class documentation

A histogram of a numerical field.

field_or_expra field name,, fiftyone.core.expressions.ViewExpression, or MongoDB expression defining the field or expression to plot
expran optional fiftyone.core.expressions.ViewExpression or MongoDB expression to apply to field_or_expr (which must be a field) before plotting
binscan be either an integer number of bins to generate or a monotonically increasing sequence specifying the bin edges to use. By default, 10 bins are created. If bins is an integer and no range is specified, bin edges are automatically computed from the bounds of the field
rangea (lower, upper) tuple specifying a range in which to generate equal-width bins. Only applicable when bins is an integer or None
xlabelan optional x-label for the plot
logwhether to use a log scale y-axis
colora color for the bars. Can be any color supported by
opacityan optional opacity for the bars in [0, 1]
init_viewan optional initial fiftyone.core.collections.SampleCollection to load
**kwargsoptional parameters for plotly:plotly.graph_objects.Figure.update_layout
Method __init__ Undocumented
Instance Variable bins Undocumented
Instance Variable color Undocumented
Instance Variable expr Undocumented
Instance Variable field_or_expr Undocumented
Instance Variable layout Undocumented
Instance Variable log Undocumented
Instance Variable opacity Undocumented
Instance Variable range Undocumented
Instance Variable xlabel Undocumented
Method _get_aggregations Gets the fiftyone.core.aggregations.Aggregation instances that can compute the necessary data to serve this plot.
Method _get_trace_updates Undocumented
Method _make_histogram Undocumented
Method _make_widget Undocumented
Method _reopen Undocumented
Instance Variable _aggregations Undocumented
Instance Variable _figure Undocumented
Instance Variable _traces Undocumented
Instance Variable _widget Undocumented

Inherited from PlotlyViewPlot:

Method show Shows this plot.
Method _update_view Undocumented

Inherited from PlotlyWidgetMixin (via PlotlyViewPlot):

Method save Saves the plot as an image or HTML.
Method _freeze Undocumented
Method _screenshot Undocumented
Method _show Undocumented
Method _update_layout Undocumented
Instance Variable _handle Undocumented

Inherited from ViewPlot (via PlotlyViewPlot, PlotlyWidgetMixin):

Method reset Resets the plot to its default state.
Method update_view Updates the plot based on the provided view.
Property supports_session_updates Whether this plot supports automatic updates in response to session changes.

Inherited from ResponsivePlot (via PlotlyViewPlot, PlotlyWidgetMixin, ViewPlot):

Method connect Connects this plot, if necessary.
Method disconnect Disconnects the plot, if necessary.
Method freeze Freezes the plot, replacing it with a static image.
Property is_connected Whether this plot is currently connected.
Property is_disconnected Whether this plot is currently disconnected.
Property is_frozen Whether this plot is currently frozen.
Property link_type The link type between this plot and a connected session.
Method _connect Undocumented
Method _disconnect Undocumented
Instance Variable _connected Undocumented
Instance Variable _disconnected Undocumented
Instance Variable _frozen Undocumented
Instance Variable _link_type Undocumented

Inherited from Plot (via PlotlyViewPlot, PlotlyWidgetMixin, ViewPlot, ResponsivePlot):

Method _repr_pretty_ Undocumented
def __init__(self, field_or_expr, expr=None, bins=None, range=None, xlabel=None, log=None, color=None, opacity=None, init_view=None, **kwargs): (source)




field_or_expr = (source)







def _get_aggregations(self): (source)

Gets the fiftyone.core.aggregations.Aggregation instances that can compute the necessary data to serve this plot.

Subclasses are not required to implement this method if they do not leverage aggregations.

a list fiftyone.core.aggregations.Aggregation instances, or None
def _get_trace_updates(self, view, agg_results=None): (source)
def _make_histogram(self): (source)


def _make_widget(self): (source)


_aggregations = (source)

