class documentation

Mixin class for Config classes of fiftyone.core.models.Model instances whose models are stored in the FiftyOne Model Zoo.

This class provides the following functionality:

  • The model to load can be specified either by:
    1. providing a model_name, which specifies the zoo model to load. The model will be downloaded, if necessary
    2. providing a model_path, which directly specifies the path to the model to load
  • fiftyone.core.models.ModelConfig definitions that use zoo models with default deployments will have default values for any unspecified parameters loaded and applied at runtime
model_namethe name of the zoo model to load. If this value is provided, model_path does not need to be
model_paththe path to an already downloaded zoo model on disk to load. If this value is provided, model_name does not need to be
Method download_model_if_necessary Undocumented
Instance Variable model_path Undocumented
Class Method _get_model Undocumented
def download_model_if_necessary(self): (source)


def _get_model(cls, model_name): (source)
