class documentation

Base interface for importers that load all of their samples in a single call to import_samples.

This interface allows for greater efficiency for import formats that handle aggregating over the samples themselves.

Typically, dataset importers should implement the parameters documented on this class, although this is not mandatory.

dataset_dirthe dataset directory. This may be optional for some importers
shufflewhether to randomly shuffle the order in which the samples are imported
seeda random seed to use when shuffling
max_samplesa maximum number of samples to import. By default, all samples are imported
Method __next__ Returns information about the next sample in the dataset.
Method import_samples Imports the samples into the given dataset.
Property has_dataset_info Whether this importer produces a dataset info dictionary.

Inherited from DatasetImporter:

Method __enter__ Undocumented
Method __exit__ Undocumented
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method __iter__ Undocumented
Method __len__ The total number of samples that will be imported.
Method close Performs any necessary actions after the last sample has been imported.
Method get_dataset_info Returns the dataset info for the dataset.
Method setup Performs any necessary setup before importing the first sample in the dataset.
Method _preprocess_list Internal utility that preprocesses the given list---which is presumed to be a list defining the samples that should be imported---by applying the values of the shuffle, seed, and max_samples parameters of the importer.
def __next__(self): (source)

Returns information about the next sample in the dataset.

subclass-specific information for the sample
StopIterationif there are no more samples to import
def import_samples(self, dataset, tags=None, progress=None): (source)

Imports the samples into the given dataset.

dataseta fiftyone.core.dataset.Dataset
tags:Nonean optional list of tags to attach to each sample
progress:Nonewhether to render a progress bar (True/False), use the default value fiftyone.config.show_progress_bars (None), or a progress callback function to invoke instead
a list of IDs of the samples that were added to the dataset
has_dataset_info = (source)

Whether this importer produces a dataset info dictionary.