class documentation

Importer for a directory of GeoTIFF images with geolocation data.

See :ref:`this page <GeoTIFFDataset-import>` for format details.

dataset_dirthe dataset directory. If omitted, image_path must be provided

an optional parameter that enables explicit control over the location of the GeoTIFF images. Can be any of the following:

  • a list of paths to GeoTIFF images. In this case, dataset_dir has no effect
  • a glob pattern like "*.tif" specifying the location of the images in dataset_dir
  • an absolute glob pattern of GeoTIFF images. In this case, dataset_dir has no effect
recursivewhether to recursively traverse subdirectories. Not applicable when image_path is provided
compute_metadatawhether to produce fiftyone.core.metadata.ImageMetadata instances for each image when importing
shufflewhether to randomly shuffle the order in which the samples are imported
seeda random seed to use when shuffling
max_samplesa maximum number of samples to import. By default, all samples are imported
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method __iter__ Undocumented
Method __len__ The total number of samples that will be imported.
Method __next__ Returns information about the next sample in the dataset.
Method setup Performs any necessary setup before importing the first sample in the dataset.
Instance Variable compute_metadata Undocumented
Instance Variable image_path Undocumented
Instance Variable recursive Undocumented
Property has_dataset_info Whether this importer produces a dataset info dictionary.
Property has_image_metadata Whether this importer produces fiftyone.core.metadata.ImageMetadata instances for each image.
Property label_cls The fiftyone.core.labels.Label class(es) returned by this importer.
Instance Variable _filepaths Undocumented
Instance Variable _iter_filepaths Undocumented
Instance Variable _num_samples Undocumented

Inherited from DatasetImporter (via LabeledImageDatasetImporter):

Method __enter__ Undocumented
Method __exit__ Undocumented
Method close Performs any necessary actions after the last sample has been imported.
Method get_dataset_info Returns the dataset info for the dataset.
Method _preprocess_list Internal utility that preprocesses the given list---which is presumed to be a list defining the samples that should be imported---by applying the values of the shuffle, seed, and max_samples parameters of the importer.

Inherited from ImportPathsMixin (via LabeledImageDatasetImporter, DatasetImporter):

Static Method _load_data_map Helper function that parses either a data directory or a data manifest file into a UUID -> filepath map.
Static Method _parse_data_path Helper function that computes default values for the data_path parameter supported by many importers.
Static Method _parse_labels_path Helper function that computes default values for the labels_path parameter supported by many importers.
def __init__(self, dataset_dir=None, image_path=None, recursive=True, compute_metadata=False, shuffle=False, seed=None, max_samples=None): (source)
def __len__(self): (source)

The total number of samples that will be imported.

TypeErrorif the total number is not known
def __next__(self): (source)

Returns information about the next sample in the dataset.

an(image_path, image_metadata, label)
, where
StopIterationif there are no more samples to import
def setup(self): (source)

Performs any necessary setup before importing the first sample in the dataset.

This method is called when the importer's context manager interface is entered, DatasetImporter.__enter__.

compute_metadata: False = (source)


image_path: None = (source)


recursive: True = (source)


has_dataset_info = (source)

Whether this importer produces a dataset info dictionary.

The fiftyone.core.labels.Label class(es) returned by this importer.

This can be any of the following:

  • a fiftyone.core.labels.Label class. In this case, the importer is guaranteed to return labels of this type
  • a list or tuple of fiftyone.core.labels.Label classes. In this case, the importer can produce a single label field of any of these types
  • a dict mapping keys to fiftyone.core.labels.Label classes. In this case, the importer will return label dictionaries with keys and value-types specified by this dictionary. Not all keys need be present in the imported labels
  • None. In this case, the importer makes no guarantees about the labels that it may return
_filepaths = (source)


_iter_filepaths = (source)


_num_samples = (source)
