module documentation

Video frames.

Copyright 2017-2025, Voxel51, Inc.

Class Frame A frame in a video fiftyone.core.sample.Sample.
Class Frames An ordered dictionary of Frame instances keyed by frame number representing the frames of a video fiftyone.core.sample.Sample.
Class FramesView An ordered dictionary of FrameView instances keyed by frame number representing the frames of a video fiftyone.core.sample.SampleView.
Class FrameView A view into a Frame in a video dataset.
Function get_default_frame_fields Returns the default fields present on all frames.
Variable fov Undocumented
def get_default_frame_fields(include_private=False, use_db_fields=False): (source)

Returns the default fields present on all frames.

include_private:Falsewhether to include fields starting with _
use_db_fields:Falsewhether to return database fields rather than user-facing fields, when applicable
a tuple of field names
