class documentation

A sample in a fiftyone.core.dataset.Dataset.

Samples store all information associated with a particular piece of data in a dataset, including basic metadata about the data, one or more sets of labels (ground truth, user-provided, or FiftyOne-generated), and additional features associated with subsets of the data and/or label sets.


Sample instances that are in datasets are singletons, i.e., dataset[sample_id] will always return the same Sample instance.

filepaththe path to the data on disk. The path is converted to an absolute path (if necessary) via
tagsa list of tags for the sample
metadataa fiftyone.core.metadata.Metadata instance
**kwargsadditional fields to dynamically set on the sample
Class Method from_dict Loads the sample from a JSON dictionary.
Class Method from_doc Creates a sample backed by the given document.
Class Method from_frame Creates a sample from the given frame.
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method reload Reloads the sample from the database.
Method save Saves the sample to the database.
Method _reload_backing_doc Reloads the backing doc from the database.
Method _save Undocumented
Instance Variable _doc Undocumented
Instance Variable _frames Undocumented

Inherited from _SampleMixin:

Method __getattr__ Undocumented
Method __getitem__ Undocumented
Method __iter__ Undocumented
Method __setattr__ Undocumented
Method __setitem__ Undocumented
Method add_labels Adds the given labels to the sample.
Method clear_field Undocumented
Method compute_metadata Populates the metadata field of the sample.
Method copy Returns a deep copy of the sample that has not been added to the database.
Method get_field Undocumented
Method merge Merges the fields of the given sample into this sample.
Method set_field Undocumented
Method to_dict Serializes the sample to a JSON dictionary.
Property dataset_id Undocumented
Property filename The basename of the media's filepath.
Property media_type The media type of the sample.
Method _parse_fields_video Undocumented
Method _secure_media Undocumented
Property _dataset_id Undocumented

Inherited from Document (via _SampleMixin):

Class Method from_json Loads the document from a JSON string.
Method _reset_backing_doc Resets the backing doc for the document.
Method _set_backing_doc Sets the backing doc for the document.
Constant _NO_DATASET_DOC_CLS Undocumented
Instance Variable _dataset Undocumented

Inherited from _Document (via _SampleMixin, Document):

Method __contains__ Undocumented
Method __copy__ Undocumented
Method __delattr__ Undocumented
Method __delitem__ Undocumented
Method __dir__ Undocumented
Method __eq__ Undocumented
Method __str__ Undocumented
Method has_field Determines whether the document has the given field.
Method iter_fields Returns an iterator over the (name, value) pairs of the public fields of the document.
Method to_json Serializes the document to a JSON string.
Method to_mongo_dict Serializes the document to a BSON dictionary equivalent to the representation that would be stored in the database.
Method update_fields Sets the dictionary of fields on the document.
Property dataset The dataset to which this document belongs, or None if it has not been added to a dataset.
Property field_names An ordered tuple of the public field names of this document.
Property in_dataset Whether the document has been added to a dataset.
Method _get_field_names Returns an ordered tuple of field names of this document.
Method _iter_label_fields Undocumented
Method _parse_fields Undocumented
Property _collection The fiftyone.core.collections.SampleCollection from which this document was taken, or None if it is not in a dataset.
Property _id The ObjectId of the document, or None if it has not been added to the database.
Property _in_db Whether the document has been inserted into the database.
def from_dict(cls, d): (source)

Loads the sample from a JSON dictionary.

The returned sample will not belong to a dataset.

a Sample
def from_doc(cls, doc, dataset=None): (source)

Creates a sample backed by the given document.

doca fiftyone.core.odm.sample.DatasetSampleDocument or fiftyone.core.odm.sample.NoDatasetSampleDocument
dataset:Nonethe fiftyone.core.dataset.Dataset that the sample belongs to
a Sample
def from_frame(cls, frame, filepath=None): (source)

Creates a sample from the given frame.

framea fiftyone.core.frame.Frame
filepath:Nonethe path to the corresponding image frame on disk, if not available
a Sample
def __init__(self, filepath, tags=None, metadata=None, **kwargs): (source)
def __repr__(self): (source)
def reload(self, hard=False): (source)

Reloads the sample from the database.

hard:Falsewhether to reload the sample's schema in addition to its field values. This is necessary if new fields may have been added to the dataset schema
def save(self): (source)

Saves the sample to the database.

def _reload_backing_doc(self): (source)

Reloads the backing doc from the database.

def _save(self, deferred=False): (source)
