class documentation

Parser for samples in FiftyOne image labels datasets.

See :ref:`this page <FiftyOneImageLabelsDataset-import>` for format details.

prefixa string prefix to prepend to each label name in the expanded label dictionary
labels_dicta dictionary mapping names of attributes/objects in the image labels to field names into which to expand them
multilabelwhether to store attributes in a single fiftyone.core.labels.Classifications instance
skip_non_categoricalwhether to skip non-categorical attributes (True) or cast them to strings (False)

Inherited from ImageLabelsSampleParser:

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method get_label Returns the label for the current sample.
Property label_cls The fiftyone.core.labels.Label class(es) returned by this parser.
Method _parse_label Undocumented

Inherited from LabeledImageTupleSampleParser (via ImageLabelsSampleParser):

Method clear_sample Clears the current sample.
Method get_image Returns the image from the current sample.
Method get_image_path Returns the image path for the current sample.
Property has_image_metadata Whether this parser produces fiftyone.core.metadata.ImageMetadata instances for samples that it parses.
Property has_image_path Whether this parser produces paths to images on disk for samples that it parses.
Method _get_image Undocumented
Method _parse_image Undocumented
Instance Variable _current_image_cache Undocumented
Property _current_image Undocumented

Inherited from LabeledImageSampleParser (via ImageLabelsSampleParser, LabeledImageTupleSampleParser):

Method get_image_metadata Returns the image metadata for the current sample.

Inherited from SampleParser (via ImageLabelsSampleParser, LabeledImageTupleSampleParser, LabeledImageSampleParser):

Method with_sample Sets the current sample so that subsequent calls to methods of this parser will return information from the given sample.
Property current_sample The current sample.
Instance Variable _current_sample Undocumented