class documentation

class Classifications(_HasLabelList, Label): (source)

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A list of classifications for an image.

classificationsa list of Classification instances
logitslogits associated with the labels
Class Variable classifications Undocumented
Class Variable logits Undocumented
Constant _LABEL_LIST_FIELD Undocumented

Inherited from Label (via _HasLabelList):

Method delete_attribute Deletes the attribute with the given name.
Method get_attribute_value Gets the value of the attribute with the given name.
Method has_attribute Determines whether the label has an attribute with the given name.
Method iter_attributes Returns an iterator over the custom attributes of the label.
Method set_attribute_value Sets the value of the attribute with the given name.
classifications: None = (source)



_LABEL_LIST_FIELD: str = (source)

