class documentation

Represents an abstract 3D mesh.

namethe name of the mesh
materialthe default material for the mesh. Defaults to fiftyone.core.threed.MeshStandardMaterial if not provided
visibledefault visibility of the mesh in the scene
positionthe position of the mesh in object space
quaternionthe quaternion of the mesh in object space
scalethe scale of the mesh in object space
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method set_default_material Sets the material of the mesh.
Instance Variable default_material Undocumented
Method _to_dict_extra Returns the extra data to include in the dict representation.

Inherited from Object3D:

Method __eq__ Undocumented
Method __iter__ Undocumented
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method __str__ Undocumented
Method add Add one or more objects as children of this one.
Method as_dict Converts the object to a dict.
Method clear Remove all children from this object.
Method local_transform_matrix.setter Undocumented
Method position.setter Undocumented
Method quaternion.setter Undocumented
Method rotation.setter Undocumented
Method scale.setter Undocumented
Method traverse Traverse the scene graph.
Instance Variable children Undocumented
Instance Variable name Undocumented
Property local_transform_matrix The local transform matrix of the object.
Property rotation The rotation of the object in object space.
Property uuid The unique ID of the object.
Static Method _from_dict Creates an Object3D (or its subclass) from a dict.
Method _get_asset_paths Get asset paths for this node
Method _update_matrix Undocumented
Class Variable _asset_path_fields Undocumented
Instance Variable _local_transform_matrix Undocumented
Instance Variable _position Undocumented
Instance Variable _quaternion Undocumented
Instance Variable _rotation Undocumented
Instance Variable _scale Undocumented
Instance Variable _uuid Undocumented