class documentation

A frame in a video fiftyone.core.sample.Sample.

Frames store all information associated with a particular frame of a video, including one or more sets of labels (ground truth, user-provided, or FiftyOne-generated) as well as additional features associated with subsets of the data and/or label sets.


Frame instances that are attached to samples in datasets are singletons, i.e., sample.frames[frame_number] will always return the same Frame instance.

**kwargsframe fields and values
Method save Saves the frame to the database.
Property dataset_id Undocumented
Property sample_id Undocumented
Method _reload_backing_doc Reloads the backing doc from the database.
Instance Variable _doc Undocumented
Property _dataset_id Undocumented
Property _sample_id Undocumented

Inherited from Document:

Class Method from_dict Loads the document from a JSON dictionary.
Class Method from_doc Creates a document backed by the given database document.
Class Method from_json Loads the document from a JSON string.
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method copy Returns a deep copy of the document that has not been added to the database.
Method reload Reloads the document from the database.
Method _reset_backing_doc Resets the backing doc for the document.
Method _set_backing_doc Sets the backing doc for the document.
Constant _NO_DATASET_DOC_CLS Undocumented
Instance Variable _dataset Undocumented

Inherited from _Document (via Document):

Method __contains__ Undocumented
Method __copy__ Undocumented
Method __delattr__ Undocumented
Method __delitem__ Undocumented
Method __dir__ Undocumented
Method __eq__ Undocumented
Method __getattr__ Undocumented
Method __getitem__ Undocumented
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method __setattr__ Undocumented
Method __setitem__ Undocumented
Method __str__ Undocumented
Method clear_field Clears the value of a field of the document.
Method get_field Gets the value of a field of the document.
Method has_field Determines whether the document has the given field.
Method iter_fields Returns an iterator over the (name, value) pairs of the public fields of the document.
Method merge Merges the fields of the document into this document.
Method set_field Sets the value of a field of the document.
Method to_dict Serializes the document to a JSON dictionary.
Method to_json Serializes the document to a JSON string.
Method to_mongo_dict Serializes the document to a BSON dictionary equivalent to the representation that would be stored in the database.
Method update_fields Sets the dictionary of fields on the document.
Property dataset The dataset to which this document belongs, or None if it has not been added to a dataset.
Property field_names An ordered tuple of the public field names of this document.
Property in_dataset Whether the document has been added to a dataset.
Method _get_field_names Returns an ordered tuple of field names of this document.
Method _iter_label_fields Undocumented
Method _parse_fields Undocumented
Method _save Undocumented
Property _collection The fiftyone.core.collections.SampleCollection from which this document was taken, or None if it is not in a dataset.
Property _id The ObjectId of the document, or None if it has not been added to the database.
Property _in_db Whether the document has been inserted into the database.
def save(self): (source)

Saves the frame to the database.



def _reload_backing_doc(self): (source)

Reloads the backing doc from the database.

_dataset_id = (source)

