module documentation

Dataset ingestors.

Copyright 2017-2025, Voxel51, Inc.

Class ImageIngestor Mixin for instances that ingest images into the provided dataset_dir during import.
Class LabeledImageDatasetIngestor Dataset importer that ingests labeled images into the provided dataset_dir during import.
Class LabeledVideoDatasetIngestor Dataset importer that ingests labeled videos into the provided dataset_dir during import.
Class UnlabeledImageDatasetIngestor Dataset importer that ingests unlabeled images into the provided dataset_dir during import.
Class UnlabeledVideoDatasetIngestor Dataset importer that ingests unlabeled videos into the provided dataset_dir during import.
Class VideoIngestor Mixin for instances that ingest videos into the provided dataset_dir during import.
Variable logger Undocumented
