module documentation

Segmentation evaluation.

Copyright 2017-2025, Voxel51, Inc.

Class SegmentationEvaluation Base class for segmentation evaluation methods.
Class SegmentationEvaluationConfig Base class for configuring SegmentationEvaluation instances.
Class SegmentationResults Class that stores the results of a segmentation evaluation.
Class SimpleEvaluation Standard pixelwise segmentation evaluation.
Class SimpleEvaluationConfig Class for configuring SimpleEvaluation instances.
Function evaluate_segmentations Evaluates the specified semantic segmentation masks in the given collection with respect to the specified ground truth masks.
Variable logger Undocumented
Function _compute_accuracy_precision_recall Undocumented
Function _compute_dice_score Undocumented
Function _compute_pixel_confusion_matrix Undocumented
Function _extract_contour_band_values Undocumented
Function _get_mask_values Undocumented
Function _parse_config Undocumented
def evaluate_segmentations(samples, pred_field, gt_field='ground_truth', eval_key=None, mask_targets=None, method=None, custom_metrics=None, progress=None, **kwargs): (source)

Evaluates the specified semantic segmentation masks in the given collection with respect to the specified ground truth masks.

If the size of a predicted mask does not match the ground truth mask, it is resized to match the ground truth.

By default, this method simply performs pixelwise evaluation of the full masks, but other strategies such as boundary-only evaluation can be configured by passing additional parameters for the method's config class as kwargs.

The natively provided method values and their associated configs are:

If an eval_key is provided, the accuracy, precision, and recall of each sample is recorded in top-level fields of each sample:

 Accuracy: sample.<eval_key>_accuracy
Precision: sample.<eval_key>_precision
   Recall: sample.<eval_key>_recall

In addition, when evaluating frame-level masks, the accuracy, precision, and recall of each frame if recorded in the following frame-level fields:

 Accuracy: frame.<eval_key>_accuracy
Precision: frame.<eval_key>_precision
   Recall: frame.<eval_key>_recall


The mask values 0 and #000000 are treated as a background class for the purposes of computing evaluation metrics like precision and recall.

samplesa fiftyone.core.collections.SampleCollection
pred_fieldthe name of the field containing the predicted fiftyone.core.labels.Segmentation instances
gt_field:"ground_truth"the name of the field containing the ground truth fiftyone.core.labels.Segmentation instances
eval_key:Nonean evaluation key to use to refer to this evaluation
mask_targets:Nonea dict mapping pixel values or RGB hex strings to labels. If not provided, the observed values are used as labels
method:Nonea string specifying the evaluation method to use. The supported values are fo.evaluation_config.segmentation_backends.keys() and the default is fo.evaluation_config.default_segmentation_backend
custom_metrics:Nonean optional list of custom metrics to compute or dict mapping metric names to kwargs dicts
progress:Nonewhether to render a progress bar (True/False), use the default value fiftyone.config.show_progress_bars (None), or a progress callback function to invoke instead
**kwargsoptional keyword arguments for the constructor of the SegmentationEvaluationConfig being used
a SegmentationResults


def _compute_accuracy_precision_recall(confusion_matrix, values, average): (source)


def _compute_dice_score(confusion_matrix): (source)


def _compute_pixel_confusion_matrix(pred_mask, gt_mask, values, bandwidth=None): (source)


def _extract_contour_band_values(pred_mask, gt_mask, bandwidth): (source)


def _get_mask_values(samples, pred_field, gt_field, progress=None): (source)


def _parse_config(pred_field, gt_field, method, **kwargs): (source)
