class documentation

Importer for YOLOv4 datasets stored on disk.

See :ref:`this page <YOLOv4Dataset-import>` for format details.

dataset_dirthe dataset directory. If omitted, data_path and/or labels_path must be provided

an optional parameter that enables explicit control over the location of the media. Can be any of the following:

  • a folder name like "data" or "data/" specifying a subfolder of dataset_dir where the media files reside
  • an absolute directory path where the media files reside. In this case, the dataset_dir has no effect on the location of the data

If None, this parameter will default to whichever of data/ or data.json exists in the dataset directory


an optional parameter that enables explicit control over the location of the labels. Can be any of the following:

  • a folder name like "labels" or "labels/" specifying the location of the labels in dataset_dir
  • an absolute filepath to the labels. In this case, dataset_dir has no effect on the location of the labels

If None, the labels are assumed to be in the same folder as the data


an optional parameter that enables explicit control over the location of the image listing file. Can be any of the following:

  • a filename like "images.txt" specifying the location of the image listing file labels in dataset_dir
  • an absolute filepath to the image listing file. In this case, dataset_dir has no effect on the location of the file

If None, the parameter will default to images.txt


an optional parameter that enables explicit control over the location of the object names file. Can be any of the following:

  • a filename like "obj.names" specifying the location of the object names file labels in dataset_dir
  • an absolute filepath to the object names file. In this case, dataset_dir has no effect on the location of the file

If None, the parameter will default to obj.names

classesthe list of possible class labels. This does not need to be provided if objects_path contains the class labels
label_typethe label format to load. The supported values are ("detections", "polylines")
include_all_datawhether to generate samples for all images in the data directory (True) rather than only creating samples for images with labels (False)
shufflewhether to randomly shuffle the order in which the samples are imported
seeda random seed to use when shuffling
max_samplesa maximum number of samples to import. By default, all samples are imported
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method __iter__ Undocumented
Method __len__ The total number of samples that will be imported.
Method __next__ Returns information about the next sample in the dataset.
Method get_dataset_info Returns the dataset info for the dataset.
Method setup Performs any necessary setup before importing the first sample in the dataset.
Instance Variable classes Undocumented
Instance Variable data_path Undocumented
Instance Variable images_path Undocumented
Instance Variable include_all_data Undocumented
Instance Variable label_type Undocumented
Instance Variable labels_path Undocumented
Instance Variable objects_path Undocumented
Property has_dataset_info Whether this importer produces a dataset info dictionary.
Property has_image_metadata Whether this importer produces fiftyone.core.metadata.ImageMetadata instances for each image.
Property label_cls The fiftyone.core.labels.Label class(es) returned by this importer.
Instance Variable _classes Undocumented
Instance Variable _filepaths Undocumented
Instance Variable _info Undocumented
Instance Variable _iter_filepaths Undocumented
Instance Variable _labels_paths_map Undocumented
Instance Variable _num_samples Undocumented

Inherited from DatasetImporter (via LabeledImageDatasetImporter):

Method __enter__ Undocumented
Method __exit__ Undocumented
Method close Performs any necessary actions after the last sample has been imported.
Method _preprocess_list Internal utility that preprocesses the given list---which is presumed to be a list defining the samples that should be imported---by applying the values of the shuffle, seed, and max_samples parameters of the importer.

Inherited from ImportPathsMixin (via LabeledImageDatasetImporter, DatasetImporter):

Static Method _load_data_map Helper function that parses either a data directory or a data manifest file into a UUID -> filepath map.
Static Method _parse_data_path Helper function that computes default values for the data_path parameter supported by many importers.
Static Method _parse_labels_path Helper function that computes default values for the labels_path parameter supported by many importers.
def __init__(self, dataset_dir=None, data_path=None, labels_path=None, images_path=None, objects_path=None, classes=None, label_type='detections', include_all_data=False, shuffle=False, seed=None, max_samples=None): (source)
def __len__(self): (source)

The total number of samples that will be imported.

TypeErrorif the total number is not known
def __next__(self): (source)

Returns information about the next sample in the dataset.

an(image_path, image_metadata, label)
, where
StopIterationif there are no more samples to import
def get_dataset_info(self): (source)

Returns the dataset info for the dataset.

By convention, this method should be called after all samples in the dataset have been imported.

a dict of dataset info
def setup(self): (source)

Performs any necessary setup before importing the first sample in the dataset.

This method is called when the importer's context manager interface is entered, DatasetImporter.__enter__.


data_path: None = (source)


images_path: None = (source)


include_all_data: False = (source)


label_type: "detections" = (source)


labels_path: None = (source)


objects_path: None = (source)


has_dataset_info = (source)

Whether this importer produces a dataset info dictionary.

The fiftyone.core.labels.Label class(es) returned by this importer.

This can be any of the following:

  • a fiftyone.core.labels.Label class. In this case, the importer is guaranteed to return labels of this type
  • a list or tuple of fiftyone.core.labels.Label classes. In this case, the importer can produce a single label field of any of these types
  • a dict mapping keys to fiftyone.core.labels.Label classes. In this case, the importer will return label dictionaries with keys and value-types specified by this dictionary. Not all keys need be present in the imported labels
  • None. In this case, the importer makes no guarantees about the labels that it may return
_classes = (source)


_filepaths = (source)



_iter_filepaths = (source)


_labels_paths_map = (source)


_num_samples = (source)
