label fields, you can optionally specify that certain changes are not allowed by passing the following flags to annotate():

  • allow_additions ( True): whether to allow new labels to be added

  • allow_deletions ( True): whether to allow labels to be deleted

  • allow_label_edits ( True): whether to allow the label attribute to be modified

  • allow_index_edits ( True): whether to allow the index attribute of video tracks to be modified

  • allow_spatial_edits ( True): whether to allow edits to the spatial properties (bounding boxes, vertices, keypoints, etc) of labels

If you are using the label_schema parameter to provide a full annotation schema to annotate(), you can also directly include the above flags in the configuration dicts for any existing label field(s) you wish.

For example, suppose you have an existing ground_truth field that contains objects of various types and you would like to add new sex and age attributes to all people in this field while also strictly enforcing that no objects can be added, deleted, or have their labels or bounding boxes modified. You can configure an annotation run for this as follows:

anno_key = "..."

attributes = {
    "sex": {
        "type": "select",
        "values": ["male", "female"],
    "age": {
        "type": "text",


You can also include a read_only=True parameter when uploading existing label attributes to specify that the attribute’s value should be uploaded to the annotation backend for informational purposes, but any edits to the attribute’s value should not be imported back into FiftyOne.

For example, if you have vehicles with their make attribute populated and you want to populate a new model attribute based on this information without allowing changes to the vehicle’s make, you can configure an annotation run for this as follows:

anno_key = "..."

attributes = {
    "make": {
        "type": "text",
        "read_only": True,
    "model": {
        "type": "text",



Some annotation backends may not support restrictions to additions, deletions, spatial edits, and read-only attributes in their editing interface.

However, any restrictions that you specify via the above parameters will still be enforced when you call load_annotations() to merge the annotations back into FiftyOne.

Labeling videos

When annotating spatiotemporal objects in videos, you have a few additional options at your fingertips.

First, each object attribute specification can include a mutable property that controls whether the attribute’s value can change between frames for each object:

anno_key = "..."

attributes = {
    "type": {
        "type": "select",
        "values": ["sedan", "suv", "truck"],
        "mutable": False,
    "occluded": {
        "type": "radio",
        "values": [True, False],
        "default": False,
        "mutable": True,


The meaning of the mutable attribute is defined as follows:

  • True (default): the attribute is dynamic and can have a different value for every frame in which the object track appears

  • False: the attribute is static and is the same for every frame in which the object track appears

In addition, if you are using an annotation backend like CVAT that supports keyframes, then when you download annotation runs that include track annotations, the downloaded label corresponding to each keyframe of an object track will have its keyframe=True attribute set to denote that it was a keyframe.

Similarly, when you create an annotation run on a video dataset that involves editing existing video tracks, if at least one existing label has a keyframe=True attribute set, then the available keyframe information will be uploaded to the annotation backend.

Loading annotations

After your annotations tasks in the annotation backend are complete, you can use the load_annotations() method to download them and merge them back into your FiftyOne dataset.


The anno_key parameter is the unique identifier for the annotation run that you provided when calling annotate(). You can use list_annotation_runs() to see the available keys on a dataset.


By default, calling load_annotations() will not delete any information for the run from the annotation backend.

However, you can pass cleanup=True to delete all information associated with the run from the backend after the annotations are downloaded.

You can use the optional dest_field parameter to override the task’s label schema and instead load annotations into different field name(s) of your dataset. This can be useful, for example, when editing existing annotations, if you would like to do a before/after comparison of the edits that you import. If the annotation run involves multiple fields, dest_field should be a dictionary mapping label schema field names to destination field names.

Some annotation backends like CVAT cannot explicitly prevent annotators from creating labels that don’t obey the run’s label schema. You can pass the optional unexpected parameter to load_annotations() to configure how to deal with any such unexpected labels that are found. The supported values are:

  • "prompt" ( default): present an interactive prompt to direct/discard unexpected labels

  • "keep": automatically keep all unexpected labels in a field whose name matches the the label type

  • "ignore": automatically ignore any unexpected labels

  • "return": return a dict containing all unexpected labels, if any

Managing annotation runs

FiftyOne provides a variety of methods that you can use to manage in-progress or completed annotation runs.

For example, you can call list_annotation_runs() to see the available annotation keys on a dataset:


Or, you can use get_annotation_info() to retrieve information about the configuration of an annotation run:

info = dataset.get_annotation_info(anno_key)

Use load_annotation_results() to load the AnnotationResults instance for an annotation run.

All results objects provide a cleanup() method that you can use to delete all information associated with a run from the annotation backend.

results = dataset.load_annotation_results(anno_key)

In addition, the AnnotationResults subclasses for each backend may provide additional utilities such as support for programmatically monitoring the status of the annotation tasks in the run.

You can use rename_annotation_run() to rename the annotation key associated with an existing annotation run:

dataset.rename_annotation_run(anno_key, new_anno_key)

Finally, you can use delete_annotation_run() to delete the record of an annotation run from your FiftyOne dataset:



Calling delete_annotation_run() only deletes the record of the annotation run from your FiftyOne dataset; it will not delete any annotations loaded onto your dataset via load_annotations(), nor will it delete any associated information from the annotation backend.

Custom annotation backends

If you would like to use an annotation tool that is not natively supported by FiftyOne, you can follow the instructions below to implement an interface for your tool and then configure your environment so that the annotate() and load_annotations() methods will use your custom backend.

Annotation backends are defined by writing subclasses of the following three classes with the appropriate abstract methods implemented:

  • AnnotationBackend: this class implements the logic required for your annotation backend to declare the types of labeling tasks that it supports, as well as the core upload_annotations() and download_annotations() methods, which handle uploading and downloading data and labels to your annotation tool

  • AnnotationBackendConfig: this class defines the available parameters that users can pass as keyword arguments to annotate() to customize the behavior of the annotation run

  • AnnotationResults: this class stores any intermediate information necessary to track the progress of an annotation run that has been created and is now waiting for its results to be merged back into the FiftyOne dataset


Refer to the fiftyone.utils.cvat module for an example of how the above subclasses are implemented for the CVAT backend.

The recommended way to expose a custom backend is to add it to your annotation config at ~/.fiftyone/annotation_config.json as follows:

    "default_backend": "<backend>",
    "backends": {
        "<backend>": {
            "config_cls": "your.custom.AnnotationConfig",
            # custom parameters here

In the above, <backend> defines the name of your custom backend, which you can henceforward pass as the backend parameter to annotate(), and the config_cls parameter specifies the fully-qualified name of the AnnotationBackendConfig subclass for your annotation backend.

With the default_backend parameter set to your custom backend as shown above, calling annotate() will automatically use your backend.

Alternatively, you can manually opt to use your custom backend on a per-run basis by passing the backend parameter:

view.annotate(..., backend="<backend>", ...)