module documentation

FiftyOne dataset types.

Copyright 2017-2025, Voxel51, Inc.

Class ActivityNetDataset A video dataset composed of temporal activity detections from the ActivityNet dataset.
Class BDDDataset A labeled dataset consisting of images and their associated multitask predictions saved in Berkeley DeepDrive (BDD) format.
Class COCODetectionDataset A labeled dataset consisting of images and their associated object detections saved in COCO Object Detection Format.
Class CSVDataset A flexible CSV format that represents slice(s) of field values of a dataset as columns of a CSV file.
Class CVATImageDataset A labeled dataset consisting of images and their associated labels stored in CVAT image format.
Class CVATVideoDataset A labeled dataset consisting of images and their associated object detections stored in CVAT video format.
Class Dataset Base type for datasets.
Class DICOMDataset An image dataset whose image data and optional properties are stored in DICOM format.
Class FiftyOneDataset A disk representation of an entire fiftyone.core.dataset.Dataset stored on disk in a serialized JSON format along with its source media.
Class FiftyOneImageClassificationDataset A labeled dataset consisting of images and their associated classification labels stored in a simple JSON format.
Class FiftyOneImageDetectionDataset A labeled dataset consisting of images and their associated object detections stored in a simple JSON format.
Class FiftyOneImageLabelsDataset A labeled dataset consisting of images and their associated multitask predictions stored in ETA ImageLabels format.
Class FiftyOneTemporalDetectionDataset A labeled dataset consisting of videos and their associated temporal detections stored in a simple JSON format.
Class FiftyOneVideoLabelsDataset A labeled dataset consisting of videos and their associated labels stored in ETA VideoLabels format.
Class FIWDataset A labeled dataset consisting of images and their associated annotations saved in Families in the Wild format.
Class GeoJSONDataset An image or video dataset whose geolocation data and optional properties are stored in GeoJSON format.
Class GeoTIFFDataset An image dataset whose image and geolocation data are stored in GeoTIFF format.
Class GroupDataset Base type for datasets that contain grouped samples of any type(s).
Class ImageClassificationDataset Base type for datasets that represent a collection of images and a set of associated classification labels.
Class ImageClassificationDirectoryTree A directory tree whose subfolders define an image classification dataset.
Class ImageDetectionDataset Base type for datasets that represent a collection of images and a set of associated detections.
Class ImageDirectory A directory of images.
Class ImageLabelsDataset Base type for datasets that represent a collection of images and a set of associated multitask predictions.
Class ImageSegmentationDataset Base type for datasets that represent a collection of images and a set of associated semantic segmentations.
Class ImageSegmentationDirectory An labeled dataset consisting of images and their associated semantic segmentations stored as images on disk.
Class KITTIDetectionDataset A labeled dataset consisting of images and their associated object detections saved in KITTI format.
Class LabeledDataset Base type for datasets that represent a collection of data samples and their associated labels.
Class LabeledImageDataset Base type for datasets that represent a collection of images and their associated labels.
Class LabeledVideoDataset Base type for datasets that represent a collection of videos and their associated labels.
Class LegacyFiftyOneDataset Legacy disk representation of an entire fiftyone.core.dataset.Dataset stored on disk in a serialized JSON format along with its source media.
Class MediaDirectory A directory of media files.
Class OpenImagesV6Dataset A labeled dataset consisting of images and their associated annotations saved in Open Images format.
Class OpenImagesV7Dataset A labeled dataset consisting of images and their associated annotations saved in Open Images format.
Class OpenLABELImageDataset Undocumented
Class OpenLABELVideoDataset Undocumented
Class PlacesDataset A labeled dataset consisting of images and their associated lables from the Places dataset.
Class TFImageClassificationDataset A labeled dataset consisting of images and their associated classification labels stored as TFRecords.
Class TFObjectDetectionDataset A labeled dataset consisting of images and their associated object detections stored as TFRecords in TF Object Detection API format.
Class UnlabeledDataset Base type for datasets that represent an unlabeled collection of data samples.
Class UnlabeledImageDataset Base type for datasets that represent an unlabeled collection of images.
Class UnlabeledVideoDataset Base type for datasets that represent an unlabeled collection of videos.
Class VideoClassificationDataset Base type for datasets that represent a collection of videos and a set of associated classification labels.
Class VideoClassificationDirectoryTree A directory tree whose subfolders define a video classification dataset.
Class VideoDetectionDataset Base type for datasets that represent a collection of videos and a set of associated video detections.
Class VideoDirectory A directory of videos.
Class VideoLabelsDataset Base type for datasets that represent a collection of videos and a set of associated multitask predictions.
Class VOCDetectionDataset A labeled dataset consisting of images and their associated object detections saved in VOC format.
Class YOLOv4Dataset A labeled dataset consisting of images and their associated object detections saved in YOLOv4 format.
Class YOLOv5Dataset A labeled dataset consisting of images and their associated object detections saved in YOLOv5 format.