class documentation
A ViewExpression
that refers to an
ObjectId of
a document.
The typical use case for this class is writing an expression that involves checking if the ID of a document matches a particular known ID.
from fiftyone import ViewField as F from fiftyone.core.expressions import ObjectId # Check if the ID of the document matches the given ID expr = F("_id") == ObjectId("5f452489ef00e6374aad384a")
Parameters | |
oid | the object ID string |
Method | __init__ |
Undocumented |
Method | to |
Returns a MongoDB representation of the ObjectId. |
Inherited from ViewExpression
Static Method | all |
Checks whether all of the given expressions evaluate to True. |
Static Method | any |
Checks whether any of the given expressions evaluate to True. |
Static Method | enumerate |
Returns an array of [index, element] pairs enumerating the elements of the given expression, which must resolve to an array. |
Static Method | literal |
Returns an expression representing the given value without parsing. |
Static Method | rand |
Returns an expression that generates a uniform random float in [0, 1] each time it is called. |
Static Method | randn |
Returns an expression that generates a sample from the standard Gaussian distribution each time it is called. |
Static Method | range |
Returns an array expression containing the sequence of integers from the specified start (inclusive) to stop (exclusive). |
Static Method | zip |
Zips the given expressions, which must resolve to arrays, into an array whose ith element is an array containing the ith element from each input array. |
Method | __abs__ |
Computes the absolute value of this expression, which must resolve to a numeric value. |
Method | __add__ |
Adds the given value to this expression, which must resolve to a numeric value, self + other. |
Method | __and__ |
Computes the logical AND of this expression and the given value or expression, self & other. |
Method | __call__ |
Retrieves the specified field or embedded field of this expression, which must resolve to a document. |
Method | __ceil__ |
Computes the ceiling of this expression, which must resolve to a numeric value. |
Method | __deepcopy__ |
Undocumented |
Method | __eq__ |
Determines whether this expression is equal to the given value or expression, self == other. |
Method | __floor__ |
Computes the floor of this expression, which must resolve to a numeric value. |
Method | __ge__ |
Determines whether this expression is greater than or equal to the given value or expression, self >= other. |
Method | __getitem__ |
Returns the element or slice of this expression, which must resolve to an array. |
Method | __gt__ |
Determines whether this expression is greater than the given value or expression, self >= other. |
Method | __hash__ |
Undocumented |
Method | __invert__ |
Inverts this expression, ~self. |
Method | __le__ |
Determines whether this expression is less than or equal to the given value or expression, self <= other. |
Method | __len__ |
Undocumented |
Method | __lt__ |
Determines whether this expression is less than the given value or expression, self <= other. |
Method | __mod__ |
Computes the modulus of this expression, which must resolve to a numeric value, self % other. |
Method | __mul__ |
Computes the product of the given value and this expression, which must resolve to a numeric value, self * other. |
Method | __ne__ |
Determines whether this expression is not equal to the given value or expression, self != other. |
Method | __or__ |
Computes the logical OR of this expression and the given value or expression, self | other. |
Method | __pow__ |
Raises this expression, which must resolve to a numeric value, to the given power, self ** power. |
Method | __radd__ |
Undocumented |
Method | __rand__ |
Undocumented |
Method | __repr__ |
Undocumented |
Method | __rmod__ |
Undocumented |
Method | __rmul__ |
Undocumented |
Method | __ror__ |
Undocumented |
Method | __round__ |
Rounds this expression, which must resolve to a numeric value, at the given decimal place. |
Method | __rsub__ |
Undocumented |
Method | __rtruediv__ |
Undocumented |
Method | __str__ |
Undocumented |
Method | __sub__ |
Subtracts the given value from this expression, which must resolve to a numeric value, self - other. |
Method | __truediv__ |
Divides this expression, which must resolve to a numeric value, by the given value, self / other. |
Method | abs |
Computes the absolute value of this expression, which must resolve to a numeric value. |
Method | append |
Appends the given value to this expression, which must resolve to an array. |
Method | apply |
Applies the given expression to this expression. |
Method | arccos |
Computes the inverse cosine of this expression, which must resolve to a numeric value, in radians. |
Method | arccosh |
Computes the inverse hyperbolic cosine of this expression, which must resolve to a numeric value, in radians. |
Method | arcsin |
Computes the inverse sine of this expression, which must resolve to a numeric value, in radians. |
Method | arcsinh |
Computes the inverse hyperbolic sine of this expression, which must resolve to a numeric value, in radians. |
Method | arctan |
Computes the inverse tangent of this expression, which must resolve to a numeric value, in radians. |
Method | arctanh |
Computes the inverse hyperbolic tangent of this expression, which must resolve to a numeric value, in radians. |
Method | cases |
Applies a case statement to this expression, which effectively computes the following pseudocode: |
Method | ceil |
Computes the ceiling of this expression, which must resolve to a numeric value. |
Method | concat |
Concatenates the given string(s) to this expression, which must resolve to a string. |
Method | contains |
Checks whether this expression, which must resolve to an array, contains any of the given values. |
Method | contains |
Determines whether this expression, which must resolve to a string, contains the given string or string(s). |
Method | cos |
Computes the cosine of this expression, which must resolve to a numeric value, in radians. |
Method | cosh |
Computes the hyperbolic cosine of this expression, which must resolve to a numeric value, in radians. |
Method | day |
Returns the day of the month of this date expression (in UTC) as a number between 1 and 31. |
Method | day |
Returns the day of the week of this date expression (in UTC) as a number between 1 (Sunday) and 7 (Saturday). |
Method | day |
Returns the day of the year of this date expression (in UTC) as a number between 1 and 366. |
Method | difference |
Computes the set difference of this expression, which must resolve to an array, and the given array or array expression. |
Method | ends |
Determines whether this expression, which must resolve to a string, ends with the given string or string(s). |
Method | exists |
Determines whether this expression, which must resolve to a field, exists and is not None. |
Method | exp |
Raises Euler's number to this expression, which must resolve to a numeric value. |
Method | extend |
Concatenates the given array(s) or array expression(s) to this expression, which must resolve to an array. |
Method | filter |
Applies the given filter to the elements of this expression, which must resolve to an array. |
Method | floor |
Computes the floor of this expression, which must resolve to a numeric value. |
Method | hour |
Returns the hour portion of this date expression (in UTC) as a number between 0 and 23. |
Method | if |
Returns either true_expr or false_expr depending on the value of this expression, which must resolve to a boolean. |
Method | insert |
Inserts the value before the given index in this expression, which must resolve to an array. |
Method | intersection |
Computes the set intersection of this expression, which must resolve to an array, and the given array(s) or array expression(s). |
Method | is |
Determines whether this expression is an array. |
Method | is |
Creates an expression that returns a boolean indicating whether self in values. |
Method | is |
Determines whether this expression refers to a missing field. |
Method | is |
Determines whether this expression is null. |
Method | is |
Determines whether this expression is a number. |
Method | is |
Determines whether this expression is a string. |
Method | is |
Checks whether this expression's contents, which must resolve to an array, are a subset of the given array or array expression's contents. |
Method | join |
Joins the elements of this expression, which must resolve to a string array, by the given delimiter. |
Method | length |
Computes the length of this expression, which must resolve to an array. |
Method | let |
Returns an equivalent expression where this expression is defined as a variable that is used wherever necessary in the given expression. |
Method | ln |
Computes the natural logarithm of this expression, which must resolve to a numeric value. |
Method | log |
Computes the logarithm base base of this expression, which must resolve to a numeric value. |
Method | log10 |
Computes the logarithm base 10 of this expression, which must resolve to a numeric value. |
Method | lower |
Converts this expression, which must resolve to a string, to lowercase. |
Method | lstrip |
Removes whitespace characters from the beginning of this expression, which must resolve to a string. |
Method | map |
Applies the given expression to the elements of this expression, which must resolve to an array. |
Method | map |
Replaces this expression with the corresponding value in the provided mapping dict, if it is present as a key. |
Method | matches |
Determines whether this expression, which must resolve to a string, exactly matches the given string or string(s). |
Method | max |
Returns the maximum value of either this expression, which must resolve to an array, or the maximum of this expression and the given value. |
Method | mean |
Returns the average value in this expression, which must resolve to a numeric array. |
Method | millisecond |
Returns the millisecond portion of this date expression (in UTC) as an integer between 0 and 999. |
Method | min |
Returns the minimum value of either this expression, which must resolve to an array, or the minimum of this expression and the given value. |
Method | minute |
Returns the minute portion of this date expression (in UTC) as a number between 0 and 59. |
Method | month |
Returns the month of this date expression (in UTC) as a number between 1 and 12. |
Method | pow |
Raises this expression, which must resolve to a numeric value, to the given power, self ** power. |
Method | prepend |
Prepends the given value to this expression, which must resolve to an array. |
Method | re |
Performs a regular expression pattern match on this expression, which must resolve to a string. |
Method | reduce |
Applies the given reduction to this expression, which must resolve to an array, and returns the single value computed. |
Method | replace |
Replaces all occurrences of old with new in this expression, which must resolve to a string. |
Method | reverse |
Reverses the order of the elements in the expression, which must resolve to an array. |
Method | round |
Rounds this expression, which must resolve to a numeric value, at the given decimal place. |
Method | rsplit |
Splits this expression, which must resolve to a string, by the given delimiter. |
Method | rstrip |
Removes whitespace characters from the end of this expression, which must resolve to a string. |
Method | second |
Returns the second portion of this date expression (in UTC) as a number between 0 and 59. |
Method | set |
Checks whether this expression, which must resolve to an array, contains the same distinct values as each of the given array(s) or array expression(s). |
Method | set |
Sets the specified field or embedded field of this expression, which must resolve to a document, to the given value or expression. |
Method | sin |
Computes the sine of this expression, which must resolve to a numeric value, in radians. |
Method | sinh |
Computes the hyperbolic sine of this expression, which must resolve to a numeric value, in radians. |
Method | sort |
Sorts this expression, which must resolve to an array. |
Method | split |
Splits this expression, which must resolve to a string, by the given delimiter. |
Method | sqrt |
Computes the square root of this expression, which must resolve to a numeric value. |
Method | starts |
Determines whether this expression, which must resolve to a string, starts with the given string or string(s). |
Method | std |
Returns the standard deviation of the values in this expression, which must resolve to a numeric array. |
Method | strip |
Removes whitespace characters from the beginning and end of this expression, which must resolve to a string. |
Method | strlen |
Computes the length of this expression, which must resolve to a string. |
Method | substr |
Extracts the specified substring from this expression, which must resolve to a string. |
Method | sum |
Returns the sum of the values in this expression, which must resolve to a numeric array. |
Method | switch |
Applies a switch statement to this expression, which effectively computes the given pseudocode: |
Method | tan |
Computes the tangent of this expression, which must resolve to a numeric value, in radians. |
Method | tanh |
Computes the hyperbolic tangent of this expression, which must resolve to a numeric value, in radians. |
Method | to |
Converts the expression to a boolean value. |
Method | to |
Converts the expression to a date value. |
Method | to |
Converts the expression to a double precision value. |
Method | to |
Converts the expression to an integer value. |
Method | to |
Converts the expression to a string value. |
Method | trunc |
Truncates this expression, which must resolve to a numeric value, at the specified decimal place. |
Method | type |
Returns the type string of this expression. |
Method | union |
Computes the set union of this expression, which must resolve to an array, and the given array(s) or array expression(s). |
Method | unique |
Returns an array containing the unique values in this expression, which must resolve to an array. |
Method | upper |
Converts this expression, which must resolve to a string, to uppercase. |
Method | week |
Returns the week of the year of this date expression (in UTC) as a number between 0 and 53. |
Method | year |
Returns the year of this date expression (in UTC). |
Property | is |
Whether this expression's prefix is frozen. |
Method | _freeze |
Undocumented |
Method | _function |
Undocumented |
Method | _let |
Undocumented |
Instance Variable | _expr |
Undocumented |
Instance Variable | _prefix |
Undocumented |
Returns a MongoDB representation of the ObjectId.
Parameters | |
prefix:None | unused |
Returns | |
a MongoDB expression |