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Configuring FiftyOne

FiftyOne can be configured in various ways. This guide covers the various options that exist, how to view your current config, and how to customize your config as desired.

Configuration options

FiftyOne supports the configuration options described below:

Config field Environment variable Default value Description
database_admin FIFTYONE_DATABASE_ADMIN True Whether the client is allowed to trigger database migrations. See
this section for more information.
database_dir FIFTYONE_DATABASE_DIR ~/.fiftyone/var/lib/mongo The directory in which to store FiftyOne’s backing database. Only applicable if
database_uri is not defined.
database_name FIFTYONE_DATABASE_NAME fiftyone A name to use for FiftyOne’s backing database in your MongoDB instance. The database
is automatically created if necessary.
database_uri FIFTYONE_DATABASE_URI None A MongoDB URI to
specifying a custom MongoDB database to which to connect. See
this section for more information.
database_validation FIFTYONE_DATABASE_VALIDATION True Whether to validate the compatibility of database before connecting to it. See
this section for more information.
dataset_zoo_dir FIFTYONE_DATASET_ZOO_DIR ~/fiftyone The default directory in which to store datasets that are downloaded from the
FiftyOne Dataset Zoo.
dataset_zoo_manifest_paths FIFTYONE_ZOO_MANIFEST_PATHS None A list of manifest JSON files specifying additional zoo datasets. See
adding datasets to the zoo for more information.
default_dataset_dir FIFTYONE_DEFAULT_DATASET_DIR ~/fiftyone The default directory to use when performing FiftyOne operations that
require writing dataset contents to disk, such as ingesting datasets via
default_ml_backend FIFTYONE_DEFAULT_ML_BACKEND torch The default ML backend to use when performing operations such as
downloading datasets from the FiftyOne Dataset Zoo that support multiple ML
backends. Supported values are torch and tensorflow. By default,
torch is used if PyTorch is installed in your
Python environment, and tensorflow is used if
TensorFlow is installed. If no supported backend
is detected, this defaults to None, and any operation that requires an
installed ML backend will raise an informative error message if invoked in
this state.
default_batch_size FIFTYONE_DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE None A default batch size to use when applying models to datasets.
default_batcher FIFTYONE_DEFAULT_BATCHER latency Batching implementation to use in some batched database operations such as
set_values(), and
Supported values are latency, size, and static.
latency is the default, which uses a dynamic batch size to achieve a target latency
of batcher_target_latency between calls. The default changes to size for the
FiftyOne Teams SDK in API connection mode, which targets
a size of batcher_target_size_bytes for each call. static uses a fixed batch size
of batcher_static_size.
batcher_static_size FIFTYONE_BATCHER_STATIC_SIZE 100 Fixed size of batches. Only used when default_batcher is static.
batcher_target_size_bytes FIFTYONE_BATCHER_TARGET_SIZE_BYTES 2 ** 20 Target content size of batches, in bytes. Only used when default_batcher is size.
batcher_target_latency FIFTYONE_BATCHER_TARGET_LATENCY 0.2 Target latency between batches, in seconds. Only used when default_batcher is
default_sequence_idx FIFTYONE_DEFAULT_SEQUENCE_IDX %06d The default numeric string pattern to use when writing sequential lists of
default_image_ext FIFTYONE_DEFAULT_IMAGE_EXT .jpg The default image format to use when writing images to disk.
default_video_ext FIFTYONE_DEFAULT_VIDEO_EXT .mp4 The default video format to use when writing videos to disk.
default_app_port FIFTYONE_DEFAULT_APP_PORT 5151 The default port to use to serve the FiftyOne App.
default_app_address FIFTYONE_DEFAULT_APP_ADDRESS localhost The default address to use to serve the FiftyOne App. This may
be either an IP address or hostname. If it’s a hostname, the App will listen to all
IP addresses associated with the name. The default is localhost, which means the App
will only listen on the local interface. See this page
for more information.
do_not_track FIFTYONE_DO_NOT_TRACK False Controls whether UUID based import and App usage events are tracked.
logging_level FIFTYONE_LOGGING_LEVEL INFO Controls FiftyOne’s package-wide logging level. Can be any valid logging level as
max_thread_pool_workers FIFTYONE_MAX_THREAD_POOL_WORKERS None An optional maximum number of workers to use when creating thread pools
max_process_pool_workers FIFTYONE_MAX_PROCESS_POOL_WORKERS None An optional maximum number of workers to use when creating process pools
model_zoo_dir FIFTYONE_MODEL_ZOO_DIR ~/fiftyone/__models__ The default directory in which to store models that are downloaded from the
FiftyOne Model Zoo.
model_zoo_manifest_paths FIFTYONE_MODEL_ZOO_MANIFEST_PATHS None A list of manifest JSON files specifying additional zoo models. See
adding models to the zoo for more information.
module_path FIFTYONE_MODULE_PATH None A list of modules that should be automatically imported whenever FiftyOne is imported.
See this page for an example usage.
operator_timeout FIFTYONE_OPERATOR_TIMEOUT 600 The timeout for execution of an operator. See this page for
more information.
allow_legacy_orchestrators FIFTYONE_ALLOW_LEGACY_ORCHESTRATORS False Whether to allow delegated operations to be scheduled locally.
See this page for more information.
plugins_dir FIFTYONE_PLUGINS_DIR None A directory containing custom App plugins. See this page for
more information.
plugins_cache_enabled FIFTYONE_PLUGINS_CACHE_ENABLED False When set to True plugins will be cached until their directory’s mtime changes.
This is intended to be used in production.
do_not_track FIFTYONE_DO_NOT_TRACK False Controls whether UUID based import and App usage events are tracked.
show_progress_bars FIFTYONE_SHOW_PROGRESS_BARS True Controls whether progress bars are printed to the terminal when performing
operations such reading/writing large datasets or activating FiftyOne
Brain methods on datasets.
timezone FIFTYONE_TIMEZONE None An optional timezone string. If provided, all datetimes read from FiftyOne datasets
will be expressed in this timezone. See this section for
more information.

Viewing your config

You can print your current FiftyOne config at any time via the Python library and the CLI:


If you have customized your FiftyOne config via any of the methods described below, printing your config is a convenient way to ensure that the changes you made have taken effect as you expected.

Modifying your config

You can modify your FiftyOne config in a variety of ways. The following sections describe these options in detail.

Order of precedence

The following order of precedence is used to assign values to your FiftyOne config settings at runtime:

  1. Config changes applied at runtime by directly editing fiftyone.config

  2. FIFTYONE_XXX environment variables

  3. Settings in your JSON config ( ~/.fiftyone/config.json)

  4. The default config values

Editing your JSON config

You can permanently customize your FiftyOne config by creating a ~/.fiftyone/config.json file on your machine. The JSON file may contain any desired subset of config fields that you wish to customize.

For example, a valid config JSON file is:

    "default_ml_backend": "tensorflow",
    "show_progress_bars": true

When fiftyone is imported, any options from your JSON config are applied, as per the order of precedence described above.


You can customize the location from which your JSON config is read by setting the FIFTYONE_CONFIG_PATH environment variable.

Setting environment variables

FiftyOne config settings may be customized on a per-session basis by setting the FIFTYONE_XXX environment variable(s) for the desired config settings.

When fiftyone is imported, all config environment variables are applied, as per the order of precedence described above.

For example, you can customize your FiftyOne config in a Terminal session by issuing the following commands prior to launching your Python interpreter:


Modifying your config in code

You can dynamically modify your FiftyOne config at runtime by editing the fiftyone.config object.

Any changes to your FiftyOne config applied via this manner will immediately take effect for all subsequent calls to fiftyone.config during your current session.

import fiftyone as fo

fo.config.default_ml_backend = "tensorflow"
fo.config.show_progress_bars = True

Configuring a MongoDB connection

By default, FiftyOne is installed with its own MongoDB database distribution. This database is managed by FiftyOne automatically as a service that runs whenever at least one FiftyOne Python client is alive.

Alternatively, you can configure FiftyOne to connect to your own self-managed MongoDB instance. To do so, simply set the database_uri property of your FiftyOne config to any valid MongoDB connection string URI.

You can achieve this by adding the following entry to your ~/.fiftyone/config.json file:

    "database_uri": "mongodb://[username:password@]host[:port]"

or you can set the following environment variable:

export FIFTYONE_DATABASE_URI=mongodb://[username:password@]host[:port]

If you are running MongoDB with authentication enabled (the --auth flag), FiftyOne must connect as a root user.

You can create a root user with the Mongo shell as follows:

mongo --shell
> use admin
> db.createUser({user: "username", pwd: passwordPrompt(), roles: ["root"]})

You must also add ?authSource=admin to your database URI:


Using a different MongoDB version

FiftyOne is designed for MongoDB v4.4 or later.

If you wish to connect FiftyOne to a MongoDB database whose version is not explicitly supported, you will also need to set the database_validation property of your FiftyOne config to False to suppress a runtime error that will otherwise occur.

You can achieve this by adding the following entry to your ~/.fiftyone/config.json file:

    "database_validation": false

or you can set the following environment variable:


Controlling database migrations

If you are working with a shared MongoDB database, you can use database admin privileges to control which clients are allowed to migrate the shared database.

Example custom database usage

In order to use a custom MongoDB database with FiftyOne, you must manually start the database before importing FiftyOne. MongoDB provides a variety of options for this, including running the database as a daemon automatically.

In the simplest case, you can just run mongod in one shell:

mkdir -p /path/for/db
mongod --dbpath /path/for/db

Then, in another shell, configure the database URI and launch FiftyOne:

export FIFTYONE_DATABASE_URI=mongodb://localhost
import fiftyone as fo
import fiftyone.zoo as foz

dataset = foz.load_zoo_dataset("quickstart")
session = fo.launch_app(dataset)

Database migrations

New FiftyOne versions occasionally introduce data model changes that require database migrations when you upgrade or downgrade.

By default, database upgrades happen automatically in two steps:

  • Database: when you import FiftyOne for the first time using a newer version of the Python package, the database’s version is automatically updated to match your client version

  • Datasets are lazily migrated to the current database version on a per-dataset basis whenever you load the dataset for the first time using a newer version of the FiftyOne package

Database downgrades must be manually performed. See this page for instructions.

You can use the fiftyone migrate command to view the current versions of your client, database, and datasets:

# View your client, database, and dataset versions
fiftyone migrate --info
Client version: 0.16.6
Compatible versions: >=0.16.3,<0.17

Database version: 0.16.6

dataset                      version
---------------------------  ---------
bdd100k-validation           0.16.5
quickstart                   0.16.5

Restricting migrations

You can use the database_admin config setting to control whether a client is allowed to upgrade/downgrade your FiftyOne database. The default is True, which means that upgrades are automatically performed when you connect to your database with newer Python client versions.

If you set database_admin to False, your client will never cause the database to be migrated to a new version. Instead, you’ll see the following behavior:

  • If your client is compatible with the current database version, you will be allowed to connect to the database and use FiftyOne

  • If your client is not compatible with the current database version, you will see an informative error message when you import the library

You can restrict migrations by adding the following entry to your ~/.fiftyone/config.json file:

    "database_admin": false

or by setting the following environment variable:



A common pattern when working with custom/shared MongoDB databases is to adopt a convention that all non-administrators set their database_admin config setting to False to ensure that they cannot trigger automatic database upgrades by connecting to the database with newer Python client versions.

Coordinating a migration

If you are working in an environment where multiple services are connecting to your MongoDB database at any given time, use this strategy to upgrade your deployment:

  1. Ensure that all clients are running without database admin privileges, e.g., by adding this to their ~/.fiftyone/config.json:
    "database_admin": false
  1. Perform a test upgrade of one client and ensure that it is compatible with your current database version:
# In a test environment
pip install --upgrade fiftyone

# View client's compatibility info
fiftyone migrate --info
import fiftyone as fo

# Convince yourself that the new client can load a dataset
dataset = fo.load_dataset(...)
  1. Now upgrade the client version used by all services:
# In all client environments
pip install --upgrade fiftyone
  1. Once all services are running the new client version, upgrade the database with admin privileges:

pip install --upgrade fiftyone
fiftyone migrate --all


Newly created datasets will always bear the version of the Python client that created them, which may differ from your database’s version if you are undergoing a migration.

If the new client’s version is not in the compatibility range for the old clients that are still in use, the old clients will not be able to load the new datasets.

Therefore, it is recommended to upgrade all clients as soon as possible!

Configuring a timezone

By default, FiftyOne loads all datetimes in FiftyOne datasets as naive datetime objects expressed in UTC time.

However, you can configure FiftyOne to express datetimes in a specific timezone by setting the timezone property of your FiftyOne config.

The timezone property can be set to any timezone string supported by pytz.timezone(), or "local" to use your current local timezone.

For example, you could set the FIFTYONE_TIMEZONE environment variable:

# Local timezone

# US Eastern timezone

Or, you can even dynamically change the timezone while you work in Python:

from datetime import datetime
import fiftyone as fo

sample = fo.Sample(filepath="image.png", created_at=datetime.utcnow())

dataset = fo.Dataset()

# 2021-08-24 20:24:09.723021

fo.config.timezone = "local"

# 2021-08-24 16:24:09.723000-04:00


The timezone setting does not affect the internal database representation of datetimes, which are always stored as UTC timestamps.

Configuring the App

The FiftyOne App can also be configured in various ways. A new copy of your App config is applied to each Session object that is created when you launch the App. A session’s config can be inspected and modified via the session.config property.

import fiftyone as fo
import fiftyone.zoo as foz

dataset = foz.load_zoo_dataset("quickstart")

session = fo.launch_app(dataset)


For changes to a live session’s config to take effect in the App, you must call session.refresh() or invoke another state-updating action such as session.view = my_view.

The FiftyOne App can be configured in the ways described below:

Config field Environment variable Default value Description
color_by FIFTYONE_APP_COLOR_BY "field" Whether to color labels by their field name ( "field"), label value ( "label"), or
render each instance ID/trajectory index ( "instance").
color_pool FIFTYONE_APP_COLOR_POOL See below A list of browser supported color strings from which the App should draw from when
drawing labels (e.g., object bounding boxes).
colorscale FIFTYONE_APP_COLORSCALE "viridis" The colorscale to use when rendering heatmaps in the App. See
this section for more details.
default_query_performance FIFTYONE_APP_DEFAULT_QUERY_PERFORMANCE True Default if a user hasn’t selected a query performance mode in their current session. See
this section for more details.
disable_frame_filtering FIFTYONE_APP_DISABLE_FRAME_FILTERING False Whether to disable frame filtering for video datasets in the App’s grid view. See
this section for more details.
enable_query_performance FIFTYONE_APP_ENABLE_QUERY_PERFORMANCE True Whether to show the query performance toggle in the UI for users to select. See
this section for more details.
grid_zoom FIFTYONE_APP_GRID_ZOOM 5 The zoom level of the App’s sample grid. Larger values result in larger samples (and thus
fewer samples in the grid). Supported values are {0, 1, ..., 10}.
loop_videos FIFTYONE_APP_LOOP_VIDEOS False Whether to loop videos by default in the expanded sample view.
media_fallback FIFTYONE_APP_MEDIA_FALLBACK False Whether to fall back to the default media field ( "filepath") when the configured media
field’s value for a sample is not defined.
multicolor_keypoints FIFTYONE_APP_MULTICOLOR_KEYPOINTS False Whether to independently coloy keypoint points by their index
notebook_height FIFTYONE_APP_NOTEBOOK_HEIGHT 800 The height of App instances displayed in notebook cells.
proxy_url FIFTYONE_APP_PROXY_URL None A URL string to override the default server URL. Useful for configuring the session
through a reverse proxy in notebook environments.
show_confidence FIFTYONE_APP_SHOW_CONFIDENCE True Whether to show confidences when rendering labels in the App’s expanded sample view.
show_index FIFTYONE_APP_SHOW_INDEX True Whether to show indexes when rendering labels in the App’s expanded sample view.
show_label FIFTYONE_APP_SHOW_LABEL True Whether to show the label value when rendering detection labels in the App’s expanded
sample view.
show_skeletons FIFTYONE_APP_SHOW_SKELETONS True Whether to show keypoint skeletons, if available.
show_tooltip FIFTYONE_APP_SHOW_TOOLTIP True Whether to show the tooltip when hovering over labels in the App’s expanded sample view.
theme FIFTYONE_APP_THEME "browser" The default theme to use in the App. Supported values are {"browser", "dark", "light"}.
If "browser", your current theme will be persisted in your browser’s storage.
use_frame_number FIFTYONE_APP_USE_FRAME_NUMBER False Whether to use the frame number instead of a timestamp in the expanded sample view. Only
applicable to video samples.
plugins N/A {} A dict of plugin configurations. See this section for

Viewing your App config

You can print your App config at any time via the Python library and the CLI:


If you have customized your App config via any of the methods described below, printing your config is a convenient way to ensure that the changes you made have taken effect as you expected.

Modifying your App config

You can modify your App config in a variety of ways. The following sections describe these options in detail.


Did you know? You can also configure the behavior of the App on a per-dataset basis by customizing your dataset’s App config.

Order of precedence

The following order of precedence is used to assign values to your App config settings at runtime:

  1. Config settings of a Session instance in question

  2. App config settings applied at runtime by directly editing fiftyone.app_config

  3. FIFTYONE_APP_XXX environment variables

  4. Settings in your JSON App config ( ~/.fiftyone/app_config.json)

  5. The default App config values

Launching the App with a custom config

You can launch the FiftyOne App with a customized App config on a one-off basis via the following pattern:

import fiftyone as fo
import fiftyone.zoo as foz

dataset = foz.load_zoo_dataset("quickstart")

# Create a custom App config
app_config = fo.app_config.copy()
app_config.show_confidence = False
app_config.show_label = False

session = fo.launch_app(dataset, config=app_config)

You can also configure a live Session by editing its session.config property and calling session.refresh() to apply the changes:

# Customize the config of a live session
session.config.show_confidence = True
session.config.show_label = True
session.refresh()  # must refresh after edits

Editing your JSON App config

You can permanently customize your App config by creating a ~/.fiftyone/app_config.json file on your machine. The JSON file may contain any desired subset of config fields that you wish to customize.

For example, a valid App config JSON file is:

    "show_confidence": false,
    "show_label": false

When fiftyone is imported, any options from your JSON App config are applied, as per the order of precedence described above.


You can customize the location from which your JSON App config is read by setting the FIFTYONE_APP_CONFIG_PATH environment variable.

Setting App environment variables

App config settings may be customized on a per-session basis by setting the FIFTYONE_APP_XXX environment variable(s) for the desired App config settings.

When fiftyone is imported, all App config environment variables are applied, as per the order of precedence described above.

For example, you can customize your App config in a Terminal session by issuing the following commands prior to launching your Python interpreter:


Modifying your App config in code

You can dynamically modify your App config at runtime by editing the fiftyone.app_config object.

Any changes to your App config applied via this manner will immediately take effect for all subsequent calls to fiftyone.app_config during your current session.

import fiftyone as fo

fo.app_config.show_confidence = False
fo.app_config.show_label = False

Configuring plugins

You can store system-wide plugin configurations under the plugins key of your App config.

Builtin plugins that you can configure include:

For example, you may add the following to your JSON App config ( ~/.fiftyone/app_config.json) to register a Mapbox token globally on your system:

    "plugins": {
        "map": {
            "mapboxAccessToken": "XXXXXXXX"


You can also store dataset-specific plugin settings by storing any subset of the above values on a dataset’s App config.

Configuring a proxy URL

When running FiftyOne in a cloud machine, such as a SageMaker Notebook, a proxy_url should be set in your FiftyOne App config before launching the App in order for browser windows or notebook cells to point to a correct App URL. For SageMaker Notebooks, the below code snippet shows how to configure the proxy based on your instance.

import fiftyone as fo

# before launching the App, configure a proxy_url
fo.app_config.proxy_url = "https://<myinstance>.notebook.<region><port>/"

session = fo.launch_app(port=<port>)