module documentation

FiftyOne models.

Copyright 2017-2025, Voxel51, Inc.

Class EmbeddingsMixin Mixin for Model classes that can generate embeddings for their predictions.
Class LogitsMixin Mixin for Model classes that can generate logits for their predictions.
Class Model Abstract base class for models.
Class ModelConfig Base configuration class that encapsulates the name of a Model and an instance of its associated Config class.
Class ModelManager Class for downloading FiftyOne models from the web.
Class ModelManagerConfig Config settings for a ModelManager.
Class PromptMixin Mixin for Model classes that can generate prompt embeddings.
Class SamplesMixin Mixin for Model classes that need samples for prediction.
Class TorchModelMixin Mixin for Model classes that support feeding data for inference via a
Function apply_model Applies the model to the samples in the collection.
Function compute_embeddings Computes embeddings for the samples in the collection using the given model.
Function compute_patch_embeddings Computes embeddings for the image patches defined by patches_field of the samples in the collection using the given model.
Function load_model Loads the model specified by the given ModelConfig dict.
Variable foue Undocumented
Variable fouf Undocumented
Variable foui Undocumented
Variable foup Undocumented
Variable fous Undocumented
Variable fout Undocumented
Variable foutr Undocumented
Variable fouu Undocumented
Variable logger Undocumented
Variable tud Undocumented
Function _apply_image_model_batch Undocumented
Function _apply_image_model_data_loader Undocumented
Function _apply_image_model_single Undocumented
Function _apply_image_model_to_frames_batch Undocumented
Function _apply_image_model_to_frames_single Undocumented
Function _apply_video_model Undocumented
Function _compute_frame_embeddings_batch Undocumented
Function _compute_frame_embeddings_single Undocumented
Function _compute_image_embeddings_batch Undocumented
Function _compute_image_embeddings_data_loader Undocumented
Function _compute_image_embeddings_single Undocumented
Function _compute_video_embeddings Undocumented
Function _convert_model_if_necessary Undocumented
Function _do_export_array Undocumented
Function _embed_frame_patches Undocumented
Function _embed_patches Undocumented
Function _embed_patches_batch Undocumented
Function _embed_patches_data_loader Undocumented
Function _embed_patches_single Undocumented
Function _export_arrays Undocumented
Function _get_frame_counts Undocumented
Function _is_flash_model Undocumented
Function _is_super_gradients_models Undocumented
Function _is_transformers_model Undocumented
Function _is_ultralytics_model Undocumented
Function _iter_batches Undocumented
Function _make_data_loader Undocumented
Function _make_label_parser Undocumented
Function _make_patch_data_loader Undocumented
Function _merge_config Undocumented
Function _parse_batch_size Undocumented
Constant _ALLOWED_PATCH_TYPES Undocumented
def apply_model(samples, model, label_field='predictions', confidence_thresh=None, store_logits=False, batch_size=None, num_workers=None, skip_failures=True, output_dir=None, rel_dir=None, progress=None, **kwargs): (source)

Applies the model to the samples in the collection.

This method supports all of the following cases:

  • Applying an image model to an image collection
  • Applying an image model to the frames of a video collection
  • Applying a video model to a video collection
samplesa fiftyone.core.collections.SampleCollection
modela Model, Hugging Face Transformers model, Ultralytics model, SuperGradients model, or Lightning Flash model
label_field:"predictions"the name of the field in which to store the model predictions. When performing inference on video frames, the "frames." prefix is optional
confidence_thresh:Nonean optional confidence threshold to apply to any applicable labels generated by the model
store_logits:Falsewhether to store logits for the model predictions. This is only supported when the provided model has logits, model.has_logits == True
batch_size:Nonean optional batch size to use, if the model supports batching
num_workers:Nonethe number of workers to use when loading images. Only applicable for Torch-based models
skip_failures:Truewhether to gracefully continue without raising an error if predictions cannot be generated for a sample. Only applicable to Model instances
output_dir:Nonean optional output directory in which to write segmentation images. Only applicable if the model generates segmentations. If none is provided, the segmentations are stored in the database
rel_dir:Nonean optional relative directory to strip from each input filepath to generate a unique identifier that is joined with output_dir to generate an output path for each segmentation image. This argument allows for populating nested subdirectories in output_dir that match the shape of the input paths. The path is converted to an absolute path (if necessary) via
progress:Nonewhether to render a progress bar (True/False), use the default value fiftyone.config.show_progress_bars (None), or a progress callback function to invoke instead
**kwargsoptional model-specific keyword arguments passed through to the underlying inference implementation
def compute_embeddings(samples, model, embeddings_field=None, batch_size=None, num_workers=None, skip_failures=True, progress=None, **kwargs): (source)

Computes embeddings for the samples in the collection using the given model.

This method supports all the following cases:

  • Using an image model to compute embeddings for an image collection
  • Using an image model to compute frame embeddings for a video collection
  • Using a video model to compute embeddings for a video collection

The model must expose embeddings, i.e., Model.has_embeddings must return True.

If an embeddings_field is provided, the embeddings are saved to the samples; otherwise, the embeddings are returned in-memory.

samplesa fiftyone.core.collections.SampleCollection
modela Model, Hugging Face Transformers model, Ultralytics model, SuperGradients model, or Lightning Flash model
embeddings_field:Nonethe name of a field in which to store the embeddings. When computing video frame embeddings, the "frames." prefix is optional
batch_size:Nonean optional batch size to use, if the model supports batching
num_workers:Nonethe number of workers to use when loading images. Only applicable for Torch-based models
skip_failures:Truewhether to gracefully continue without raising an error if embeddings cannot be generated for a sample. Only applicable to Model instances
progress:Nonewhether to render a progress bar (True/False), use the default value fiftyone.config.show_progress_bars (None), or a progress callback function to invoke instead
**kwargsoptional model-specific keyword arguments passed through to the underlying inference implementation
one of the following
  • None, if an embeddings_field is provided
  • a num_samples x num_dim array of embeddings, when computing embeddings for image/video collections with image/video models, respectively, and no embeddings_field is provided. If skip_failures is True and any errors are detected, a list of length num_samples is returned instead containing all successfully computed embedding vectors along with None entries for samples for which embeddings could not be computed
  • a dictionary mapping sample IDs to num_frames x num_dim arrays of embeddings, when computing frame embeddings for video collections using an image model. If skip_failures is True and any errors are detected, the values of this dictionary will contain arrays of embeddings for all frames 1, 2, ... until the error occurred, or None if no embeddings were computed at all
def compute_patch_embeddings(samples, model, patches_field, embeddings_field=None, force_square=False, alpha=None, handle_missing='skip', batch_size=None, num_workers=None, skip_failures=True, progress=None): (source)

Computes embeddings for the image patches defined by patches_field of the samples in the collection using the given model.

This method supports all the following cases:

  • Using an image model to compute patch embeddings for an image collection
  • Using an image model to compute frame patch embeddings for a video collection

The model must expose embeddings, i.e., Model.has_embeddings must return True.

If an embeddings_field is provided, the embeddings are saved to the samples; otherwise, the embeddings are returned in-memory.

samplesa fiftyone.core.collections.SampleCollection
modela Model, Hugging Face Transformers model, Ultralytics model, SuperGradients model, or Lightning Flash model
patches_fieldthe name of the field defining the image patches in each sample to embed. Must be of type fiftyone.core.labels.Detection, fiftyone.core.labels.Detections, fiftyone.core.labels.Polyline, or fiftyone.core.labels.Polylines. When computing video frame embeddings, the "frames." prefix is optional
embeddings_field:Nonethe name of a label attribute in which to store the embeddings
force_square:Falsewhether to minimally manipulate the patch bounding boxes into squares prior to extraction
alpha:Nonean optional expansion/contraction to apply to the patches before extracting them, in [-1, inf). If provided, the length and width of the box are expanded (or contracted, when alpha < 0) by (100 * alpha)%. For example, set alpha = 0.1 to expand the boxes by 10%, and set alpha = -0.1 to contract the boxes by 10%

how to handle images with no patches. Supported values are:

  • "skip": skip the image and assign its embedding as None
  • "image": use the whole image as a single patch
  • "error": raise an error
batch_size:Nonean optional batch size to use, if the model supports batching
num_workers:Nonethe number of workers to use when loading images. Only applicable for Torch models
skip_failures:Truewhether to gracefully continue without raising an error if embeddings cannot be generated for a sample
progress:Nonewhether to render a progress bar (True/False), use the default value fiftyone.config.show_progress_bars (None), or a progress callback function to invoke instead
one of the following
  • None, if an embeddings_field is provided
  • a dict mapping sample IDs to num_patches x num_dim arrays of patch embeddings, when computing patch embeddings for image collections and no embeddings_field is provided. If skip_failures is True and any errors are detected, this dictionary will contain None values for any samples for which embeddings could not be computed
  • a dict of dicts mapping sample IDs to frame numbers to num_patches x num_dim arrays of patch embeddings, when computing patch embeddings for the frames of video collections and no embeddings_field is provided. If skip_failures is True and any errors are detected, this nested dict will contain missing or None values to indicate uncomputable embeddings
def load_model(model_config_dict, model_path=None, **kwargs): (source)

Loads the model specified by the given ModelConfig dict.

model_config_dicta ModelConfig dict
model_path:Nonean optional model path to inject into the model_path field of the model's Config instance, which must implement the eta.core.learning.HasPublishedModel interface. This is useful when working with a model whose weights are stored locally and do not need to be downloaded
**kwargsoptional keyword arguments to inject into the model's Config instance
a Model instance











def _apply_image_model_batch(samples, model, label_field, confidence_thresh, batch_size, skip_failures, filename_maker, progress): (source)


def _apply_image_model_data_loader(samples, model, label_field, confidence_thresh, batch_size, num_workers, skip_failures, filename_maker, progress): (source)


def _apply_image_model_single(samples, model, label_field, confidence_thresh, skip_failures, filename_maker, progress): (source)


def _apply_image_model_to_frames_batch(samples, model, label_field, confidence_thresh, batch_size, skip_failures, filename_maker, progress): (source)


def _apply_image_model_to_frames_single(samples, model, label_field, confidence_thresh, skip_failures, filename_maker, progress): (source)


def _apply_video_model(samples, model, label_field, confidence_thresh, skip_failures, filename_maker, progress): (source)


def _compute_frame_embeddings_batch(samples, model, embeddings_field, batch_size, skip_failures, progress): (source)


def _compute_frame_embeddings_single(samples, model, embeddings_field, skip_failures, progress): (source)


def _compute_image_embeddings_batch(samples, model, embeddings_field, batch_size, skip_failures, progress): (source)


def _compute_image_embeddings_data_loader(samples, model, embeddings_field, batch_size, num_workers, skip_failures, progress): (source)


def _compute_image_embeddings_single(samples, model, embeddings_field, skip_failures, progress): (source)


def _compute_video_embeddings(samples, model, embeddings_field, skip_failures, progress): (source)


def _convert_model_if_necessary(model): (source)


def _do_export_array(label, input_path, filename_maker): (source)


def _embed_frame_patches(samples, model, patches_field, embeddings_field, force_square, alpha, handle_missing, batch_size, skip_failures, progress): (source)


def _embed_patches(samples, model, patches_field, embeddings_field, force_square, alpha, handle_missing, batch_size, skip_failures, progress): (source)


def _embed_patches_batch(model, img, detections, force_square, alpha, batch_size): (source)


def _embed_patches_data_loader(samples, model, patches_field, embeddings_field, force_square, alpha, handle_missing, batch_size, num_workers, skip_failures, progress): (source)


def _embed_patches_single(model, img, detections, force_square, alpha): (source)


def _export_arrays(label, input_path, filename_maker): (source)


def _get_frame_counts(samples): (source)


def _is_flash_model(model): (source)


def _is_super_gradients_models(model): (source)


def _is_transformers_model(model): (source)


def _is_ultralytics_model(model): (source)


def _iter_batches(video_reader, batch_size): (source)


def _make_data_loader(samples, model, batch_size, num_workers, skip_failures): (source)


def _make_label_parser(samples, patches_field): (source)


def _make_patch_data_loader(samples, model, patches_field, force_square, alpha, handle_missing, num_workers, skip_failures): (source)


def _merge_config(d, kwargs): (source)


def _parse_batch_size(batch_size, model, use_data_loader): (source)
