module documentation
FiftyOne dataset types.
Class |
A video dataset composed of temporal activity detections from the ActivityNet dataset. |
Class |
A labeled dataset consisting of images and their associated multitask predictions saved in Berkeley DeepDrive (BDD) format. |
Class |
A labeled dataset consisting of images and their associated object detections saved in COCO Object Detection Format. |
Class |
A flexible CSV format that represents slice(s) of field values of a dataset as columns of a CSV file. |
Class |
A labeled dataset consisting of images and their associated labels stored in CVAT image format. |
Class |
A labeled dataset consisting of images and their associated object detections stored in CVAT video format. |
Class |
Base type for datasets. |
Class |
An image dataset whose image data and optional properties are stored in DICOM format. |
Class |
A disk representation of an entire fiftyone.core.dataset.Dataset stored on disk in a serialized JSON format along with its source media. |
Class |
A labeled dataset consisting of images and their associated classification labels stored in a simple JSON format. |
Class |
A labeled dataset consisting of images and their associated object detections stored in a simple JSON format. |
Class |
A labeled dataset consisting of images and their associated multitask predictions stored in ETA ImageLabels format. |
Class |
A labeled dataset consisting of videos and their associated temporal detections stored in a simple JSON format. |
Class |
A labeled dataset consisting of videos and their associated labels stored in ETA VideoLabels format. |
Class |
A labeled dataset consisting of images and their associated annotations saved in Families in the Wild format. |
Class |
An image or video dataset whose geolocation data and optional properties are stored in GeoJSON format. |
Class |
An image dataset whose image and geolocation data are stored in GeoTIFF format. |
Class |
Base type for datasets that contain grouped samples of any type(s). |
Class |
Base type for datasets that represent a collection of images and a set of associated classification labels. |
Class |
A directory tree whose subfolders define an image classification dataset. |
Class |
Base type for datasets that represent a collection of images and a set of associated detections. |
Class |
A directory of images. |
Class |
Base type for datasets that represent a collection of images and a set of associated multitask predictions. |
Class |
Base type for datasets that represent a collection of images and a set of associated semantic segmentations. |
Class |
An labeled dataset consisting of images and their associated semantic segmentations stored as images on disk. |
Class |
A labeled dataset consisting of images and their associated object detections saved in KITTI format. |
Class |
Base type for datasets that represent a collection of data samples and their associated labels. |
Class |
Base type for datasets that represent a collection of images and their associated labels. |
Class |
Base type for datasets that represent a collection of videos and their associated labels. |
Class |
Legacy disk representation of an entire fiftyone.core.dataset.Dataset stored on disk in a serialized JSON format along with its source media. |
Class |
A directory of media files. |
Class |
A labeled dataset consisting of images and their associated annotations saved in Open Images format. |
Class |
A labeled dataset consisting of images and their associated annotations saved in Open Images format. |
Class |
Undocumented |
Class |
Undocumented |
Class |
A labeled dataset consisting of images and their associated lables from the Places dataset . |
Class |
A labeled dataset consisting of images and their associated classification labels stored as TFRecords. |
Class |
A labeled dataset consisting of images and their associated object detections stored as TFRecords in TF Object Detection API format. |
Class |
Base type for datasets that represent an unlabeled collection of data samples. |
Class |
Base type for datasets that represent an unlabeled collection of images. |
Class |
Base type for datasets that represent an unlabeled collection of videos. |
Class |
Base type for datasets that represent a collection of videos and a set of associated classification labels. |
Class |
A directory tree whose subfolders define a video classification dataset. |
Class |
Base type for datasets that represent a collection of videos and a set of associated video detections. |
Class |
A directory of videos. |
Class |
Base type for datasets that represent a collection of videos and a set of associated multitask predictions. |
Class |
A labeled dataset consisting of images and their associated object detections saved in VOC format. |
Class |
A labeled dataset consisting of images and their associated object detections saved in YOLOv4 format. |
Class |
A labeled dataset consisting of images and their associated object detections saved in YOLOv5 format. |