class documentation

Output processor for single label classifiers.

classesthe list of class labels for the model
store_logitswhether to store logits in the model outputs
Method __call__ Parses the model output.
Method __init__ Undocumented
Instance Variable classes Undocumented
Instance Variable store_logits Undocumented
def __call__(self, output, _, confidence_thresh=None): (source)

Parses the model output.

outputeither a FloatTensor[N, M] containing the logits for N images and M classes, or a dict with a "logits" key containing the logits
_unused argument
confidence_thresh:Nonean optional confidence threshold to use to filter any applicable predictions
a list of fiftyone.core.labels.Classification instances
def __init__(self, classes=None, store_logits=False): (source)
store_logits: False = (source)
