class documentation

Class containing info about a dataset in the FiftyOne Dataset Zoo.

zoo_datasetthe ZooDataset instance for the dataset
dataset_typethe fiftyone.types.Dataset type of the dataset
num_samplesthe total number of samples in all downloaded splits of the dataset
downloaded_splitsa dict of ZooDatasetSplitInfo instances describing the downloaded splits of the dataset, if applicable
parametersa dict of parameters for the dataset
classesa list of class label strings
Class Method from_dict Loads a ZooDatasetInfo from a JSON dictionary.
Class Method from_json Loads a ZooDatasetInfo from a JSON file on disk.
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method add_split Adds the split to the dataset.
Method attributes Returns a list of class attributes to be serialized.
Method get_dataset_type Returns the fiftyone.types.Dataset type instance for the dataset.
Method get_zoo_dataset Returns the ZooDataset instance for the dataset.
Method is_split_downloaded Whether the given dataset split is downloaded.
Method remove_split Removes the split from the dataset.
Instance Variable classes Undocumented
Instance Variable downloaded_splits Undocumented
Instance Variable num_samples Undocumented
Instance Variable parameters Undocumented
Property dataset_type The fully-qualified class string of the fiftyone.types.Dataset type, if any.
Property name The name of the dataset.
Property supported_splits A tuple of supported splits for the dataset, or None if the dataset does not have splits.
Property url The dataset's URL, or None if it is not remotely-sourced.
Property zoo_dataset The fully-qualified class string for the ZooDataset of the dataset.
Class Method _from_dict Undocumented
Method _compute_num_samples Undocumented
Instance Variable _dataset_type Undocumented
Instance Variable _zoo_dataset Undocumented
def from_dict(cls, d): (source)

Loads a ZooDatasetInfo from a JSON dictionary.

da JSON dictionary
a ZooDatasetInfo
def from_json(cls, json_path, zoo_dataset=None, upgrade=False, warn_deprecated=False): (source)

Loads a ZooDatasetInfo from a JSON file on disk.

json_pathpath to JSON file
zoo_dataset:Nonean existing ZooDataset instance
upgrade:Falsewhether to upgrade the JSON file on disk if any migrations were necessary
warn_deprecated:Falsewhether to issue a warning if the dataset has a deprecated format
a ZooDatasetInfo
def __init__(self, zoo_dataset, dataset_type, num_samples, downloaded_splits=None, parameters=None, classes=None): (source)


def add_split(self, split_info): (source)

Adds the split to the dataset.

split_infoa ZooDatasetSplitInfo
def attributes(self): (source)

Returns a list of class attributes to be serialized.

a list of class attributes
def get_dataset_type(self): (source)

Returns the fiftyone.types.Dataset type instance for the dataset.

a fiftyone.types.Dataset instance
def get_zoo_dataset(self): (source)

Returns the ZooDataset instance for the dataset.

a ZooDataset instance
def is_split_downloaded(self, split): (source)

Whether the given dataset split is downloaded.

splitthe dataset split
def remove_split(self, split): (source)

Removes the split from the dataset.

splitthe name of the split


downloaded_splits: None = (source)


num_samples = (source)


parameters: None = (source)


dataset_type = (source)

The fully-qualified class string of the fiftyone.types.Dataset type, if any.

The name of the dataset.

supported_splits = (source)

A tuple of supported splits for the dataset, or None if the dataset does not have splits.

The dataset's URL, or None if it is not remotely-sourced.

zoo_dataset = (source)

The fully-qualified class string for the ZooDataset of the dataset.

def _from_dict(cls, d, zoo_dataset=None): (source)


def _compute_num_samples(self): (source)


_dataset_type = (source)


_zoo_dataset = (source)
