class documentation

Base class for configuring evaluation methods.

**kwargsany leftover keyword arguments after subclasses have done their parsing

Inherited from EvaluationMethodConfig:

Property method The name of the method.
Property type The type of run.

Inherited from BaseRunConfig (via EvaluationMethodConfig):

Class Method from_dict Constructs a BaseRunConfig from a serialized JSON dict representation of it.
Static Method base_config_cls Returns the config class for the given run type.
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method attributes Returns the list of class attributes that will be serialized by serialize.
Method build Builds the BaseRun instance associated with this config.
Method load_credentials Loads any necessary credentials from the given keyword arguments or the relevant FiftyOne config.
Property cls The fully-qualified name of this BaseRunConfig class.
Property run_cls The BaseRun class associated with this config.
Class Method _virtual_attributes A list of attributes that are serialized but should not be treated as parameters when loading the config class from the database.

Inherited from Config (via EvaluationMethodConfig, BaseRunConfig):

Method __repr__ Undocumented