class documentation

class MaskTargetsField(DictField): (source)

Constructor: MaskTargetsField(**kwargs)

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A DictField that stores mapping between integer keys or RGB string hex keys and string targets.

If this field is not set, its default value is {}.

descriptionan optional description
infoan optional info dict
read_onlywhether the field is read-only
created_atthe datetime the field was created
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method to_mongo Undocumented
Method to_python Undocumented
Method validate Undocumented

Inherited from DictField:

Method __str__ Undocumented
Method _set_dataset Undocumented
Instance Variable _created_at Undocumented
Instance Variable _description Undocumented
Instance Variable _info Undocumented
Instance Variable _read_only Undocumented

Inherited from Field (via DictField):

Method copy Returns a copy of the field.
Method description.setter Undocumented
Method info.setter Undocumented
Method read_only.setter Undocumented
Method save Saves any edits to this field's description and info attributes.
Property path The fully-qualified path of this field in the dataset's schema, or None if the field is not associated with a dataset.
Method _set_created_at Undocumented
Instance Variable __dataset Undocumented
Instance Variable __path Undocumented
Property _dataset The fiftyone.core.dataset.Dataset that this field belongs to, or None if the field is not associated with a dataset.
def __init__(self, **kwargs): (source)
def to_mongo(self, value): (source)


def to_python(self, value): (source)


def validate(self, value): (source)