class documentation

Mixin for DatasetImporter classes that provides convenience methods for parsing the data_path and labels_path parameters supported by many importers.

Static Method _load_data_map Helper function that parses either a data directory or a data manifest file into a UUID -> filepath map.
Static Method _parse_data_path Helper function that computes default values for the data_path parameter supported by many importers.
Static Method _parse_labels_path Helper function that computes default values for the labels_path parameter supported by many importers.
def _load_data_map(data_path, ignore_exts=False, recursive=False): (source)

Helper function that parses either a data directory or a data manifest file into a UUID -> filepath map.

def _parse_data_path(dataset_dir=None, data_path=None, default=None): (source)

Helper function that computes default values for the data_path parameter supported by many importers.

def _parse_labels_path(dataset_dir=None, labels_path=None, default=None): (source)

Helper function that computes default values for the labels_path parameter supported by many importers.