FiftyOne Model Zoo ¶¶
The FiftyOne Model Zoo provides a powerful interface for downloading models and applying them to your FiftyOne datasets.
It provides native access to hundreds of pre-trained models, and it also supports downloading arbitrary public or private models whose definitions are provided via GitHub repositories or URLs.
Zoo models may require additional packages such as PyTorch or TensorFlow (or specific versions of them) in order to be used. See this section for more information on viewing/installing package requirements for models.
If you try to load a zoo model without the proper packages installed, you will receive an error message that will explain what you need to install.
Depending on your compute environment, some package requirement failures may be erroneous. In such cases, you can suppress error messages.
Built-in models ¶¶
The Model Zoo provides built-in access to hundreds of pre-trained models that you can apply to your datasets with a few simple commands.
Did you know? You can also pass
custom models to methods like
and compute_embeddings()
Remotely-sourced models ¶¶
The Model Zoo also supports downloading and applying models whose definitions are provided via GitHub repositories or URLs.
Learn how to download remote models
Model interface ¶¶
All models in the Model Zoo are exposed via the Model
class, which defines a
common interface for loading models and generating predictions with
defined input and output data formats.
API reference ¶¶
The Model Zoo can be accessed via the Python library and the CLI. Consult the API reference below to see how to download, apply, and manage zoo models.
Basic recipe ¶¶
Methods for working with the Model Zoo are conveniently exposed via the Python
library and the CLI. The basic recipe is that you load a model from the zoo and
then apply it to a dataset (or a subset of the dataset specified by a
) using methods such as
Prediction ¶¶
The Model Zoo provides a number of convenient methods for generating predictions with zoo models for your datasets.
For example, the code sample below shows a self-contained example of loading a Faster R-CNN model from the model zoo and adding its predictions to the COCO-2017 dataset from the Dataset Zoo:
import fiftyone as fo
import fiftyone.zoo as foz
# List available zoo models
# Download and load a model
model = foz.load_zoo_model("faster-rcnn-resnet50-fpn-coco-torch")
# Load some samples from the COCO-2017 validation split
dataset = foz.load_zoo_dataset(
# Choose some samples to process. This can be the entire dataset, or a
# subset of the dataset. In this case, we'll choose some samples at
# random
samples = dataset.take(25)
# Generate predictions for each sample and store the results in the
# `faster_rcnn` field of the dataset, discarding all predictions with
# confidence below 0.5
samples.apply_model(model, label_field="faster_rcnn", confidence_thresh=0.5)
# Visualize predictions in the App
session = fo.launch_app(view=samples)
Embeddings ¶¶
Many models in the Model Zoo expose embeddings for their predictions:
import fiftyone.zoo as foz
# Load zoo model
model = foz.load_zoo_model("inception-v3-imagenet-torch")
# Check if model exposes embeddings
print(model.has_embeddings) # True
For models that expose embeddings, you can generate embeddings for all
samples in a dataset (or a subset of it specified by a DatasetView
) by
import fiftyone.zoo as foz
# Load zoo model
model = foz.load_zoo_model("inception-v3-imagenet-torch")
print(model.has_embeddings) # True
# Load zoo dataset
dataset = foz.load_zoo_dataset("imagenet-sample")
# Select some samples to process
samples = dataset.take(10)
# Option 1: Generate embeddings for each sample and return them in a
# `num_samples x dim` array
embeddings = samples.compute_embeddings(model)
# Option 2: Generate embeddings for each sample and store them in an
# `embeddings` field of the dataset
samples.compute_embeddings(model, embeddings_field="embeddings")
You can also use
to generate embeddings for image patches defined by another label field, e.g,.
the detections generated by a detection model.
Logits ¶¶
Many classifiers in the Model Zoo can optionally store logits for their predictions.
Storing logits for predictions enables you to run Brain methods such as label mistakes and sample hardness on your datasets!
You can check if a model exposes logits via
import fiftyone.zoo as foz
# Load zoo model
model = foz.load_zoo_mod[]("inception-v3-imagenet-torch")
# Check if model has logits
print(model.has_logits) # True
For models that expose logits, you can store logits for all predictions
generated by
by passing the optional store_logits=True
import fiftyone.zoo as foz
# Load zoo model
model = foz.load_zoo_model("inception-v3-imagenet-torch")
print(model.has_logits) # True
# Load zoo dataset
dataset = foz.load_zoo_dataset("imagenet-sample")
# Select some samples to process
samples = dataset.take(10)
# Generate predictions and populate their `logits` fields
samples.apply_model(model, store_logits=True)