Core utilities.
Class | add |
Context manager that temporarily inserts a path to sys.path. |
Class |
Class for iterating over the elements of an iterable with a dynamic batch size to achieve a desired target measurement. |
Class |
Base class for iterating over the elements of an iterable in batches. |
Class |
Class for iterating over the elements of an iterable with a dynamic batch size to achieve a desired content size. |
Class |
Class for iterating over the elements of an iterable with a dynamic batch size to achieve a desired latency. |
Class |
Proxy module that lazily imports the underlying module the first time it is actually used. |
Class |
Context manager that allows for a temporary change to the level of a logging.Logger. |
Class |
Context manager that temporarily monkey patches the given function. |
Class |
No summary |
Class |
Context manager that allows for a temporary change to a resource limit exposed by the resource package. |
Class |
Wrapper around a requests.Response that provides a file-like object interface with read(), seek(), and tell() methods. |
Class |
Context manager that temporarily sets the attributes of a class to new values. |
Class |
Class for iterating over the elements of an iterable with a static batch size. |
Class |
Context manager that temporarily disables system-wide logging. |
Class |
A class that generates unique output paths in a directory. |
Function | available |
Returns the available patterns that can be used by fill_patterns . |
Function | call |
Registers the given callback function so that it will be called when the process exits for (almost) any reason |
Function | compute |
Computes the hash of the given file. |
Function | datetime |
Converts a or datetime.datetime to milliseconds since epoch. |
Function | deserialize |
Loads a serialized numpy array generated by serialize_numpy_array . |
Function | disable |
Context manager that temporarily disables all progress bars. |
Function | ensure |
Verifies that the given requirement is installed and importable. |
Function | ensure |
Verifies that the given package is installed. |
Function | ensure |
Verifies that the package requirements from a requirements.txt file on disk are installed. |
Function | ensure |
Verifies that tensorflow is installed and importable. |
Function | ensure |
Verifies that tensorflow_datasets is installed and importable. |
Function | ensure |
Verifies that torch and torchvision are installed and importable. |
Function | extract |
Extracts keyword arguments for the given class's constructor from the given kwargs. |
Function | extract |
Extracts keyword arguments for the given function from the given kwargs. |
Function | fill |
Fills the patterns in in the given string. |
Function | find |
Finds all files in the given root directory whose filename matches the given glob pattern(s). |
Function | get |
Returns a Batcher over iterable using defaults from your FiftyOne config. |
Function | get |
Returns the preferred multiprocessing context for the current OS. |
Function | handle |
Handles the error at the specified error level. |
Function | indent |
Indents the lines in the given string. |
Function | install |
Installs the given package via pip. |
Function | install |
Installs the package requirements from a requirements.txt file on disk. |
Function | is |
Determines whether the system is 32-bit. |
Function | is |
Determines whether the system is an ARM-based Mac (Apple Silicon). |
Function | is |
Determines if we're currently running as a container. |
Function | iter |
Iterates over the given iterable in batches. |
Function | iter |
Iterates over batches of the given object via slicing. |
Function | justify |
Justifies the headings in a list of (heading, content) string tuples by appending whitespace as necessary to each heading. |
Function | lazy |
Returns a proxy module object that will lazily import the given module the first time it is used. |
Function | load |
Loads the package requirements from a requirements.txt file on disk. |
Function | load |
Loads the XML file as a JSON dictionary. |
Function | parse |
Parses the given batching strategy configuration, applying any default config settings as necessary. |
Function | parse |
Parses the given object as an instance of the given eta.core.serial.Serializable class. |
Function | pformat |
Returns a pretty string representation of the Python object. |
Function | pprint |
Pretty-prints the Python object. |
Function | recommend |
Computes a recommended batch size for the given value type such that a request involving a list of values of this size will be less than alpha * fo.config.batcher_target_size_bytes bytes. |
Function | recommend |
Recommends a number of workers for a process pool. |
Function | recommend |
Recommends a number of workers for a thread pool. |
Function | report |
Wraps the provided progress function such that it will only be called at the specified increments or time intervals. |
Async Function | run |
Run a synchronous function as an async background task. |
Function | safe |
A safe version of os.path.relpath that returns a configurable default value if the given path if it does not lie within the given relative start. |
Function | serialize |
Serializes a numpy array. |
Function | set |
Uses the resource package to change a resource limit for the current process. |
Function | split |
Splits the given fields into sample and frame fields. |
Function | stream |
Streams the iterable of objects to stdout via less. |
Function | timedelta |
Converts a datetime.timedelta to milliseconds. |
Function | timestamp |
Converts a timestamp (number of milliseconds since epoch) to a datetime.datetime . |
Function | to |
Returns the URL-friendly slug for the given string. |
Function | validate |
Validates that the given value is a valid css color name. |
Function | validate |
Validates that the given value is a hex color string or css name. |
Variable | fos |
Undocumented |
Variable | logger |
Undocumented |
Variable | sync |
Undocumented |
Function | _extract |
Undocumented |
Function | _get |
Undocumented |
Function | _is |
Undocumented |
Function | _is |
Undocumented |
Function | _report |
Undocumented |
Function | _report |
Undocumented |
Function | _sanitize |
Undocumented |
Function | _split |
Undocumented |
Function | _strip |
Undocumented |
Constant | _HYPHEN |
Undocumented |
Constant | _NAME |
Undocumented |
Constant | _REQUIREMENT |
Undocumented |
Constant | _SAFE |
Undocumented |
Returns the available patterns that can be used by
Returns | |
a dict mapping patterns to their replacements |
Registers the given callback function so that it will be called when the process exits for (almost) any reason
Note that this should only be used from non-interactive scripts because it intercepts ctrl + c.
Covers the following cases: - normal program termination - a Python exception is raised - a SIGTERM signal is received
Parameters | |
callback | the function to execute upon termination |
Computes the hash of the given file.
Parameters | |
filepath | the path to the file |
method:None | an optional hashlib method to use. If not specified, the builtin str.__hash__ will be used |
chunkNone | an optional chunk size to use to read the file, in bytes. Only applicable when a method is provided. The default is 64kB. If negative, the entire file is read at once |
Returns | |
the hash |
Converts a
or datetime.datetime
to milliseconds since
Parameters | |
dt | a or datetime.datetime |
Returns | |
the float number of milliseconds since epoch |
Loads a serialized numpy array generated by
Parameters | |
numpy | the serialized numpy array bytes |
ascii:False | whether the bytes were generated with the
ascii == True parameter of serialize_numpy_array |
Returns | |
the numpy array |
Context manager that temporarily disables all progress bars.
Example usage:
import fiftyone as fo import fiftyone.zoo as foz with fo.disable_progress_bars(): dataset = foz.load_zoo_dataset("quickstart")
Verifies that the given requirement is installed and importable.
This function imports the specified module and optionally enforces any version requirements included in requirement_str.
Therefore, unlike ensure_package
, requirement_str should refer
to the module name (e.g., "tensorflow"), not the package name (e.g.,
Parameters | |
requirement | a PEP 440-like module requirement, like "tensorflow", "tensorflow<2", "tensorflow==2.3.0", or "tensorflow>=1.13,<1.15". This can also be an iterable of multiple requirements, all of which must be installed, or this can be a single "|"-delimited string specifying multiple requirements, at least one of which must be installed |
errorNone | the error level to use, defined as:
By default, fiftyone.config.requirement_error_level is used |
errorNone | an optional custom error message to use |
logFalse | whether to generate a log message if the requirement is satisfied |
Returns | |
True/False whether the requirement is satisfied |
Verifies that the given package is installed.
This function uses importlib.metadata to locate the package by its pip name and does not actually import the module.
Therefore, unlike ensure_import
, requirement_str should refer
to the package name (e.g., "tensorflow-gpu"), not the module name
(e.g., "tensorflow").
Parameters | |
requirement | a PEP 440 compliant package requirement, like "tensorflow", "tensorflow<2", "tensorflow==2.3.0", or "tensorflow>=1.13,<1.15". This can also be an iterable of multiple requirements, all of which must be installed, or this can be a single "|"-delimited string specifying multiple requirements, at least one of which must be installed |
errorNone | the error level to use, defined as:
By default, fiftyone.config.requirement_error_level is used |
errorNone | an optional custom error message to use |
logFalse | whether to generate a log message if the requirement is satisfied |
Returns | |
True/False whether the requirement is satisfied |
Verifies that the package requirements from a requirements.txt file on disk are installed.
Parameters | |
requirements | the path to a requirements file |
errorNone | the error level to use, defined as:
By default, fiftyone.config.requirement_error_level is used |
logFalse | whether to generate a log message if a requirement is satisfied |
Verifies that tensorflow is installed and importable.
Parameters | |
eager:False | whether to require that TF is executing eagerly. If True and TF is not currently executing eagerly, this method will attempt to enable it |
errorNone | the error level to use, defined as:
By default, fiftyone.config.requirement_error_level is used |
errorNone | an optional custom error message to print |
Returns | |
True/False whether the requirement is satisfied |
Verifies that tensorflow_datasets is installed and importable.
Parameters | |
errorNone | the error level to use, defined as:
By default, fiftyone.config.requirement_error_level is used |
errorNone | an optional custom error message to print |
Returns | |
True/False whether the requirement is satisfied |
Verifies that torch and torchvision are installed and importable.
Parameters | |
errorNone | the error level to use, defined as:
By default, fiftyone.config.requirement_error_level is used |
errorNone | an optional custom error message to print |
Returns | |
True/False whether the requirement is satisfied |
Extracts keyword arguments for the given class's constructor from the given kwargs.
Parameters | |
cls | a class |
kwargs | a dictionary of keyword arguments |
Returns | |
a tuple of |
Extracts keyword arguments for the given function from the given kwargs.
Parameters | |
fcn | a function |
kwargs | a dictionary of keyword arguments |
Returns | |
a tuple of |
Fills the patterns in in the given string.
Use available_patterns
to see the available patterns that can be
Parameters | |
string | a string |
Returns | |
a copy of string with any patterns replaced |
Finds all files in the given root directory whose filename matches the given glob pattern(s).
Both root_dir and patt may contain glob patterns.
import fiftyone.core.utils as fou # Find .txt files in `/tmp` fou.find_files("/tmp", "*.txt") # Find .txt files in subdirectories of `/tmp` that begin with `foo-` fou.find_files("/tmp/foo-*", "*.txt") # Find .txt files in `/tmp` or its subdirectories fou.find_files("/tmp", "*.txt", max_depth=2)
Parameters | |
root | the root directory |
patt | a glob pattern or list of patterns |
max | a maximum depth to search. 1 means root_dir only, 2 means root_dir and its immediate subdirectories, etc |
Returns | |
a list of matching paths |
Returns a Batcher
over iterable using defaults from your
FiftyOne config.
Uses fiftyone.config.default_batcher to determine the implementation to use, and related configuration values as needed for each.
Parameters | |
iterable | an iterable to batch over. If None, the result of next() will be a batch size instead of a batch, and is an infinite iterator. |
progress:False | whether to render a progress bar tracking the consumption of the batches (True/False), use the default value fiftyone.config.show_progress_bars (None), or a progress callback function to invoke instead |
total:None | the length of iterable. Only applicable when progress=True. If not provided, it is computed via len(iterable), if possible |
Returns | |
a Batcher |
Handles the error at the specified error level.
Parameters | |
error | an Exception instance |
error | the error level to use, defined as: |
base | (optional) a base Exception from which to raise error |
- 0 | raise the error |
- 1 | log the error as a warning |
- 2 | ignore the error |
Indents the lines in the given string.
Parameters | |
s | the string |
indent:4 | the number of spaces to indent |
skip:0 | the number of lines to skip before indenting |
Returns | |
the indented string |
Installs the given package via pip.
Installation is performed via:
python -m pip install <requirement_str>
Parameters | |
requirement | a PEP 440 compliant package requirement, like "tensorflow", "tensorflow<2", "tensorflow==2.3.0", or "tensorflow>=1.13,<1.15" |
errorNone | the error level to use, defined as:
errorNone | an optional custom error message to use |
Installs the package requirements from a requirements.txt file on disk.
Parameters | |
requirements | the path to a requirements file |
errorNone | the error level to use, defined as:
By default, fiftyone.config.requirement_error_level is used |
Iterates over the given iterable in batches.
Parameters | |
iterable | an iterable |
batch | the desired batch size, or None to return the contents in a single batch |
Returns | |
a generator that emits tuples of elements of the requested batch size from the input |
Iterates over batches of the given object via slicing.
Parameters | |
sliceable | an object that supports slicing |
batch | the desired batch size, or None to return the contents in a single batch |
Returns | |
a generator that emits batches of elements of the requested batch size from the input |
Justifies the headings in a list of (heading, content) string tuples by appending whitespace as necessary to each heading.
Parameters | |
elements | a list of (heading, content) tuples |
width:None | an optional justification width. By default, the maximum heading length is used |
Returns | |
a list of justified (heading, content) tuples |
Returns a proxy module object that will lazily import the given module the first time it is used.
Example usage:
# Lazy version of `import tensorflow as tf` tf = lazy_import("tensorflow") # Other commands # Now the module is loaded tf.__version__
Parameters | |
module | the fully-qualified module name to import |
callback:None | a callback function to call before importing the module |
Returns | |
a proxy module object that will be lazily imported when first used |
Loads the package requirements from a requirements.txt file on disk.
Comments and extra whitespace are automatically stripped.
Parameters | |
requirements | the path to a requirements file |
Returns | |
a list of requirement strings |
Loads the XML file as a JSON dictionary.
Parameters | |
xml | the path to the XML file |
Returns | |
a JSON dict |
Parses the given batching strategy configuration, applying any default config settings as necessary.
Parameters | |
batchNone | the batch size to use. If a batching_strategy is provided, this parameter configures that strategy as described below. If no batching_strategy is provided, this can either be an integer specifying the number of samples to save in a batch (in which case batching_strategy is implicitly set to "static") or a float number of seconds between batched saves (in which case batching_strategy is implicitly set to "latency") |
batchingNone | the batching strategy to use for each save operation. Supported values are:
By default, fo.config.default_batcher is used |
Returns | |
a tuple of (batch_size, batching_strategy) |
Parses the given object as an instance of the given eta.core.serial.Serializable class.
Parameters | |
obj | an instance of cls, or a serialized string or dictionary representation of one |
cls | a eta.core.serial.Serializable class |
Returns | |
an instance of cls |
Returns a pretty string representation of the Python object.
Parameters | |
obj | the Python object |
indent:4 | the number of spaces to use when indenting |
width:80 | the max width of each line in the pretty representation |
depth:None | the maximum depth at which to pretty render nested dicts |
Returns | |
the pretty-formatted string |
Pretty-prints the Python object.
Parameters | |
obj | the Python object |
stream:None | the stream to write to. The default is sys.stdout |
indent:4 | the number of spaces to use when indenting |
width:80 | the max width of each line in the pretty representation |
depth:None | the maximum depth at which to pretty render nested dicts |
Computes a recommended batch size for the given value type such that a request involving a list of values of this size will be less than alpha * fo.config.batcher_target_size_bytes bytes.
Parameters | |
value | a value |
alpha:0.9 | a safety factor |
maxNone | an optional max batch size |
Returns | |
a recommended batch size |
Recommends a number of workers for a process pool.
If a fo.config.max_process_pool_workers is set, this limit is applied.
Parameters | |
numNone | a suggested number of workers |
Returns | |
a number of workers |
Recommends a number of workers for a thread pool.
If a fo.config.max_thread_pool_workers is set, this limit is applied.
Parameters | |
numNone | a suggested number of workers |
Returns | |
a number of workers |
Wraps the provided progress function such that it will only be called at the specified increments or time intervals.
Example usage:
import fiftyone as fo import fiftyone.zoo as foz def print_progress(pb): if pb.complete: print("COMPLETE") else: print("PROGRESS: %0.3f" % pb.progress) dataset = foz.load_zoo_dataset("cifar10", split="test") # Print progress at 10 equally-spaced increments progress = fo.report_progress(print_progress, n=10) dataset.compute_metadata(progress=progress) # Print progress every 0.5 seconds progress = fo.report_progress(print_progress, dt=0.5) dataset.compute_metadata(progress=progress, overwrite=True)
Parameters | |
progress | a function that accepts a ProgressBar as input |
n:None | a number of equally-spaced increments to invoke progress |
dt:None | a number of seconds between progress calls |
Returns | |
a function that accepts a ProgressBar as input |
Run a synchronous function as an async background task.
Parameters | |
func | a synchronous callable |
*args | function arguments |
Returns | |
the function's return value(s) |
A safe version of os.path.relpath that returns a configurable default value if the given path if it does not lie within the given relative start.
Parameters | |
path | a path |
start:None | the relative prefix to strip from path |
default:None | a default value to return if path does not lie within start. By default, the basename of the path is returned |
Returns | |
the relative path |
Serializes a numpy array.
Parameters | |
array | a numpy array-like |
ascii:False | whether to return a base64-encoded ASCII string instead of raw bytes |
Returns | |
the serialized bytes |
Uses the resource package to change a resource limit for the current process.
If the resource package cannot be imported, this command does nothing.
Parameters | |
limit | the name of the resource to limit. Must be the name of a constant in the resource module starting with RLIMIT. See the documentation of the resource module for supported values |
soft:None | a new soft limit to apply, which cannot exceed the hard limit. If omitted, the current soft limit is maintained |
hard:None | a new hard limit to apply. If omitted, the current hard limit is maintained |
warnFalse | whether to issue a warning rather than an error if the resource limit change is not successful |
Splits the given fields into sample and frame fields.
Frame fields are those prefixed by "frames.", and this prefix is removed from the returned frame fields.
Parameters | |
fields | a field, iterable of fields, or dict mapping field names to new field names |
Returns | |
a tuple of |
Streams the iterable of objects to stdout via less.
The output can be interactively traversed via scrolling and can be terminated via keyboard interrupt.
Parameters | |
objects | an iterable of objects that can be printed via str(obj) |
Converts a datetime.timedelta
to milliseconds.
Parameters | |
td | a datetime.timedelta |
Returns | |
the float number of milliseconds |
Converts a timestamp (number of milliseconds since epoch) to a
Parameters | |
ts | a number of milliseconds since epoch |
Returns | |
a datetime.datetime |
Returns the URL-friendly slug for the given string.
The following strategy is used to generate slugs:
- The characters A-Za-z0-9 are converted to lowercase
- Whitespace and +_.- are converted to -
- All other characters are omitted
- All consecutive - characters are reduced to a single -
- All leading and trailing - are stripped
- Both the input name and the resulting string must be [1, 100] characters in length
name | slug ---------------------------------+----------------------- coco_2017 | coco-2017 c+o+c+o 2-0-1-7 | c-o-c-o-2-0-1-7 cat.DOG | cat-dog ---name---- | name Brian's #$&@ (Awesome?) Dataset! | brians-awesome-dataset sPaM aNd EgGs | spam-and-eggs
Parameters | |
name | a string |
Returns | |
the slug string | |
Raises | |
ValueError | if the name is invalid |
Validates that the given value is a valid css color name.
Parameters | |
value | a value |
Raises | |
ValueError | if value is not a valid css color name. |
Validates that the given value is a hex color string or css name.
Parameters | |
value | a value |
Raises | |
ValueError | if value is not a hex color string |