class documentation

Represents a Lambert mesh material.

This material only takes into account diffuse reflections, and ignores specular reflection. This is ideal for materials that reflect light evenly without a glossy or shiny appearance, such as unpolished surfaces.

colorthe color of the material
emissive_colorthe emissive color of the material. This is the color emitted by the material itself independent of the light
emissive_intensitythe intensity of the emissive color
reflectivitythe reflectivity of the material
refraction_ratiothe refraction ratio (IOR) of the material
wireframewhether to render the mesh as a wireframe
opacitythe opacity of the material, in the range [0, 1]
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method as_dict Undocumented
Method color.setter Undocumented
Method emissive_color.setter Undocumented
Method emissive_intensity.setter Undocumented
Method reflectivity.setter Undocumented
Method refraction_ratio.setter Undocumented
Property color Undocumented
Property emissive_color Undocumented
Property emissive_intensity Undocumented
Property reflectivity Undocumented
Property refraction_ratio Undocumented
Instance Variable _color Undocumented
Instance Variable _emissive_color Undocumented
Instance Variable _emissive_intensity Undocumented
Instance Variable _reflectivity Undocumented
Instance Variable _refraction_ratio Undocumented

Inherited from MeshMaterial:

Method wireframe.setter Undocumented
Instance Variable _wireframe Undocumented

Inherited from Material3D (via MeshMaterial):

Method opacity.setter Undocumented
Static Method _from_dict Undocumented
Instance Variable _opacity Undocumented

Inherited from BaseValidatedDataClass (via MeshMaterial, Material3D):

Method __eq__ Undocumented
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method __setattr__ Undocumented
def __init__(self, color: str = COLOR_DEFAULT_GRAY, emissive_color: str = COLOR_DEFAULT_BLACK, emissive_intensity: float = 0.0, reflectivity: float = 1.0, refraction_ratio: float = 0.98, wireframe: bool = False, opacity: float = 1.0): (source)
def color(self, value: str): (source)


def emissive_color(self, value: str): (source)


def emissive_intensity(self, value: float): (source)


def reflectivity(self, value: float): (source)


def refraction_ratio(self, value: float): (source)



_emissive_color = (source)


_emissive_intensity = (source)


_reflectivity = (source)


_refraction_ratio = (source)
