class documentation

Interface for exporting datasets of unlabeled video samples.

See :ref:`this page <writing-a-custom-dataset-exporter>` for information about implementing/using dataset exporters.

export_dirthe directory to write the export. This may be optional for some exporters
Method export_sample Exports the given sample to the dataset.
Property requires_video_metadata Whether this exporter requires fiftyone.core.metadata.VideoMetadata instances for each sample being exported.

Inherited from DatasetExporter:

Method __enter__ Undocumented
Method __exit__ Undocumented
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method close Performs any necessary actions after the last sample has been exported.
Method log_collection Logs any relevant information about the fiftyone.core.collections.SampleCollection whose samples will be exported.
Method setup Performs any necessary setup before exporting the first sample in the dataset.
def export_sample(self, video_path, metadata=None): (source)

Exports the given sample to the dataset.

video_paththe path to a video on disk
metadata:Nonea fiftyone.core.metadata.VideoMetadata instance for the sample. Only required when requires_video_metadata is True
requires_video_metadata = (source)

Whether this exporter requires fiftyone.core.metadata.VideoMetadata instances for each sample being exported.