class documentation

Class for running FiftyOne migrations.

headthe current revision
destinationthe destination revision
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method run Runs any required migrations on the specified dataset.
Method run_admin Runs any required admin revisions.
Property admin_revisions The list of admin revisions that will be run by run_admin.
Property destination The destination revision.
Property direction The direction of the migration runner; one of ("up", "down").
Property has_admin_revisions Whether there are any admin revisions to run.
Property has_revisions Whether there are any revisions to run.
Property head The head revision.
Property revisions The list of revisions that will be run by run.
Instance Variable _admin_revisions Undocumented
Instance Variable _destination Undocumented
Instance Variable _direction Undocumented
Instance Variable _head Undocumented
Instance Variable _revisions Undocumented
def __init__(self, head, destination, _revisions=None, _admin_revisions=None): (source)


def run(self, dataset_name, verbose=False): (source)

Runs any required migrations on the specified dataset.

dataset_namethe name of the dataset to migrate
verbose:Falsewhether to log incremental migrations that are run
def run_admin(self, verbose=False): (source)

Runs any required admin revisions.

verbose:Falsewhether to log incremental migrations that are run
admin_revisions = (source)

The list of admin revisions that will be run by run_admin.

destination = (source)

The destination revision.

The direction of the migration runner; one of ("up", "down").

has_admin_revisions = (source)

Whether there are any admin revisions to run.

has_revisions = (source)

Whether there are any revisions to run.

The head revision.

The list of revisions that will be run by run.

_admin_revisions = (source)


_destination = (source)


_direction = (source)



_revisions = (source)
