class documentation

MongoDB implementation of execution store repository.

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method _create_indexes Undocumented

Inherited from ExecutionStoreRepo:

Method cleanup Deletes all stores and keys associated with the current context.
Method count_keys Counts the keys in the specified store.
Method count_stores Counts the stores associated with the current context.
Method count_stores_global Counts stores across all datasets and the global context.
Method create_store Creates a store associated with the current context.
Method delete_key Deletes the document that matches the store name and key, if one exists.
Method delete_store Deletes the specified store.
Method delete_store_global Deletes the specified store across all datasets and the global context.
Method get_key Gets a key from the specified store.
Method get_store Gets a store associated with the current context.
Method has_key Determines whether a key exists in the specified store.
Method has_store Checks whether a store with the given name exists in the current context.
Method has_store_global Determines whether a store with the given name exists across all datasets and the global context.
Method list_keys Lists all keys in the specified store.
Method list_stores Lists the stores associated with the current context.
Method list_stores_global Lists stores across all datasets and the global context.
Method set_key Sets or updates a key in the specified store.
Method update_ttl Updates the TTL for a key.
Constant COLLECTION_NAME Undocumented
Instance Variable _collection Undocumented
Instance Variable _dataset_id Undocumented
def __init__(self, collection: Collection, dataset_id: ObjectId = None): (source)
def _create_indexes(self): (source)
