class documentation
class DelegatedOperationRepo(object): (source)
Known subclasses: fiftyone.factory.repos.delegated_operation.MongoDelegatedOperationRepo
Base Class for a delegated operation repository.
Method | count |
Count all operations. |
Method | delete |
Delete an operation. |
Method | delete |
Delete an operation. |
Method | get |
Get an operation by id. |
Method | get |
Get all queued operations. |
Method | get |
Get all running operations. |
Method | get |
Get all scheduled operations. |
Method | list |
List all operations. |
Method | queue |
Queue an operation to be executed by a delegated operator. |
Method | set |
Sets the label for the delegated operation. |
Method | set |
Sets the pinned flag on / off. |
Method | update |
Update the progress of an operation. |
Method | update |
Update the run state of an operation. |
def get_queued_operations(self, operator:
= None, dataset_name=None) -> list[ DelegatedOperationDocument]
Get all queued operations.
def get_running_operations(self, operator:
= None, dataset_name=None) -> list[ DelegatedOperationDocument]
Get all running operations.
def get_scheduled_operations(self, operator:
= None, dataset_name=None) -> list[ DelegatedOperationDocument]
Get all scheduled operations.
def list_operations(self, operator:
= None, dataset_name: str
= None, dataset_id: ObjectId
= None, run_state: ExecutionRunState
= None, delegation_target: str
= None, pinned: bool
= None, paging: DelegatedOperationPagingParams
= None, search: dict
= None, **kwargs: Any
) -> list[ DelegatedOperationDocument]
List all operations.
def update_progress(self, _id:
, progress: ExecutionProgress
) -> DelegatedOperationDocument
Update the progress of an operation.
def update_run_state(self, _id:
, run_state: ExecutionRunState
, result: ExecutionResult
= None, run_link: str
= None, progress: ExecutionProgress
= None, required_state: ExecutionRunState
= None) -> DelegatedOperationDocument
Update the run state of an operation.