class documentation

A collection of OpenLABEL shapes.

Class Method from_object_data_list Construct an OpenLABELShapes from a list of shape dictionaries.
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method merge_shapes Merges another OpenLABELShapes into this one.
Method to_labels Convert this shape to a FiftyOne label.
Instance Variable attributes Undocumented
Instance Variable shapes Undocumented
Instance Variable stream Undocumented
Property streams A list of streams corresponding to any object in this collection.
Method _to_individual_labels Undocumented
Method _to_point_labels Undocumented
Property _homogenous_shape_types Undocumented

Inherited from AttributeParser:

Class Method _parse_attributes Undocumented
Class Method _parse_name_val_attributes Undocumented
Constant _IGNORE_KEYS Undocumented
Constant _STREAM_KEYS Undocumented
def from_object_data_list(cls, shape_type, l, attributes=None): (source)

Construct an OpenLABELShapes from a list of shape dictionaries.

shape_typethe type of the shape being loaded. Options are (OpenLABELBBox, OpenLABELPoly2D, OpenLABELPoint)
la list of shape dictionaries parsed from OpenLABEL object annotations
attributes:Nonea dictionary of attributes corresponding to all shapes in this collection
a OpenLABELShapes
def __init__(self, shapes=None, attributes=None, stream=None): (source)


def merge_shapes(self, shapes): (source)

Merges another OpenLABELShapes into this one.

shapesanother OpenLABELShapes to merge into this object
def to_labels(self, label, attributes, width, height, is_points=False, skeleton=None, skeleton_key=None): (source)

Convert this shape to a FiftyOne label.

labelthe class label for this shape
attributesa dictionary of attributes for this shape
widththe width of the frame in pixels
heightthe height of the frame in pixels
is_points:Falsewhether the labels being converted are keypoints
skeleton:Nonea fiftyone.core.odm.dataset.KeypointSkeleton used to sort list attributes based on the labels in the skeleton. Used only if is_points and skeleton_key is provided
skeleton_key:Nonethe string key into the attributes dictionary containing the label of each point, used to sort list attribute fields based on the labels in the skeleton. Used only if is_points and skeleton is provided
an fiftyone.core.labels.Keypoint
attributes = (source)




A list of streams corresponding to any object in this collection.

def _to_individual_labels(self, label, attributes, width, height): (source)


def _to_point_labels(self, label, attributes, width, height, skeleton=None, skeleton_key=None): (source)


_homogenous_shape_types = (source)
