class documentation

Computes a histogram of the field values in a collection.

This aggregation is typically applied to numeric or date field types (or lists of such types):


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import fiftyone as fo
from fiftyone import ViewField as F

samples = []
for idx in range(100):
            filepath="/path/to/image%d.png" % idx,

dataset = fo.Dataset()

def plot_hist(counts, edges):
    counts = np.asarray(counts)
    edges = np.asarray(edges)
    left_edges = edges[:-1]
    widths = edges[1:] - edges[:-1], counts, width=widths, align="edge")

# Compute a histogram of a numeric field

aggregation = fo.HistogramValues("numeric_field", bins=50)
counts, edges, other = dataset.aggregate(aggregation)

plot_hist(counts, edges)

# Compute the histogram of a numeric list field

aggregation = fo.HistogramValues("numeric_list_field", bins=50)
counts, edges, other = dataset.aggregate(aggregation)

plot_hist(counts, edges)

# Compute the histogram of a transformation of a numeric field

aggregation = fo.HistogramValues(2 * (F("numeric_field") + 1), bins=50)
counts, edges, other = dataset.aggregate(aggregation)

plot_hist(counts, edges)
field_or_expra field name,, fiftyone.core.expressions.ViewExpression, or MongoDB expression defining the field or expression to aggregate
expra fiftyone.core.expressions.ViewExpression or MongoDB expression to apply to field_or_expr (which must be a field) before aggregating
binscan be either an integer number of bins to generate or a monotonically increasing sequence specifying the bin edges to use. By default, 10 bins are created. If bins is an integer and no range is specified, bin edges are automatically computed from the bounds of the field
rangea (lower, upper) tuple specifying a range in which to generate equal-width bins. Only applicable when bins is an integer or None
autowhether to automatically choose bin edges in an attempt to evenly distribute the counts in each bin. If this option is chosen, bins will only be used if it is an integer, and the range parameter is ignored
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method default_result Returns the default result for this aggregation.
Method parse_result Parses the output of to_mongo.
Method to_mongo Returns the MongoDB aggregation pipeline for this aggregation.
Method _compute_bin_edges Undocumented
Method _kwargs Returns a list of [name, value] lists describing the parameters of this aggregation instance.
Method _parse_args Undocumented
Method _parse_edges Undocumented
Method _parse_result_auto Undocumented
Method _parse_result_edges Undocumented
Instance Variable _auto Undocumented
Instance Variable _bins Undocumented
Instance Variable _edges Undocumented
Instance Variable _field_type Undocumented
Instance Variable _is_datetime Undocumented
Instance Variable _last_edges Undocumented
Instance Variable _num_bins Undocumented
Instance Variable _range Undocumented

Inherited from Aggregation:

Method __eq__ Undocumented
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method __str__ Undocumented
Property field_name The name of the field being computed on, if any.
Property safe Whether nan/inf values will be ignored when dealing with floating point values.
Class Method _from_dict Creates an Aggregation instance from a serialized JSON dict representation of it.
Method _needs_frames Whether the aggregation requires frame labels of video samples to be attached.
Method _needs_group_slices Whether the aggregation requires group slice(s) to be attached.
Method _serialize Returns a JSON dict representation of the Aggregation.
Instance Variable _expr Undocumented
Instance Variable _field_name Undocumented
Instance Variable _safe Undocumented
Instance Variable _uuid Undocumented
Property _has_big_result Whether the aggregation's result is returned across multiple documents.
Property _is_big_batchable Whether the aggregation has big results and its pipeline is defined by a single $project stage and thus can be combined with other such aggregations.
def __init__(self, field_or_expr, expr=None, bins=None, range=None, auto=False): (source)
def default_result(self): (source)

Returns the default result for this aggregation.

a tuple of
  • counts: []
  • edges: []
  • other: 0
def parse_result(self, d): (source)

Parses the output of to_mongo.

dthe result dict
a tuple of
  • counts: a list of counts in each bin
  • edges: an increasing list of bin edges of length len(counts) + 1. Note that each bin is treated as having an inclusive lower boundary and exclusive upper boundary, [lower, upper), including the rightmost bin
  • other: the number of items outside the bins
def to_mongo(self, sample_collection, context=None): (source)

Returns the MongoDB aggregation pipeline for this aggregation.

sample_collectionthe fiftyone.core.collections.SampleCollection to which the aggregation is being applied
context:Nonea path context from which to resolve
a MongoDB aggregation pipeline (list of dicts)
def _compute_bin_edges(self, sample_collection): (source)


def _kwargs(self): (source)

Returns a list of [name, value] lists describing the parameters of this aggregation instance.

a list of [name, value] lists
def _parse_args(self): (source)


def _parse_edges(self, edges): (source)


def _parse_result_auto(self, d): (source)


def _parse_result_edges(self, d): (source)





_field_type = (source)


_is_datetime: bool = (source)


_last_edges = (source)


_num_bins = (source)

