class documentation

Description of a keypoint skeleton.

Keypoint skeletons can be associated with fiftyone.core.labels.Keypoint or fiftyone.core.labels.Keypoints fields whose points attributes all contain a fixed number of semantically ordered points.

The edges argument contains lists of integer indexes that define the connectivity of the points in the skeleton, and the optional labels argument defines the label strings for each node in the skeleton.

For example, the skeleton below is defined by edges between the following nodes:

left hand <-> left shoulder <-> right shoulder <-> right hand
left eye <-> right eye <-> mouth


import fiftyone as fo

# A skeleton for an object made of 7 points
skeleton = fo.KeypointSkeleton(
        "left hand" "left shoulder", "right shoulder", "right hand",
        "left eye", "right eye", "mouth",
    edges=[[0, 1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]],
labelsan optional list of label strings for each node
edgesa list of lists of integer indexes defining the connectivity between nodes
Class Variable edges Undocumented
Class Variable labels Undocumented
Class Variable meta Undocumented

Inherited from EmbeddedDocument:

Method __init__ Undocumented

Inherited from MongoEngineBaseDocument (via EmbeddedDocument, BaseEmbeddedDocument):

Class Method from_dict Loads the document from a BSON/JSON dictionary.
Method __deepcopy__ Undocumented
Method __delattr__ Undocumented
Method __delitem__ Undocumented
Method clear_field Clears the field from the document.
Method field_to_mongo Undocumented
Method field_to_python Undocumented
Method get_field Gets the field of the document.
Method has_field Determines whether the document has a field of the given name.
Method set_field Sets the value of a field of the document.
Method to_dict Serializes this document to a BSON/JSON dictionary.
Property field_names An ordered tuple of the public fields of this document.
Method _get_field Undocumented
Method _get_field_names Returns an ordered tuple of field names of this document.
Method _get_repr_fields Returns an ordered tuple of field names that should be included in the repr of the document.
Method _to_db_fields Undocumented
Instance Variable _fields_ordered Undocumented

Inherited from SerializableDocument (via EmbeddedDocument, BaseEmbeddedDocument, MongoEngineBaseDocument):

Class Method from_json Loads the document from a JSON string.
Method __eq__ Undocumented
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method __str__ Undocumented
Method copy Returns a deep copy of the document.
Method fancy_repr Generates a customizable string representation of the document.
Method iter_fields Returns an iterator over the (name, value) pairs of the public fields of the document.
Method merge Merges the contents of the given document into this document.
Method to_json Serializes the document to a JSON string.