class documentation

An OpenLABEL keypoint.

Method to_label Convert this shape to a FiftyOne label.
Class Method _get_empty_value_for_type Undocumented
Class Method _sort_by_skeleton Undocumented

Inherited from OpenLABELShape:

Class Method from_shape_dict Constructs a shape from a dictionary of information.
Method __init__ Undocumented
Instance Variable attributes Undocumented
Instance Variable coords Undocumented
Instance Variable stream Undocumented

Inherited from AttributeParser (via OpenLABELShape):

Class Method _parse_attributes Undocumented
Class Method _parse_name_val_attributes Undocumented
Constant _IGNORE_KEYS Undocumented
Constant _STREAM_KEYS Undocumented
def to_label(self, label, attributes, width, height, skeleton=None, skeleton_key=None): (source)

Convert this shape to a FiftyOne label.

labelthe class label for this shape
attributesa dictionary of attributes for this shape
widththe width of the frame in pixels
heightthe height of the frame in pixels
skeleton:Nonea fiftyone.core.odm.dataset.KeypointSkeleton used to sort list attributes based on the labels in the skeleton. Used only if skeleton_key is provided
skeleton_key:Nonethe string key into the attributes dictionary containing the label of each point, used to sort list attribute fields based on the labels in the skeleton. Used only if skeleton is provided
an fiftyone.core.labels.Keypoint
def _get_empty_value_for_type(cls, example_type): (source)


def _sort_by_skeleton(cls, points, attrs, label_order, skeleton_order): (source)
