class documentation

A plugin definition.

directorythe directory containing the plugin
metadataa plugin metadata dict
shadow_pathsa list of plugin directories that this plugin shadows
Class Method from_disk Creates a PluginDefinition for the given metadata file.
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method can_register_operator Whether the plugin can register the given operator.
Method to_dict Returns a JSON dict representation of the plugin metadata.
Property author The author of the plugin.
Property builtin Whether the plugin is a builtin plugin.
Property description The description of the plugin.
Property directory The directory containing the plugin.
Property fiftyone_compatibility The FiftyOne compatibility version.
Property fiftyone_requirement The FiftyOne requirement as a string like fiftyone>=0.21.
Property has_js Whether the plugin has a JS bundle file.
Property has_package_json Whether the plugin has a package.json file.
Property has_py Whether the plugin has a Python entry file.
Property js_bundle The relative path to the JS bundle file.
Property js_bundle_hash A hash of the plugin's JS bundle file.
Property js_bundle_path Undocumented
Property js_bundle_server_path The default server path to the JS bundle.
Property license The license of the plugin.
Property name The name of the plugin.
Property operators The operators of the plugin.
Property package_json_path The absolute path to the package.json file.
Property py_entry Undocumented
Property py_entry_path The absolute path to the Python entry file.
Property secrets A list of required secrets for the plugin.
Property server_path The default server path to the plugin.
Property shadow_paths A list of plugin directories that this plugin shadows.
Property url The URL of the plugin.
Property version The version of the plugin.
Method _get_abs_path Undocumented
Method _validate Undocumented
Constant _REQUIRED_METADATA_KEYS Undocumented
Instance Variable _directory Undocumented
Instance Variable _metadata Undocumented
Instance Variable _shadow_paths Undocumented
def from_disk(cls, metadata_path, shadow_paths=None): (source)

Creates a PluginDefinition for the given metadata file.

metadata_paththe path to a plugin .yaml file
shadow_paths:Nonea list of plugin directories that this plugin shadows
a PluginDefinition
def __init__(self, directory, metadata, shadow_paths=None): (source)


def can_register_operator(self, name): (source)

Whether the plugin can register the given operator.

namethe operator name
def to_dict(self): (source)

Returns a JSON dict representation of the plugin metadata.

a JSON dict

The author of the plugin.

Whether the plugin is a builtin plugin.

description = (source)

The description of the plugin.

The directory containing the plugin.

fiftyone_compatibility = (source)

The FiftyOne compatibility version.

fiftyone_requirement = (source)

The FiftyOne requirement as a string like fiftyone>=0.21.

Whether the plugin has a JS bundle file.

has_package_json = (source)

Whether the plugin has a package.json file.

Whether the plugin has a Python entry file.

The relative path to the JS bundle file.

js_bundle_hash = (source)

A hash of the plugin's JS bundle file.

js_bundle_path = (source)


js_bundle_server_path = (source)

The default server path to the JS bundle.

The license of the plugin.

The name of the plugin.

The operators of the plugin.

package_json_path = (source)

The absolute path to the package.json file.


py_entry_path = (source)

The absolute path to the Python entry file.

A list of required secrets for the plugin.

server_path = (source)

The default server path to the plugin.

shadow_paths = (source)

A list of plugin directories that this plugin shadows.

The URL of the plugin.

The version of the plugin.

def _get_abs_path(self, filename): (source)


def _validate(self): (source)


_REQUIRED_METADATA_KEYS: list[str] = (source)


_directory = (source)


_metadata = (source)


_shadow_paths = (source)
