class documentation


Class Variable frame_number Undocumented
Class Variable meta Undocumented
Instance Variable created_at Undocumented
Instance Variable id Undocumented
Instance Variable last_modified_at Undocumented
Class Variable _dataset_id Undocumented
Class Variable _is_frames_doc Undocumented
Class Variable _sample_id Undocumented

Inherited from DatasetMixin:

Class Method add_field Adds a new field or embedded field to the document, if necessary.
Class Method add_implied_field Adds the field or embedded field to the document, if necessary, inferring the field type from the provided value.
Class Method get_field_schema Returns a schema dictionary describing the fields of this document.
Class Method merge_field_schema Merges the field schema into this document.
Method __setattr__ Undocumented
Method clear_field Undocumented
Method get_field Undocumented
Method set_field Undocumented
Property collection_name Undocumented
Property field_names Undocumented
Class Method _add_field_schema Undocumented
Class Method _clear_fields Clears the field(s) of the documents in this collection.
Class Method _clear_fields_collection Undocumented
Class Method _clear_fields_simple Undocumented
Class Method _clone_field_schema Undocumented
Class Method _clone_fields Clones the field(s) of the documents in this collection.
Class Method _clone_fields_collection Undocumented
Class Method _clone_fields_simple Undocumented
Class Method _create_field Undocumented
Class Method _declare_field Undocumented
Class Method _delete_field_schema Undocumented
Class Method _delete_fields Deletes the field(s) from the documents in this collection.
Class Method _delete_fields_simple Undocumented
Class Method _delete_indexes Undocumented
Class Method _doc_name Undocumented
Class Method _fields_attr Undocumented
Class Method _get_default_fields Undocumented
Class Method _get_field Undocumented
Class Method _get_field_doc Undocumented
Class Method _get_fields_ordered Undocumented
Class Method _handle_db_field Undocumented
Class Method _handle_db_fields Undocumented
Class Method _merge_field Undocumented
Class Method _parse_path Undocumented
Class Method _reload_fields Undocumented
Class Method _remove_dynamic_fields Removes the dynamic embedded field(s) from the collection's schema.
Class Method _rename_field_schema Undocumented
Class Method _rename_fields Renames the fields of the documents in this collection.
Class Method _rename_fields_collection Undocumented
Class Method _rename_fields_simple Undocumented
Class Method _rename_indexes Undocumented
Class Method _to_db_fields Undocumented
Class Method _undeclare_field Undocumented
Class Method _update_field Undocumented
Class Method _update_field_metadata Undocumented
Method _deferred_updates Undocumented
Method _do_updates Undocumented
Method _extract_extra_updates Extracts updates for filtered list fields that need to be updated by ID, not relative position (index).
Method _get_field_names Undocumented
Method _insert Undocumented
Method _parse_id_and_array_filter Converts the list_element_field and filtered_field to an element object ID and array filter.
Method _update Undocumented
Class Variable _dataset Undocumented

Inherited from Document (via DatasetMixin):

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method copy Returns a deep copy of the document.
Method copy_with_new_id Undocumented
Method reload Reloads the document from the database.
Method save Saves the document to the database.
Instance Variable last_loaded_at Undocumented
Method _parse_changed_fields Undocumented
Method _parse_db_path Undocumented
Method _save Undocumented
Method _update_last_loaded_at Undocumented
Method _validate Undocumented
Method _validate_updates Undocumented
Instance Variable _changed_fields Undocumented
Instance Variable _created Undocumented

Inherited from BaseDocument (via DatasetMixin, Document):

Method __eq__ Undocumented
Property in_db Whether the document has been inserted into the database.
Method _get_repr_fields Returns an ordered tuple of field names that should be included in the repr of the document.

Inherited from MongoEngineBaseDocument (via DatasetMixin, Document, BaseDocument):

Class Method from_dict Loads the document from a BSON/JSON dictionary.
Method __deepcopy__ Undocumented
Method __delattr__ Undocumented
Method __delitem__ Undocumented
Method field_to_mongo Undocumented
Method field_to_python Undocumented
Method has_field Determines whether the document has a field of the given name.
Method to_dict Serializes this document to a BSON/JSON dictionary.
Instance Variable _fields_ordered Undocumented

Inherited from SerializableDocument (via DatasetMixin, Document, BaseDocument, MongoEngineBaseDocument):

Class Method from_json Loads the document from a JSON string.
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method __str__ Undocumented
Method fancy_repr Generates a customizable string representation of the document.
Method iter_fields Returns an iterator over the (name, value) pairs of the public fields of the document.
Method merge Merges the contents of the given document into this document.
Method to_json Serializes the document to a JSON string.