class documentation

Base class for fiftyone.core.plots.base.InteractivePlot instances with Plotly backends.

widgeta plotly:plotly.graph_objects.FigureWidget
**kwargskeyword arguments for the fiftyone.core.plots.base.InteractivePlot constructor
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method show Shows the plot.
Method update_layout Updates the layout of the plot.

Inherited from PlotlyWidgetMixin:

Method save Saves the plot as an image or HTML.
Method _freeze Undocumented
Method _screenshot Undocumented
Method _show Undocumented
Method _update_layout Undocumented
Instance Variable _handle Undocumented
Instance Variable _widget Undocumented

Inherited from InteractivePlot (via PlotlyWidgetMixin):

Static Method recommend_link_type Recommends a link type for the given info.
Method register_disconnect_callback Registers a callback that can disconnect this plot from a SessionPlot connected to it.
Method register_selection_callback Registers a selection callback for this plot.
Method register_sync_callback Registers a callback that can sync this plot with a SessionPlot connected to it.
Method reset Resets the plot to its default state.
Method select_ids Selects the points with the given IDs in this plot.
Method selection_mode.setter Undocumented
Instance Variable label_fields Undocumented
Property init_view A fiftyone.core.collections.SampleCollection defining the initial view from which to derive selection views when points are selected in the plot.
Property selected_ids A list of IDs of the currently selected points.
Property selection_mode The current selection mode of the plot.
Method _register_disconnect_callback Undocumented
Method _register_selection_callback Undocumented
Method _register_sync_callback Undocumented
Method _select_ids Undocumented
Instance Variable _disconnect_callback Undocumented
Instance Variable _init_fcn Undocumented
Instance Variable _init_fcn_view Undocumented
Instance Variable _init_view Undocumented
Instance Variable _selection_callback Undocumented
Instance Variable _selection_mode Undocumented
Instance Variable _sync_callback Undocumented
Property _selected_ids Undocumented

Inherited from ResponsivePlot (via PlotlyWidgetMixin, InteractivePlot):

Method connect Connects this plot, if necessary.
Method disconnect Disconnects the plot, if necessary.
Method freeze Freezes the plot, replacing it with a static image.
Property is_connected Whether this plot is currently connected.
Property is_disconnected Whether this plot is currently disconnected.
Property is_frozen Whether this plot is currently frozen.
Property supports_session_updates Whether this plot supports automatic updates in response to session changes.
Method _connect Undocumented
Method _disconnect Undocumented
Method _reopen Undocumented
Instance Variable _connected Undocumented
Instance Variable _disconnected Undocumented
Instance Variable _frozen Undocumented
Instance Variable _link_type Undocumented

Inherited from Plot (via PlotlyWidgetMixin, InteractivePlot, ResponsivePlot):

Method _repr_pretty_ Undocumented
def show(self, **kwargs): (source)

Shows the plot.

**kwargsoptional parameters for plotly:plotly.graph_objects.Figure.update_layout
def update_layout(self, **kwargs): (source)

Updates the layout of the plot.

**kwargsvalid arguments for plotly:plotly.graph_objects.Figure.update_layout