module documentation

Utilities for working with datasets in OpenLABEL format.

Copyright 2017-2025, Voxel51, Inc.

Class AttributeParser Methods used to parse attributes from OpenLABEL annotations.
Class OpenLABELAnnotations Annotations parsed from OpenLABEL format able to be converted to FiftyOne labels.
Class OpenLABELBBox An OpenLABEL bounding box.
Class OpenLABELGroup A utility for parsing groups of OpenLABEL elements
Class OpenLABELImageDatasetImporter Importer for OpenLABEL image datasets stored on disk.
Class OpenLABELMetadata A parser and storage for OpenLABEL metadata.
Class OpenLABELObject An object parsed from OpenLABEL labels.
Class OpenLABELObjects A collection of OpenLABELObject and corresponding utility methods.
Class OpenLABELPoint An OpenLABEL keypoint.
Class OpenLABELPoly2D An OpenLABEL polyline.
Class OpenLABELShape A single OpenLABEL shape like a bounding box or polygon.
Class OpenLABELShapes A collection of OpenLABEL shapes.
Class OpenLABELStream An OpenLABEL stream corresponding to one uri or file_id.
Class OpenLABELStreamInfo Information about a stream used to gather specific objects for a media file.
Class OpenLABELStreamInfos A collection of multiple OpenLABELStreamInfo objects.
Class OpenLABELStreams A collection of OpenLABEL streams.
Class OpenLABELVideoDatasetImporter Importer for OpenLABEL video datasets stored on disk.
Class SegmentationType The FiftyOne label type used to store segmentations
Variable logger Undocumented
Function _extend_labels Undocumented
Function _merge_frame_labels Undocumented
Function _pairwise Undocumented
Function _parse_label_types Undocumented
Function _remove_empty_label_type Undocumented
Function _remove_empty_labels Undocumented
Function _remove_ext Undocumented
Function _validate_file_ids Undocumented
Constant _SUPPORTED_LABEL_TYPES Undocumented


def _extend_labels(sample_labels, value, name, labels_type, label_kwarg): (source)


def _merge_frame_labels(sample_labels, frame_labels, seg_type): (source)


def _pairwise(x): (source)


def _parse_label_types(label_types): (source)


def _remove_empty_label_type(sample_labels, key, label_type): (source)


def _remove_empty_labels(sample_labels, seg_type): (source)


def _remove_ext(p): (source)


def _validate_file_ids(potential_file_ids, sample_paths_map): (source)


_SUPPORTED_LABEL_TYPES: list[str] = (source)


['detections', 'segmentations', 'keypoints']