module documentation

Definition of the fiftyone command-line interface (CLI).

Copyright 2017-2025, Voxel51, Inc.

Class AnnotationCommand Tools for working with the FiftyOne annotation API.
Class AnnotationConfigCommand Tools for working with your FiftyOne annotation config.
Class AppCommand Tools for working with the FiftyOne App.
Class AppConfigCommand Tools for working with your FiftyOne App config.
Class AppConnectCommand Connect to a remote FiftyOne App in your web browser.
Class AppLaunchCommand Launch the FiftyOne App.
Class AppViewCommand View datasets in the App without persisting them to the database.
Class BrainCommand Tools for working with the FiftyOne Brain.
Class BrainConfigCommand Tools for working with your FiftyOne Brain config.
Class Command Interface for defining commands.
Class ComputeMetadataCommand Populates the metadata field of all samples in the dataset.
Class ConfigCommand Tools for working with your FiftyOne config.
Class ConstantsCommand Print constants from fiftyone.constants.
Class ConvertCommand Convert datasets on disk between supported formats.
Class DatasetsCommand Tools for working with FiftyOne datasets.
Class DatasetsCreateCommand Tools for creating FiftyOne datasets.
Class DatasetsDeleteCommand Delete FiftyOne datasets.
Class DatasetsDrawCommand Renders annotated versions of samples in FiftyOne datasets to disk.
Class DatasetsExportCommand Export FiftyOne datasets to disk in supported formats.
Class DatasetsHeadCommand Prints the first few samples in a FiftyOne dataset.
Class DatasetsInfoCommand Print information about FiftyOne datasets.
Class DatasetsListCommand List FiftyOne datasets.
Class DatasetsRenameCommand Rename FiftyOne datasets.
Class DatasetsStatsCommand Print stats about FiftyOne datasets on disk.
Class DatasetsStreamCommand Stream samples in a FiftyOne dataset to the terminal.
Class DatasetsTailCommand Prints the last few samples in a FiftyOne dataset.
Class DatasetZooCommand Tools for working with the FiftyOne Dataset Zoo.
Class DatasetZooDeleteCommand Deletes the local copy of the zoo dataset on disk.
Class DatasetZooDownloadCommand Download zoo datasets.
Class DatasetZooFindCommand Locate a downloaded zoo dataset on disk.
Class DatasetZooInfoCommand Print information about datasets in the FiftyOne Dataset Zoo.
Class DatasetZooListCommand List datasets in the FiftyOne Dataset Zoo.
Class DatasetZooLoadCommand Load zoo datasets as persistent FiftyOne datasets.
Class DelegatedCleanupCommand Cleanup delegated operations.
Class DelegatedCommand Tools for working with FiftyOne delegated operations.
Class DelegatedDeleteCommand Delete delegated operations.
Class DelegatedFailCommand Manually mark delegated operations as failed.
Class DelegatedInfoCommand Prints information about a delegated operation.
Class DelegatedLaunchCommand Launches a service for running delegated operations.
Class DelegatedListCommand List delegated operations.
Class EvaluationCommand Tools for working with the FiftyOne evaluation API.
Class EvaluationConfigCommand Tools for working with your FiftyOne evaluation config.
Class FiftyOneCommand The FiftyOne command-line interface.
Class MigrateCommand Tools for migrating the FiftyOne database.
Class ModelZooApplyCommand Apply zoo models to datasets.
Class ModelZooCommand Tools for working with the FiftyOne Model Zoo.
Class ModelZooDeleteCommand Deletes the local copy of the zoo model on disk.
Class ModelZooDeleteSourceCommand Deletes the remote source and all downloaded models associated with it.
Class ModelZooDownloadCommand Download zoo models.
Class ModelZooEmbedCommand Generate embeddings for datasets with zoo models.
Class ModelZooFindCommand Locate the downloaded zoo model on disk.
Class ModelZooInfoCommand Print information about models in the FiftyOne Model Zoo.
Class ModelZooListCommand List models in the FiftyOne Model Zoo.
Class ModelZooListSourcesCommand Lists remote zoo model sources that are registered locally.
Class ModelZooRegisterSourceCommand Registers a remote source of zoo models.
Class ModelZooRequirementsCommand Handles package requirements for zoo models.
Class OperatorsCommand Tools for working with FiftyOne operators and panels.
Class OperatorsInfoCommand Prints info about operators and panels that are installed locally.
Class OperatorsListCommand List operators and panels that are installed locally.
Class PluginsCommand Tools for working with FiftyOne plugins.
Class PluginsCreateCommand Creates or initializes a plugin.
Class PluginsDeleteCommand Delete plugins from your local machine.
Class PluginsDisableCommand Disables the given plugin(s).
Class PluginsDownloadCommand Download plugins from the web.
Class PluginsEnableCommand Enables the given plugin(s).
Class PluginsInfoCommand Prints info about plugins that are installed locally.
Class PluginsListCommand List plugins that are installed locally.
Class PluginsRequirementsCommand Handles package requirements for plugins.
Class QuickstartCommand Launch a FiftyOne quickstart.
Class TransformImagesCommand Transforms the images in a dataset per the specified parameters.
Class TransformVideosCommand Transforms the videos in a dataset per the specified parameters.
Class UtilsCommand FiftyOne utilities.
Class ZooCommand Tools for working with the FiftyOne Zoo.
Function main Executes the fiftyone tool with the given command-line args.
Class _ParseKwargsAction Undocumented
Class _RecursiveHelpAction Undocumented
Class _StoreSizeTupleAction Undocumented
Function _cleanup_delegated Undocumented
Function _cleanup_orphan_delegated Undocumented
Function _format_cell Undocumented
Function _has_subparsers Undocumented
Function _iter_subparsers Undocumented
Function _launch_delegated_local Undocumented
Function _parse_kwargs_value Undocumented
Function _parse_paging Undocumented
Function _parse_reverse Undocumented
Function _parse_sort_by Undocumented
Function _parse_state Undocumented
Function _print_all_dataset_info Undocumented
Function _print_constants_table Undocumented
Function _print_dataset_info Undocumented
Function _print_delegated_list Undocumented
Function _print_dict_as_json Undocumented
Function _print_dict_as_table Undocumented
Function _print_migration_table Undocumented
Function _print_model_requirements Undocumented
Function _print_operator_info Undocumented
Function _print_operators_list Undocumented
Function _print_plugin_info Undocumented
Function _print_plugin_requirements Undocumented
Function _print_plugins_list Undocumented
Function _print_zoo_dataset_list Undocumented
Function _print_zoo_model_sources_list Undocumented
Function _print_zoo_models_list Undocumented
Function _register_command Undocumented
Function _register_main_command Undocumented
Function _render_constant_value Undocumented
Function _wait Undocumented
Function _watch_session Undocumented
Constant _TABLE_FORMAT Undocumented
def main(): (source)

Executes the fiftyone tool with the given command-line args.

def _cleanup_delegated(operator=None, dataset=None, state=None, dry_run=False): (source)


def _cleanup_orphan_delegated(dry_run=False): (source)


def _format_cell(cell): (source)


def _has_subparsers(parser): (source)


def _iter_subparsers(parser): (source)


def _launch_delegated_local(): (source)


def _parse_kwargs_value(value): (source)


def _parse_paging(sort_by=None, reverse=None, limit=None): (source)


def _parse_reverse(reverse): (source)


def _parse_sort_by(sort_by): (source)


def _parse_state(state): (source)


def _print_all_dataset_info(glob_patt, tags, sort_by, reverse): (source)


def _print_constants_table(d): (source)


def _print_dataset_info(name): (source)


def _print_delegated_list(ops): (source)


def _print_dict_as_json(d): (source)


def _print_dict_as_table(d, headers=None): (source)


def _print_migration_table(db_ver, dataset_vers): (source)


def _print_model_requirements(zoo_model): (source)


def _print_operator_info(operator_uri): (source)


def _print_operators_list(enabled, builtin, type, names_only): (source)


def _print_plugin_info(name_or_dir): (source)


def _print_plugin_requirements(name): (source)


def _print_plugins_list(enabled, builtin, names_only): (source)


def _print_zoo_dataset_list(downloaded_datasets, all_datasets, all_sources, default_source, downloaded_only=False, match_tags=None, match_source=None, names_only=False): (source)


def _print_zoo_model_sources_list(remote_sources): (source)


def _print_zoo_models_list(models, downloaded_models, downloaded_only=False, names_only=False): (source)


def _register_command(parent, name, command, recursive_help=True): (source)


def _register_main_command(command, version=None, recursive_help=True): (source)


def _render_constant_value(value): (source)


def _wait(): (source)


def _watch_session(session, wait): (source)




_TABLE_FORMAT: str = (source)

