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Remotely-Sourced Zoo Models

This page describes how to work with and create zoo models whose definitions are hosted via GitHub repositories or public URLs.


To download from a private GitHub repository that you have access to, provide your GitHub personal access token by setting the GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable.

Working with remotely-sourced models

Working with remotely-sourced zoo models is just like built-in zoo models, as both varieties support the full zoo API.

When specifying remote sources, you can provide any of the following:

  • A GitHub repo URL like<user>/<repo>

  • A GitHub ref like<user>/<repo>/tree/<branch> or<user>/<repo>/commit/<commit>

  • A GitHub ref string like <user>/<repo>[/<ref>]

  • A publicly accessible URL of an archive (eg zip or tar) file

Here’s the basic recipe for working with remotely-sourced zoo models:

Creating remotely-sourced models

A remote source of models is defined by a directory with the following contents:

    def download_model(model_name, model_path):

    def load_model(model_name, model_path, **kwargs):

Each component is described in detail below.


By convention, model sources also contain an optional file that provides additional information about the models that it contains and example syntaxes for downloading and working with them.


The remote source’s manifest.json file defines relevant metadata about the model(s) that it contains:

Field Required? Description
base_name yes The base name of the model (no version info)
base_filename The base filename or directory of the model (no version info), if applicable.
This is required in order for
to detect the model and delete_zoo_model()
to delete the local copy if it is downloaded
author The author of the model
version The version of the model (if applicable).
If a version is provided, then users can refer to a specific version of the model by
appending @<ver> to its name when using methods like
load_zoo_model(), otherwise the latest
version of the model is loaded by default
url The URL at which the model is hosted
license The license under which the model is distributed
source The original source of the model
description A brief description of the model
tags A list of tags for the model. Useful in conjunction with
size_bytes The size of the model on disk
date_added The time that the model was added to the source
requirements JSON description of the model’s package/runtime requirements
manager A fiftyone.core.models.ModelManagerConfig dict that describes the remote
location of the model and how to download it. If this is not provided, then a
download_model() function must be provided
default_deployment_config_dict A fiftyone.core.models.ModelConfig dict describing how to load the model. If
this is not provided, then a load_model() function
must be provided

It can also provide optional metadata about the remote source itself:

Field Required? Description
name A name for the remote model source
url The URL of the remote model source

Here’s an exaxmple model manifest file that declares a single model:

    "name": "voxel51/openai-clip",
    "url": "",
    "models": [\
            "base_name": "voxel51/clip-vit-base32-torch",\
            "base_filename": "",\
            "author": "OpenAI",\
            "license": "MIT",\
            "source": "",\
            "description": "CLIP text/image encoder from Learning Transferable Visual Models From Natural Language Supervision ( trained on 400M text-image pairs",\
            "tags": [\
            "size_bytes": 353976522,\
            "date_added": "2022-04-12 17:49:51",\
            "requirements": {\
                "packages": ["torch", "torchvision"],\
                "cpu": {\
                    "support": true\
                "gpu": {\
                    "support": true\

Download model

If a remote source contains model(s) that don’t use the manager key in its manifest, then it must contain an file that defines a download_model() method with the signature below:

def download_model(model_name, model_path):
    """Downloads the model.

        model_name: the name of the model to download, as declared by the
            ``base_name`` and optional ``version`` fields of the manifest
        model_path: the absolute filename or directory to which to download the
            model, as declared by the ``base_filename`` field of the manifest

    # Determine where to download `model_name` from
    url = ...

    # Download `url` to `model_path`

This method is called under-the-hood when a user calls download_zoo_model() or load_zoo_model(), and its job is to download any relevant files from the web and organize and/or prepare them as necessary at the provided path.

Load model

If a remote source contains model(s) that don’t use the default_deployment_config_dict key in its manifest, then it must contain an file that defines a load_model() method with the signature below:

def load_model(model_name, model_path, **kwargs):
    """Loads the model.

        model_name: the name of the model to load, as declared by the
            ``base_name`` and optional ``version`` fields of the manifest
        model_path: the absolute filename or directory to which the model was
            downloaded, as declared by the ``base_filename`` field of the
        **kwargs: optional keyword arguments that configure how the model
            is loaded

        a :class:`fiftyone.core.models.Model`

    # The directory containing this file
    model_dir = os.path.dirname(model_path)

    # Construct the specified `Model` instance, generally by importing
    # other modules in `model_dir`
    model = ...

    return model

This method’s job is to load the Model instance for the specified model whose associated weights are stored at the provided path.


Refer to this page for more information about wrapping models in the Model interface.

Remotely-sourced models can optionally support customized loading by accepting optional keyword arguments to their load_model() method.

When load_zoo_model(name_or_url, ..., **kwargs) is called, any kwargs are passed through to load_model(..., **kwargs).


Check out voxel51/openai-clip for an example of a remote model source.