class documentation

An object detection.

labelthe label string

a list of relative bounding box coordinates in [0, 1] in the following format:

[<top-left-x>, <top-left-y>, <width>, <height>]
maskan instance segmentation mask for the detection within its bounding box, which should be a 2D binary or 0/1 integer numpy array
mask_paththe absolute path to the instance segmentation image on disk, which should be a single-channel PNG image where any non-zero values represent the instance's extent
confidencea confidence in [0, 1] for the detection
indexan index for the object
attributesa dict mapping attribute names to Attribute instances
Class Method from_mask Creates a Detection instance with its mask attribute populated from the given full image mask.
Method export_mask Exports this instance's mask to the given path.
Method get_mask Returns the detection mask for this instance.
Method import_mask Imports this instance's mask from disk to its mask attribute.
Method to_polyline Returns a Polyline representation of this instance.
Method to_segmentation Returns a Segmentation representation of this instance.
Method to_shapely Returns a Shapely representation of this instance.
Class Variable bounding_box Undocumented
Class Variable confidence Undocumented
Class Variable index Undocumented
Class Variable label Undocumented
Instance Variable mask Undocumented
Instance Variable mask_path Undocumented
Property has_mask Whether this instance has a mask.
Constant _MEDIA_FIELD Undocumented

Inherited from _HasAttributesDict:

Method delete_attribute Deletes the attribute with the given name.
Method get_attribute_value Gets the value of the attribute with the given name.
Method has_attribute Determines whether the label has an attribute with the given name.
Method iter_attributes Returns an iterator over the custom attributes of the label.
Method set_attribute_value Sets the value of the attribute with the given name.

Inherited from _HasID (via _HasAttributesDict):

Class Variable tags Undocumented
Instance Variable id Undocumented
Method _id.setter Undocumented
Property _id Undocumented
def from_mask(cls, mask, label=None, **attributes): (source)

Creates a Detection instance with its mask attribute populated from the given full image mask.

The instance mask for the object is extracted by computing the bounding rectangle of the non-zero values in the image mask.

maska boolean or 0/1 numpy array
label:Nonethe label string
**attributesadditional attributes for the Detection
a Detection
def export_mask(self, outpath, update=False): (source)

Exports this instance's mask to the given path.

outpaththe path to write the mask
update:Falsewhether to clear this instance's mask attribute and set its mask_path attribute when exporting in-database segmentations
def get_mask(self): (source)

Returns the detection mask for this instance.

a numpy array, or None
def import_mask(self, update=False): (source)

Imports this instance's mask from disk to its mask attribute.

update:Falsewhether to clear this instance's mask_path attribute after importing
def to_polyline(self, tolerance=2, filled=True): (source)

Returns a Polyline representation of this instance.

If the detection has a mask, the returned polyline will trace the boundary of the mask; otherwise, the polyline will trace the bounding box itself.

tolerance:2a tolerance, in pixels, when generating an approximate polyline for the instance mask. Typical values are 1-3 pixels
filled:Truewhether the polyline should be filled
a Polyline
def to_segmentation(self, mask=None, frame_size=None, target=255): (source)

Returns a Segmentation representation of this instance.

The detection must have an instance mask, i.e., its mask attribute must be populated.

You must provide either mask or frame_size to use this method.

mask:Nonean optional numpy array to use as an initial mask to which to add this object
frame_size:Nonethe (width, height) of the segmentation mask to render. This parameter has no effect if a mask is provided
target:255the pixel value or RGB hex string to use to render the object
a Segmentation
def to_shapely(self, frame_size=None): (source)

Returns a Shapely representation of this instance.

frame_size:Nonethe (width, height) of the image. If provided, the returned geometry will use absolute coordinates
a shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon
bounding_box: None = (source)


confidence: None = (source)





mask_path: None = (source)


Whether this instance has a mask.

_MEDIA_FIELD: str = (source)

