class documentation

class OpenLABELStreamInfos(object): (source)

Constructor: OpenLABELStreamInfos(infos)

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A collection of multiple OpenLABELStreamInfo objects.

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method get_stream_attributes Aggregates attributes from all streams in this collection.
Instance Variable infos Undocumented
Property frame_numbers All frame numbers existing in the OpenLABELStreamInfo objects in this collection.
def __init__(self, infos=None): (source)


def get_stream_attributes(self, frame_number=None): (source)

Aggregates attributes from all streams in this collection.

frame_number:Nonea specific frame number for which to get stream attributes
a dictionary of attributes from all streams in this collection


frame_numbers = (source)

All frame numbers existing in the OpenLABELStreamInfo objects in this collection.