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Model Interface

All models in the Model Zoo are exposed via the Model class, which defines a common interface for loading models and generating predictions with defined input and output data formats.


If you write a wrapper for your custom model that implements the Model interface, then you can pass your models to built-in methods like apply_model() and compute_embeddings() too!

FiftyOne provides classes that make it easy to deploy models in custom frameworks easy. For example, if you have a PyTorch model that processes images, you can likely use TorchImageModel to run it using FiftyOne.


Inside built-in methods like apply_model(), predictions of a Model instance are generated using the following pattern:

By convention, Model instances must implement the context manager interface, which handles any necessary setup and teardown required to use the model.

Predictions are generated via the Model.predict() interface method, which takes an image/video as input and returns the predictions.

In order to be compatible with built-in methods like apply_model(), models should support the following basic signature of running inference and storing the output labels:

labels = model.predict(arg)
sample.add_labels(labels, label_field=label_field)

where the model should, at minimum, support arg values that are:

  • Image models: uint8 numpy arrays (HWC)

  • Video models: instances

and the output labels can be any of the following:

  • A Label instance, in which case the labels are directly saved in the specified label_field of the sample
# Single sample-level label
sample[label_field] = labels
  • A dict mapping keys to Label instances. In this case, the labels are added as follows:
# Multiple sample-level labels
for key, value in labels.items():
    sample[label_key(key)] = value
  • A dict mapping frame numbers to Label instances. In this case, the provided labels are interpreted as frame-level labels that should be added as follows:
# Single set of per-frame labels
        frame_number: {label_field: label}
        for frame_number, label in labels.items()
  • A dict mapping frame numbers to dicts mapping keys to Label instances. In this case, the provided labels are interpreted as frame-level labels that should be added as follows:
# Multiple per-frame labels
        frame_number: {label_key(k): v for k, v in frame_dict.items()}
        for frame_number, frame_dict in labels.items()

In the above snippets, the label_key function maps label dict keys to field names, and is defined from label_field as follows:

if isinstance(label_field, dict):
    label_key = lambda k: label_field.get(k, k)
elif label_field is not None:
    label_key = lambda k: label_field + "_" + k
    label_key = lambda k: k

For models that support batching, the Model interface also provides a predict_all() method that can provide an efficient implementation of predicting on a batch of data.


Built-in methods like apply_model() provide a batch_size parameter that can be used to control the batch size used when performing inference with models that support efficient batching.


PyTorch models can implement the TorchModelMixin mixin, in which case DataLoaders are used to efficiently feed data to the models during inference.


Models that can compute embeddings for their input data can expose this capability by implementing the EmbeddingsMixin mixin.

Inside built-in methods like compute_embeddings(), embeddings for a collection of samples are generated using an analogous pattern to the prediction code shown above, except that the embeddings are generated using Model.embed() in place of Model.predict().

By convention, Model.embed() should return a numpy array containing the embedding.


Embeddings are typically 1D vectors, but this is not strictly required.

For models that support batching, the EmbeddingsMixin interface also provides a embed_all() method that can provide an efficient implementation of embedding a batch of data.


Models that generate logits for their predictions can expose them to FiftyOne by implementing the LogitsMixin mixin.

Inside built-in methods like apply_model(), if the user requests logits, the model’s store_logits property is set to indicate that the model should store logits in the Label instances that it produces during inference.

Custom models

FiftyOne provides a TorchImageModel class that you can use to load your own custom Torch model and pass it to built-in methods like apply_model() and compute_embeddings().

For example, the snippet below loads a pretrained model from torchvision and uses it both as a classifier and to generate image embeddings:

import os
import eta

import fiftyone as fo
import fiftyone.zoo as foz
import fiftyone.utils.torch as fout

dataset = foz.load_zoo_dataset("quickstart")

labels_path = os.path.join(
    eta.constants.RESOURCES_DIR, "imagenet-labels-no-background.txt"
config = fout.TorchImageModelConfig(
        "entrypoint_fcn": "torchvision.models.mobilenet.mobilenet_v2",
        "entrypoint_args": {"weights": "MobileNet_V2_Weights.DEFAULT"},
        "output_processor_cls": "fiftyone.utils.torch.ClassifierOutputProcessor",
        "labels_path": labels_path,
        "image_min_dim": 224,
        "image_max_dim": 2048,
        "image_mean": [0.485, 0.456, 0.406],
        "image_std": [0.229, 0.224, 0.225],
        "embeddings_layer": "<classifier.1",
model = fout.TorchImageModel(config)

dataset.apply_model(model, label_field="imagenet")
embeddings = dataset.compute_embeddings(model)

The necessary configuration is provided via the TorchImageModelConfig class, which exposes a number of built-in mechanisms for defining the model to load and any necessary preprocessing and post-processing.

Under the hood, the torch model is loaded via:

torch_model = entrypoint_fcn(**entrypoint_args)

which is assumed to return a torch.nn.Module whose __call__() method directly accepts Torch tensors (NCHW) as input.

The TorchImageModelConfig class provides a number of built-in mechanisms for specifying the required preprocessing for your model, such as resizing and normalization. In the above example, image_min_dim, image_max_dim, image_mean, and image_std are used.

The output_processor_cls parameter of TorchImageModelConfig must be set to the fully-qualified class name of an OutputProcessor subclass that defines how to translate the model’s raw output into the suitable FiftyOne Label types, and is instantiated as follows:

output_processor = output_processor_cls(classes=classes, **output_processor_args)

where your model’s classes can be specified via any of the classes, labels_string, or labels_path parameters of TorchImageModelConfig.

The following built-in output processors are available for use:

  • ClassifierOutputProcessor

  • DetectorOutputProcessor

  • InstanceSegmenterOutputProcessor

  • KeypointDetectorOutputProcessor

  • SemanticSegmenterOutputProcessor

or you can write your own OutputProcessor subclass.

Finally, if you would like to pass your custom model to methods like compute_embeddings(), set the embeddings_layer parameter to the name of a layer whose output to expose as embeddings (or prepend < to use the input tensor instead).


Did you know? You can also register your custom model under a name of your choice so that it can be loaded and used as follows:

model = foz.load_zoo_model("your-custom-model")
dataset.apply_model(model, label_field="predictions")