class documentation

FiftyOne wrapper around YOLO-NAS from

configa TorchYoloNasModelConfig
Method predict Performs prediction on the given image.
Method predict_all Performs prediction on the given batch of images.
Method _convert_bboxes Undocumented
Method _generate_detections Undocumented
Method _load_model Undocumented

Inherited from TorchImageModel:

Method __enter__ Undocumented
Method __exit__ Undocumented
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method preprocess.setter Undocumented
Instance Variable config Undocumented
Property classes The list of class labels for the model, if known.
Property device The torch:torch.torch.device that the model is using.
Property has_logits Whether this instance can generate logits.
Property mask_targets The mask targets for the model, if any.
Property media_type The media type processed by the model.
Property num_classes The number of classes for the model, if known.
Property preprocess Whether to apply preprocessing transforms for inference, if any.
Property ragged_batches Whether transforms may return tensors of different sizes. If True, then passing ragged lists of images to predict_all may not be not allowed.
Property skeleton The keypoint skeleton for the model, if any.
Property transforms A torchvision.transforms function that will be applied to each input before prediction, if any.
Property using_gpu Whether the model is using GPU.
Property using_half_precision Whether the model is using half precision.
Method _build_output_processor Undocumented
Method _build_transforms Undocumented
Method _download_model Undocumented
Method _forward_pass Undocumented
Method _load_transforms Undocumented
Method _parse_classes Undocumented
Method _parse_mask_targets Undocumented
Method _parse_skeleton Undocumented
Method _predict_all Applies a forward pass to the given iterable of data and returns the raw model output with no processing applied.
Instance Variable _benchmark_orig Undocumented
Instance Variable _classes Undocumented
Instance Variable _device Undocumented
Instance Variable _mask_targets Undocumented
Instance Variable _model Undocumented
Instance Variable _no_grad Undocumented
Instance Variable _output_processor Undocumented
Instance Variable _preprocess Undocumented
Instance Variable _ragged_batches Undocumented
Instance Variable _skeleton Undocumented
Instance Variable _transforms Undocumented
Instance Variable _using_gpu Undocumented
Instance Variable _using_half_precision Undocumented

Inherited from TorchEmbeddingsMixin (via TorchImageModel):

Method embed Generates an embedding for the given data.
Method embed_all Generates embeddings for the given iterable of data.
Method get_embeddings Returns the embeddings generated by the last forward pass of the model.
Property has_embeddings Whether this instance has embeddings.
Instance Variable _as_feature_extractor Undocumented
Instance Variable _embeddings_layer Undocumented

Inherited from LogitsMixin (via TorchImageModel, TorchEmbeddingsMixin, EmbeddingsMixin, TorchModelMixin):

Method store_logits.setter Undocumented
Property store_logits Whether the model should store logits in its predictions.
Instance Variable _store_logits Undocumented

Inherited from Model (via TorchImageModel, TorchEmbeddingsMixin, EmbeddingsMixin, TorchModelMixin, LogitsMixin):

Property can_embed_prompts Whether this instance can generate prompt embeddings.
def predict(self, img): (source)

Performs prediction on the given image.


the image to process, which can be any of the following:

  • A PIL image
  • A uint8 numpy array (HWC)
  • A Torch tensor (CHW)
a fiftyone.core.labels.Label instance or dict of fiftyone.core.labels.Label instances containing the predictions
def predict_all(self, imgs): (source)

Performs prediction on the given batch of images.


the batch of images to process, which can be any of the following:

  • A list of PIL images
  • A list of uint8 numpy arrays (HWC)
  • A list of Torch tensors (CHW)
  • A uint8 numpy tensor (NHWC)
  • A Torch tensor (NCHW)
a list of fiftyone.core.labels.Label instances or a list of dicts of fiftyone.core.labels.Label instances containing the predictions
def _convert_bboxes(self, bboxes, w, h): (source)


def _generate_detections(self, p): (source)


def _load_model(self, config): (source)