class documentation

class DelegatedListCommand(Command): (source)

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List delegated operations.


# List all delegated operations
fiftyone delegated list

# List some specific delegated operations
fiftyone delegated list \
    --dataset quickstart \
    --operator @voxel51/io/export_samples \
    --state COMPLETED \
    --sort-by COMPLETED_AT \
    --limit 10
Static Method execute Executes the command on the given args.
Static Method setup Setup the command-line arguments for the command.
def execute(parser, args): (source)

Executes the command on the given args.

parserthe argparse.ArgumentParser instance for the command
argsan argparse.Namespace instance containing the arguments for the command
def setup(parser): (source)

Setup the command-line arguments for the command.

parseran argparse.ArgumentParser instance