class documentation

Base class for storing metadata about generic samples.

size_bytesthe size of the media, in bytes
mime_typethe MIME type of the media
Class Method build_for Builds a Metadata object for the given file.
Class Variable mime_type Undocumented
Class Variable size_bytes Undocumented
Class Method _build_for_local Undocumented
Class Method _build_for_url Undocumented
def build_for(cls, path_or_url, mime_type=None): (source)

Builds a Metadata object for the given file.

path_or_urlthe path to the data on disk or a URL
mime_type:Nonethe MIME type of the file. If not provided, it will be guessed
a Metadata
def _build_for_local(cls, filepath, mime_type=None): (source)
def _build_for_url(cls, url, mime_type=None): (source)