class documentation

A configuration for an operator.

namethe name of the operator
labela label for the operator
descriptiona description of the operator
dynamicwhether the operator inputs and outputs should be resolved when the input/output changes
execute_as_generatorwhether the operator should be executed as a generator
unlistedwhether the operator should be hidden from the Operator Browser
on_startupwhether the operator should be executed on startup
on_dataset_openwhether the operator should be executed on opening a dataset
disable_schema_validationwhether the operator built-in schema validation should be disabled
iconicon to show for the operator in the Operator Browser
light_iconicon to show for the operator in the Operator Browser when the App is in the light mode
dark_iconicon to show for the operator in the Operator Browser when the App is in the dark mode
allow_immediate_executionwhether the operator should allow immediate execution
allow_delegated_executionwhether the operator should allow delegated execution
default_choice_to_delegatedwhether to default to delegated execution, if allowed
resolve_execution_options_on_changewhether to resolve execution options dynamically when inputs change. By default, this behavior will match the dynamic setting
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method to_json Undocumented
Instance Variable allow_delegated_execution Undocumented
Instance Variable allow_immediate_execution Undocumented
Instance Variable dark_icon Undocumented
Instance Variable default_choice_to_delegated Undocumented
Instance Variable delegation_target Undocumented
Instance Variable description Undocumented
Instance Variable disable_schema_validation Undocumented
Instance Variable dynamic Undocumented
Instance Variable execute_as_generator Undocumented
Instance Variable icon Undocumented
Instance Variable kwargs Undocumented
Instance Variable label Undocumented
Instance Variable light_icon Undocumented
Instance Variable name Undocumented
Instance Variable on_dataset_open Undocumented
Instance Variable on_startup Undocumented
Instance Variable resolve_execution_options_on_change Undocumented
Instance Variable unlisted Undocumented
def __init__(self, name, label=None, description=None, dynamic=False, execute_as_generator=False, unlisted=False, on_startup=False, on_dataset_open=False, disable_schema_validation=False, delegation_target=None, icon=None, light_icon=None, dark_icon=None, allow_immediate_execution=True, allow_delegated_execution=False, default_choice_to_delegated=False, resolve_execution_options_on_change=None, **kwargs): (source)
def to_json(self): (source)


allow_delegated_execution: False = (source)


allow_immediate_execution: True = (source)


dark_icon: None = (source)


default_choice_to_delegated: False = (source)


delegation_target = (source)


disable_schema_validation: False = (source)



execute_as_generator: False = (source)


light_icon: None = (source)


on_dataset_open: False = (source)


on_startup: False = (source)


resolve_execution_options_on_change: None = (source)

