module documentation

Grouped dataset utilities.

Copyright 2017-2025, Voxel51, Inc.

Function group_collections Merges the given collections into a grouped dataset using the specified field as a group key.
Function _add_slice Undocumented
def group_collections(coll_dict, group_key, group_field='group'): (source)

Merges the given collections into a grouped dataset using the specified field as a group key.

The returned dataset will contain all samples from the input collections with non-None values for the specified group_key, with all samples with a given group_key value in the same group.


import fiftyone as fo
import fiftyone.utils.groups as foug

dataset1 = fo.Dataset()
        fo.Sample(filepath="image-left1.jpg", group_id=1),
        fo.Sample(filepath="image-left2.jpg", group_id=2),
        fo.Sample(filepath="image-left3.jpg", group_id=3),

dataset2 = fo.Dataset()
        fo.Sample(filepath="image-right1.jpg", group_id=1),
        fo.Sample(filepath="image-right2.jpg", group_id=2),
        fo.Sample(filepath="image-right4.jpg", group_id=4),

dataset = foug.group_collections(
    {"left": dataset1, "right": dataset2}, "group_id"
coll_dicta dict mapping slice names to fiftyone.core.collections.SampleCollection instances
group_keythe field to use as a group membership key. The field may contain values of any hashable type (int, string, etc)
group_field:"group"a name to use for the group field of the returned dataset
a fiftyone.core.dataset.Dataset
def _add_slice(dataset, groups, sample_collection, group_field, group_key, group_slice): (source)
