class documentation

Class for configuring LabelStudioBackend instances.

namethe name of the backend
label_schemaa dictionary containing the description of label fields, classes and attribute to annotate
media_fieldstring field name containing the paths to media files on disk to upload
urlthe URL of the Label Studio server
api_keythe API key to use for authentication
project_namethe name of the project to use on the Label Studio server
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method api_key.setter Undocumented
Method load_credentials Loads any necessary credentials from the given keyword arguments or the relevant FiftyOne config.
Instance Variable project_name Undocumented
Instance Variable url Undocumented
Property api_key Undocumented
Instance Variable _api_key Undocumented

Inherited from AnnotationBackendConfig:

Method serialize Undocumented
Instance Variable label_schema Undocumented
Instance Variable name Undocumented
Property method The name of the annotation backend.
Method _load_parameters Undocumented
Method _sanitize_label_schema Undocumented

Inherited from AnnotationMethodConfig (via AnnotationBackendConfig):

Property type The type of run.

Inherited from BaseRunConfig (via AnnotationBackendConfig, AnnotationMethodConfig):

Class Method from_dict Constructs a BaseRunConfig from a serialized JSON dict representation of it.
Static Method base_config_cls Returns the config class for the given run type.
Method attributes Returns the list of class attributes that will be serialized by serialize.
Method build Builds the BaseRun instance associated with this config.
Property cls The fully-qualified name of this BaseRunConfig class.
Property run_cls The BaseRun class associated with this config.
Class Method _virtual_attributes A list of attributes that are serialized but should not be treated as parameters when loading the config class from the database.

Inherited from Config (via AnnotationBackendConfig, AnnotationMethodConfig, BaseRunConfig):

Method __repr__ Undocumented
def __init__(self, name, label_schema, media_field='filepath', url=None, api_key=None, project_name=None, **kwargs): (source)
def api_key(self, value): (source)


def load_credentials(self, url=None, api_key=None): (source)

Loads any necessary credentials from the given keyword arguments or the relevant FiftyOne config.

**kwargssubclass-specific credentials
project_name: None = (source)




_api_key = (source)
