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Using FiftyOne Datasets

After a Dataset has been loaded or created, FiftyOne provides powerful functionality to inspect, search, and modify it from a Dataset-wide down to a Sample level.

The following sections provide details of how to use various aspects of a FiftyOne Dataset.


Instantiating a Dataset object creates a new dataset.

import fiftyone as fo

dataset1 = fo.Dataset("my_first_dataset")
dataset2 = fo.Dataset("my_second_dataset")
dataset3 = fo.Dataset()  # generates a default unique name

Check to see what datasets exist at any time via list_datasets():

# ['my_first_dataset', 'my_second_dataset', '2020.']

Load a dataset using load_dataset(). Dataset objects are singletons. Cool!

_dataset2 = fo.load_dataset("my_second_dataset")
_dataset2 is dataset2  # True

If you try to load a dataset via Dataset(...) or create a new dataset via load_dataset() you’re going to have a bad time:

_dataset2 = fo.Dataset("my_second_dataset")
# Dataset 'my_second_dataset' already exists; use `fiftyone.load_dataset()`
# to load an existing dataset

dataset4 = fo.load_dataset("my_fourth_dataset")
# DoesNotExistError: Dataset 'my_fourth_dataset' not found

Dataset media type

The media type of a dataset is determined by the media type of the Sample objects that it contains.

The media_type property of a dataset is set based on the first sample added to it:

import fiftyone as fo

dataset = fo.Dataset()

# None

sample = fo.Sample(filepath="/path/to/image.png")

# "image"

Note that datasets are homogeneous; they must contain samples of the same media type (except for grouped datasets):

sample = fo.Sample(filepath="/path/to/video.mp4")
# MediaTypeError: Sample media type 'video' does not match dataset media type 'image'

The following media types are available:

Media type Description
image Datasets that contain
video Datasets that contain
3d Datasets that contain
3D scenes
point-cloud Datasets that contain
point clouds
group Datasets that contain
grouped data slices

Dataset persistence

By default, datasets are non-persistent. Non-persistent datasets are deleted from the database each time the database is shut down. Note that FiftyOne does not store the raw data in datasets directly (only the labels), so your source files on disk are untouched.

To make a dataset persistent, set its persistent property to True:

# Make the dataset persistent
dataset1.persistent = True

Without closing your current Python shell, open a new shell and run:

import fiftyone as fo

# Verify that both persistent and non-persistent datasets still exist
# ['my_first_dataset', 'my_second_dataset', '2020.']

All three datasets are still available, since the database connection has not been terminated.

However, if you exit all processes with fiftyone imported, then open a new shell and run the command again:

import fiftyone as fo

# Verify that non-persistent datasets have been deleted
# ['my_first_dataset']

you’ll see that the my_second_dataset and 2020. datasets have been deleted because they were not persistent.

Dataset version

The version of the fiftyone package for which a dataset is formatted is stored in the version property of the dataset.

If you upgrade your fiftyone package and then load a dataset that was created with an older version of the package, it will be automatically migrated to the new package version (if necessary) the first time you load it.

Dataset tags

All Dataset instances have a tags property that you can use to store an arbitrary list of string tags.

import fiftyone as fo

dataset = fo.Dataset()

# Add some tags
dataset.tags = ["test", "projectA"]

# Edit the tags
dataset.tags.append("projectB")  # must save after edits


You must call after updating the dataset’s tags property in-place to save the changes to the database.

Dataset stats

You can use the stats() method on a dataset to obtain information about the size of the dataset on disk, including its metadata in the database and optionally the size of the physical media on disk:

import fiftyone as fo
import fiftyone.zoo as foz

dataset = foz.load_zoo_dataset("quickstart")

    'samples_count': 200,
    'samples_bytes': 1290762,
    'samples_size': '1.2MB',
    'media_bytes': 24412374,
    'media_size': '23.3MB',
    'total_bytes': 25703136,
    'total_size': '24.5MB',

You can also invoke stats() on a dataset view to retrieve stats for a specific subset of the dataset:

view = dataset[:10].select_fields("ground_truth")

    'samples_count': 10,
    'samples_bytes': 10141,
    'samples_size': '9.9KB',
    'media_bytes': 1726296,
    'media_size': '1.6MB',
    'total_bytes': 1736437,
    'total_size': '1.7MB',

Storing info

All Dataset instances have an info property, which contains a dictionary that you can use to store any JSON-serializable information you wish about your dataset.

Datasets can also store more specific types of ancillary information such as class lists and mask targets.

import fiftyone as fo

dataset = fo.Dataset()

# Store a class list in the dataset's info = {
    "dataset_source": "https://...",
    "author": "...",

# Edit existing info["owner"] = "..."  # must save after edits


You must call after updating the dataset’s info property in-place to save the changes to the database.

Dataset App config

All Dataset instances have an app_config property that contains a DatasetAppConfig that you can use to store dataset-specific settings that customize how the dataset is visualized in the FiftyOne App.

import fiftyone as fo
import fiftyone.zoo as foz

dataset = foz.load_zoo_dataset("quickstart")
session = fo.launch_app(dataset)

# View the dataset's current App config

Multiple media fields

You can declare multiple media fields on a dataset and configure which field is used by various components of the App by default:

import fiftyone.utils.image as foui

# Generate some thumbnail images
    size=(-1, 32),

# Configure when to use each field
dataset.app_config.media_fields = ["filepath", "thumbnail_path"]
dataset.app_config.grid_media_field = "thumbnail_path"  # must save after edits


You can set media_fallback=True if you want the App to fallback to the filepath field if an alternate media field is missing for a particular sample in the grid and/or modal:

# Fallback to `filepath` if an alternate media field is missing
dataset.app_config.media_fallback = True

Custom color scheme

You can store a custom color scheme on a dataset that should be used by default whenever the dataset is loaded in the App:

    "predictions", gt_field="ground_truth", eval_key="eval"

# Store a custom color scheme
dataset.app_config.color_scheme = fo.ColorScheme(
    color_pool=["#ff0000", "#00ff00", "#0000ff", "pink", "yellowgreen"],
            "path": "ground_truth",\
            "colorByAttribute": "eval",\
            "valueColors": [\
                {"value": "fn", "color": "#0000ff"},  # false negatives: blue\
                {"value": "tp", "color": "#00ff00"},  # true positives: green\
            "path": "predictions",\
            "colorByAttribute": "eval",\
            "valueColors": [\
                {"value": "fp", "color": "#ff0000"},  # false positives: red\
                {"value": "tp", "color": "#00ff00"},  # true positives: green\
)  # must save after edits

# Setting `color_scheme` to None forces the dataset's default color scheme
# to be loaded
session.color_scheme = None


Refer to the ColorScheme class for documentation of the available customization options.


Did you know? You can also configure color schemes directly in the App!

You can configure the organization and default expansion state of the sidebar’s field groups:

# Get the default sidebar groups for the dataset
sidebar_groups = fo.DatasetAppConfig.default_sidebar_groups(dataset)

# Collapse the `metadata` section by default
print(sidebar_groups[2].name)  # metadata
sidebar_groups[2].expanded = False

# Modify the dataset's App config
dataset.app_config.sidebar_groups = sidebar_groups  # must save after edits


Disable frame filtering

Filtering by frame-level fields of video datasets in the App’s grid view can be expensive when the dataset is large.

You can disable frame filtering for a video dataset as follows:

import fiftyone as fo
import fiftyone.zoo as foz

dataset = foz.load_zoo_dataset("quickstart-video")

dataset.app_config.disable_frame_filtering = True  # must save after edits

session = fo.launch_app(dataset)


Did you know? You can also globally disable frame filtering for all video datasets via your App config.

Resetting a dataset’s App config

You can conveniently reset any property of a dataset’s App config by setting it to None:

# Reset the dataset's color scheme
dataset.app_config.color_scheme = None  # must save after edits



or you can reset the entire App config by setting the app_config property to None:

# Reset App config
dataset.app_config = None

session = fo.launch_app(dataset)


Check out this section for more information about customizing the behavior of the App.

Storing class lists

All Dataset instances have classes and default_classes properties that you can use to store the lists of possible classes for your annotations/models.

The classes property is a dictionary mapping field names to class lists for a single Label field of the dataset.

If all Label fields in your dataset have the same semantics, you can store a single class list in the store a single target dictionary in the default_classes property of your dataset.

You can also pass your class lists to methods such as evaluate_classifications(), evaluate_detections(), and export() that require knowledge of the possible classes in a dataset or field(s).

import fiftyone as fo

dataset = fo.Dataset()

# Set default classes
dataset.default_classes = ["cat", "dog"]

# Edit the default classes
dataset.default_classes.append("other")  # must save after edits

# Set classes for the `ground_truth` and `predictions` fields
dataset.classes = {
    "ground_truth": ["cat", "dog"],
    "predictions": ["cat", "dog", "other"],

# Edit a field's classes
dataset.classes["ground_truth"].append("other")  # must save after edits


You must call after updating the dataset’s classes and default_classes properties in-place to save the changes to the database.

Storing mask targets

All Dataset instances have mask_targets and default_mask_targets properties that you can use to store label strings for the pixel values of Segmentation field masks.

The mask_targets property is a dictionary mapping field names to target dicts, each of which is a dictionary defining the mapping between pixel values (2D masks) or RGB hex strings (3D masks) and label strings for the Segmentation masks in the specified field of the dataset.

If all Segmentation fields in your dataset have the same semantics, you can store a single target dictionary in the default_mask_targets property of your dataset.

When you load datasets with Segmentation fields in the App that have corresponding mask targets, the label strings will appear in the App’s tooltip when you hover over pixels.

You can also pass your mask targets to methods such as evaluate_segmentations() and export() that require knowledge of the mask targets for a dataset or field(s).

If you are working with 2D segmentation masks, specify target keys as integers:

import fiftyone as fo

dataset = fo.Dataset()

# Set default mask targets
dataset.default_mask_targets = {1: "cat", 2: "dog"}

# Edit the default mask targets
dataset.default_mask_targets[255] = "other"  # must save after edits

# Set mask targets for the `ground_truth` and `predictions` fields
dataset.mask_targets = {
    "ground_truth": {1: "cat", 2: "dog"},
    "predictions": {1: "cat", 2: "dog", 255: "other"},

# Edit an existing mask target
dataset.mask_targets["ground_truth"][255] = "other"  # must save after edits

If you are working with RGB segmentation masks, specify target keys as RGB hex strings:

import fiftyone as fo

dataset = fo.Dataset()

# Set default mask targets
dataset.default_mask_targets = {"#499CEF": "cat", "#6D04FF": "dog"}

# Edit the default mask targets
dataset.default_mask_targets["#FF6D04"] = "person"  # must save after edits

# Set mask targets for the `ground_truth` and `predictions` fields
dataset.mask_targets = {
    "ground_truth": {"#499CEF": "cat", "#6D04FF": "dog"},
    "predictions": {
        "#499CEF": "cat", "#6D04FF": "dog", "#FF6D04": "person"

# Edit an existing mask target
dataset.mask_targets["ground_truth"]["#FF6D04"] = "person"  # must save after edits


You must call after updating the dataset’s mask_targets and default_mask_targets properties in-place to save the changes to the database.

Storing keypoint skeletons

All Dataset instances have skeletons and default_skeleton properties that you can use to store keypoint skeletons for Keypoint field(s) of a dataset.

The skeletons property is a dictionary mapping field names to KeypointSkeleton instances, each of which defines the keypoint label strings and edge connectivity for the Keypoint instances in the specified field of the dataset.

If all Keypoint fields in your dataset have the same semantics, you can store a single KeypointSkeleton in the default_skeleton property of your dataset.

When you load datasets with Keypoint fields in the App that have corresponding skeletons, the skeletons will automatically be rendered and label strings will appear in the App’s tooltip when you hover over the keypoints.

Keypoint skeletons can be associated with Keypoint or Keypoints fields whose points attributes all contain a fixed number of semantically ordered points.

The edges argument contains lists of integer indexes that define the connectivity of the points in the skeleton, and the optional labels argument defines the label strings for each node in the skeleton.

For example, the skeleton below is defined by edges between the following nodes:

left hand <-> left shoulder <-> right shoulder <-> right hand
left eye <-> right eye <-> mouth
import fiftyone as fo

dataset = fo.Dataset()

# Set keypoint skeleton for the `ground_truth` field
dataset.skeletons = {
    "ground_truth": fo.KeypointSkeleton(
            "left hand" "left shoulder", "right shoulder", "right hand",\
            "left eye", "right eye", "mouth",\
        edges=[[0, 1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]],

# Edit an existing skeleton
dataset.skeletons["ground_truth"].labels[-1] = "lips"  # must save after edits


When using keypoint skeletons, each Keypoint instance’s points list must always respect the indexing defined by the field’s KeypointSkeleton.

If a particular keypoint is occluded or missing for an object, use [float("nan"), float("nan")] in its points list.


You must call after updating the dataset’s skeletons and default_skeleton properties in-place to save the changes to the database.

Deleting a dataset

Delete a dataset explicitly via Dataset.delete(). Once a dataset is deleted, any existing reference in memory will be in a volatile state. and Dataset.deleted will still be valid attributes, but calling any other attribute or method will raise a DoesNotExistError.

dataset = fo.load_dataset("my_first_dataset")

# []

# my_first_dataset

# True

# DoesNotExistError: Dataset 'my_first_dataset' is deleted


An individual Sample is always initialized with a filepath to the corresponding data on disk.

# An image sample
sample = fo.Sample(filepath="/path/to/image.png")

# A video sample
another_sample = fo.Sample(filepath="/path/to/video.mp4")


Creating a new Sample does not load the source data into memory. Source data is read only as needed by the App.

Adding samples to a dataset

A Sample can easily be added to an existing Dataset:

dataset = fo.Dataset("example_dataset")

When a sample is added to a dataset, the relevant attributes of the Sample are automatically updated:

# True

# example_dataset

Every sample in a dataset is given a unique ID when it is added:

# 5ee0ebd72ceafe13e7741c42

Multiple samples can be efficiently added to a dataset in batches:

# 1


# 4

Accessing samples in a dataset

FiftyOne provides multiple ways to access a Sample in a Dataset.

You can iterate over the samples in a dataset:

for sample in dataset:

Use first() and last() to retrieve the first and last samples in a dataset, respectively:

first_sample = dataset.first()
last_sample = dataset.last()

Samples can be accessed directly from datasets by their IDs or their filepaths. Sample objects are singletons, so the same Sample instance is returned whenever accessing the sample from the Dataset:

same_sample = dataset[]
print(same_sample is sample)
# True

also_same_sample = dataset[sample.filepath]
print(also_same_sample is sample)
# True

You can use dataset views to perform more sophisticated operations on samples like searching, filtering, sorting, and slicing.


Accessing a sample by its integer index in a Dataset is not allowed. The best practice is to lookup individual samples by ID or filepath, or use array slicing to extract a range of samples, and iterate over samples in a view.

# KeyError: Accessing dataset samples by numeric index is not supported.
# Use sample IDs, filepaths, slices, boolean arrays, or a boolean ViewExpression instead

Deleting samples from a dataset

Samples can be removed from a Dataset through their ID, either one at a time or in batches via delete_samples():


# equivalent to above
del dataset[sample_id]

dataset.delete_samples([sample_id1, sample_id2])

Samples can also be removed from a Dataset by passing Sample instance(s) or DatasetView instances:

# Remove a random sample
sample = dataset.take(1).first()

# Remove 10 random samples
view = dataset.take(10)

If a Sample object in memory is deleted from a dataset, it will revert to a Sample that has not been added to a Dataset:

# False

# None

# None


A Field is an attribute of a Sample that stores information about the sample.

Fields can be dynamically created, modified, and deleted from samples on a per-sample basis. When a new Field is assigned to a Sample in a Dataset, it is automatically added to the dataset’s schema and thus accessible on all other samples in the dataset.

If a field exists on a dataset but has not been set on a particular sample, its value will be None.

Default sample fields

By default, all Sample instances have the following fields:

Field Type Default Description
id string None The ID of the sample in its parent dataset, which
is generated automatically when the sample is
added to a dataset, or None if the sample does
not belong to a dataset
filepath string REQUIRED The path to the source data on disk. Must be
provided at sample creation time
media_type string N/A The media type of the sample. Computed
automatically from the provided filepath
tags list [] A list of string tags for the sample
metadata Metadata None Type-specific metadata about the source data
created_at datetime None The datetime that the sample was added to its
parent dataset, which is generated automatically,
or None if the sample does not belong to a
last_modified_at datetime None The datetime that the sample was last modified,
which is updated automatically, or None if the
sample does not belong to a dataset


The created_at and last_modified_at fields are read-only and are automatically populated/updated when you add samples to datasets and modify them, respectively.

import fiftyone as fo

sample = fo.Sample(filepath="/path/to/image.png")

<Sample: {
    'id': None,
    'media_type': 'image',
    'filepath': '/path/to/image.png',
    'tags': [],
    'metadata': None,
    'created_at': None,
    'last_modified_at': None,

Accessing fields of a sample

The names of available fields can be checked on any individual Sample:

# ('id', 'filepath', 'tags', 'metadata', 'created_at', 'last_modified_at')

The value of a Field for a given Sample can be accessed either by either attribute or item access:

sample["filepath"]  # equivalent

Field schemas

You can use get_field_schema() to retrieve detailed information about the schema of the samples in a dataset:

dataset = fo.Dataset("a_dataset")

    ('id', <fiftyone.core.fields.ObjectIdField at 0x7fbaa862b358>),\
    ('filepath', <fiftyone.core.fields.StringField at 0x11c77ae10>),\
    ('tags', <fiftyone.core.fields.ListField at 0x11c790828>),\
    ('metadata', <fiftyone.core.fields.EmbeddedDocumentField at 0x11c7907b8>),\
    ('created_at', <fiftyone.core.fields.DateTimeField at 0x7fea48361af0>),\
    ('last_modified_at', <fiftyone.core.fields.DateTimeField at 0x7fea48361b20>)]),

You can also view helpful information about a dataset, including its schema, by printing it:

Name:           a_dataset
Media type:     image
Num samples:    1
Persistent:     False
Tags:           []
Sample fields:
    id:               fiftyone.core.fields.ObjectIdField
    filepath:         fiftyone.core.fields.StringField
    tags:             fiftyone.core.fields.ListField(fiftyone.core.fields.StringField)
    metadata:         fiftyone.core.fields.EmbeddedDocumentField(fiftyone.core.metadata.ImageMetadata)
    created_at:       fiftyone.core.fields.DateTimeField
    last_modified_at: fiftyone.core.fields.DateTimeField


Did you know? You can store metadata such as descriptions on your dataset’s fields!

Adding fields to a sample

New fields can be added to a Sample using item assignment:

sample["integer_field"] = 51

If the Sample belongs to a Dataset, the dataset’s schema will automatically be updated to reflect the new field:

Name:           a_dataset
Media type:     image
Num samples:    1
Persistent:     False
Tags:           []
Sample fields:
    id:               fiftyone.core.fields.ObjectIdField
    filepath:         fiftyone.core.fields.StringField
    tags:             fiftyone.core.fields.ListField(fiftyone.core.fields.StringField)
    metadata:         fiftyone.core.fields.EmbeddedDocumentField(fiftyone.core.metadata.ImageMetadata)
    created_at:       fiftyone.core.fields.DateTimeField
    last_modified_at: fiftyone.core.fields.DateTimeField
    integer_field:    fiftyone.core.fields.IntField

A Field can be any primitive type, such as bool, int, float, str, date, datetime, list, dict, or more complex data structures like label types:

sample["animal"] = fo.Classification(label="alligator")

Whenever a new field is added to a sample in a dataset, the field is available on every other sample in the dataset with the value None.

Fields must have the same type (or None) across all samples in the dataset. Setting a field to an inappropriate type raises an error:

sample2.integer_field = "a string"
# ValidationError: a string could not be converted to int


You must call in order to persist changes to the database when editing samples that are in datasets.

Adding fields to a dataset

You can also use add_sample_field() to declare new sample fields directly on datasets without explicitly populating any values on its samples:

import fiftyone as fo

sample = fo.Sample(

dataset = fo.Dataset()

# Declare new primitive fields
dataset.add_sample_field("scene_id", fo.StringField)
dataset.add_sample_field("quality", fo.FloatField)

# Declare untyped list fields
dataset.add_sample_field("more_tags", fo.ListField)
dataset.add_sample_field("info", fo.ListField)

# Declare a typed list field
dataset.add_sample_field("also_tags", fo.ListField, subfield=fo.StringField)

# Declare a new Label field

    'id': <fiftyone.core.fields.ObjectIdField object at 0x7f9280803910>,
    'filepath': <fiftyone.core.fields.StringField object at 0x7f92d273e0d0>,
    'tags': <fiftyone.core.fields.ListField object at 0x7f92d2654f70>,
    'metadata': <fiftyone.core.fields.EmbeddedDocumentField object at 0x7f9280803d90>,
    'created_at': <fiftyone.core.fields.DateTimeField object at 0x7fea48361af0>,
    'last_modified_at': <fiftyone.core.fields.DateTimeField object at 0x7fea48361b20>,
    'ground_truth': <fiftyone.core.fields.EmbeddedDocumentField object at 0x7f92d2605190>,
    'scene_id': <fiftyone.core.fields.StringField object at 0x7f9280803490>,
    'quality': <fiftyone.core.fields.FloatField object at 0x7f92d2605bb0>,
    'more_tags': <fiftyone.core.fields.ListField object at 0x7f92d08e4550>,
    'info': <fiftyone.core.fields.ListField object at 0x7f92d264f9a0>,
    'also_tags': <fiftyone.core.fields.ListField object at 0x7f92d264ff70>,
    'predictions': <fiftyone.core.fields.EmbeddedDocumentField object at 0x7f92d2605640>,

Whenever a new field is added to a dataset, the field is immediately available on all samples in the dataset with the value None:

<Sample: {
    'id': '642d8848f291652133df8d3a',
    'media_type': 'image',
    'filepath': '/Users/Brian/dev/fiftyone/image.jpg',
    'tags': [],
    'metadata': None,
    'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 7, 22, 5, 0, 25, 372399),
    'last_modified_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 7, 22, 5, 0, 25, 372399),
    'ground_truth': <Classification: {
        'id': '642d8848f291652133df8d38',
        'tags': [],
        'label': 'cat',
        'confidence': None,
        'logits': None,
    'scene_id': None,
    'quality': None,
    'more_tags': None,
    'info': None,
    'also_tags': None,
    'predictions': None,

You can also declare nested fields on existing embedded documents using dot notation:

# Declare a new attribute on a `Classification` field
dataset.add_sample_field("predictions.breed", fo.StringField)


See this section for more options for dynamically expanding the schema of nested lists and embedded documents.

You can use get_field() to retrieve a Field instance by its name or And, if the field contains an embedded document, you can call get_field_schema() to recursively inspect its nested fields:

field = dataset.get_field("predictions")
# <class 'fiftyone.core.labels.Classification'>

# {'logits', 'confidence', 'breed', 'tags', 'label', 'id'}

# Directly retrieve a nested field
field = dataset.get_field("predictions.breed")
# <class 'fiftyone.core.fields.StringField'>

If your dataset contains a ListField with no value type declared, you can add the type later by appending [] to the field path:

field = dataset.get_field("more_tags")
print(field.field)  # None

# Declare the subfield types of an existing untyped list field
dataset.add_sample_field("more_tags[]", fo.StringField)

field = dataset.get_field("more_tags")
print(field.field)  # StringField

# List fields can also contain embedded documents

field = dataset.get_field("info")
print(field.field)  # EmbeddedDocumentField
print(field.field.document_type)  # DynamicEmbeddedDocument


Declaring the value type of list fields is required if you want to filter by the list’s values in the App.

Editing sample fields

You can make any edits you wish to the fields of an existing Sample:

sample = fo.Sample(
            fo.Detection(label="CAT", bounding_box=[0.1, 0.1, 0.4, 0.4]),\
            fo.Detection(label="dog", bounding_box=[0.5, 0.5, 0.4, 0.4]),\

detections = sample.ground_truth.detections

# Edit an existing detection
detections[0].label = "cat"

# Add a new detection
new_detection = fo.Detection(label="animals", bounding_box=[0, 0, 1, 1])

print(sample)  # if the sample is in a dataset


You must call in order to persist changes to the database when editing samples that are in datasets.

A common workflow is to iterate over a dataset or view and edit each sample:

for sample in dataset:
    sample["new_field"] = ...

The iter_samples() method is an equivalent way to iterate over a dataset that provides a progress=True option that prints a progress bar tracking the status of the iteration:

# Prints a progress bar tracking the status of the iteration
for sample in dataset.iter_samples(progress=True):
    sample["new_field"] = ...

The iter_samples() method also provides an autosave=True option that causes all changes to samples emitted by the iterator to be automatically saved using efficient batch updates:

# Automatically saves sample edits in efficient batches
for sample in dataset.iter_samples(autosave=True):
    sample["new_field"] = ...

Using autosave=True can significantly improve performance when editing large datasets. See this section for more information on batch update patterns.

Removing fields from a sample

A field can be deleted from a Sample using del:

del sample["integer_field"]

If the Sample is not yet in a dataset, deleting a field will remove it from the sample. If the Sample is in a dataset, the field’s value will be None.

Fields can also be deleted at the Dataset level, in which case they are removed from every Sample in the dataset:


# AttributeError: Sample has no field 'integer_field'

Storing field metadata

You can store metadata such as descriptions and other info on the fields of your dataset.

One approach is to manually declare the field with add_sample_field() with the appropriate metadata provided:

import fiftyone as fo

dataset = fo.Dataset()
    "int_field", fo.IntField, description="An integer field"

field = dataset.get_field("int_field")
print(field.description)  # An integer field

You can also use get_field() to retrieve a field and update it’s metadata at any time:

import fiftyone as fo
import fiftyone.zoo as foz

dataset = foz.load_zoo_dataset("quickstart")

field = dataset.get_field("ground_truth")
field.description = "Ground truth annotations" = {"url": ""}  # must save after edits

field = dataset.get_field("ground_truth.detections.area")
field.description = "Area of the box, in pixels^2" = {"url": ""}  # must save after edits


field = dataset.get_field("ground_truth")
print(field.description)  # Ground truth annotations
print(  # {'url': ''}

field = dataset.get_field("ground_truth.detections.area")
print(field.description)  # Area of the box, in pixels^2
print(  # {'url': ''}


You must call after updating a fields’s description and info attributes in-place to save the changes to the database.


Did you know? You can view field metadata directly in the App by hovering over fields or attributes in the sidebar!

Read-only fields

Certain default sample fields like created_at and last_modified_at are read-only and thus cannot be manually edited:

from datetime import datetime
import fiftyone as fo

sample = fo.Sample(filepath="/path/to/image.jpg")

dataset = fo.Dataset()

sample.created_at = datetime.utcnow()
# ValueError: Cannot edit read-only field 'created_at'

sample.last_modified_at = datetime.utcnow()
# ValueError: Cannot edit read-only field 'last_modified_at'

You can also manually mark additional fields or embedded fields as read-only at any time:

import fiftyone as fo
import fiftyone.zoo as foz

dataset = foz.load_zoo_dataset("quickstart")

# Declare a new read-only field
dataset.add_sample_field("uuid", fo.StringField, read_only=True)

# Mark 'filepath' as read-only
field = dataset.get_field("filepath")
field.read_only = True  # must save after edits

# Mark a nested field as read-only
field = dataset.get_field("ground_truth.detections.label")
field.read_only = True  # must save after edits

sample = dataset.first()

sample.filepath = "no.jpg"
# ValueError: Cannot edit read-only field 'filepath'

sample.ground_truth.detections[0].label = "no"
# ValueError: Cannot edit read-only field 'ground_truth.detections.label'


You must call after updating a fields’s read_only attributes in-place to save the changes to the database.

Note that read-only fields do not interfere with the ability to add/delete samples from datasets:

sample = fo.Sample(filepath="/path/to/image.jpg", uuid="1234")


Any fields that you’ve manually marked as read-only may be reverted to editable at any time:

sample = dataset.first()

# Revert 'filepath' to editable
field = dataset.get_field("filepath")
field.read_only = False  # must save after edits

# Revert nested field to editable
field = dataset.get_field("ground_truth.detections.label")
field.read_only = False  # must save after edits

sample.filepath = "yes.jpg"
sample.ground_truth.detections[0].label = "yes"

Summary fields

Summary fields allow you to efficiently perform queries on large datasets where directly querying the underlying field is prohibitively slow due to the number of objects/frames in the field.

For example, suppose you’re working on a video dataset with frame-level objects, and you’re interested in finding videos that contain specific classes of interest, eg person, in at least one frame:

import fiftyone as fo
import fiftyone.zoo as foz
from fiftyone import ViewField as F

dataset = foz.load_zoo_dataset("quickstart-video")
dataset.set_field("frames.detections.detections.confidence", F.rand()).save()

session = fo.launch_app(dataset)


One approach is to directly query the frame-level field ( frames.detections in this case) in the App’s sidebar. However, when the dataset is large, such queries are inefficient, as they cannot unlock query performance and thus require full collection scans over all frames to retrieve the relevant samples.

A more efficient approach is to first use create_summary_field() to summarize the relevant input field path(s):

# Generate a summary field for object labels
field_name = dataset.create_summary_field("frames.detections.detections.label")

# The name of the summary field that was created
# 'frames_detections_label'

# Generate a summary field for [min, max] confidences

Summary fields can be generated for sample-level and frame-level fields, and the input fields can be either categorical or numeric:

As the above examples illustrate, summary fields allow you to encode various types of information at the sample-level that you can directly query to find samples that contain specific values.

Moreover, summary fields are indexed by default and the App can natively leverage these indexes to provide performant filtering:



Summary fields are automatically added to a summaries sidebar group in the App for easy access and organization.

They are also read-only by default, as they are implicitly derived from the contents of their source field and are not intended to be directly modified.

You can use list_summary_fields() to list the names of the summary fields on your dataset:

# ['frames_detections_label', 'frames_detections_confidence', ...]

Since a summary field is derived from the contents of another field, it must be updated whenever there have been modifications to its source field. You can use check_summary_fields() to check for summary fields that may need to be updated:

# Newly created summary fields don't needed updating
# []

# Modify the dataset
label_upper = F("label").upper()
dataset.set_field("frames.detections.detections.label", label_upper).save()

# Summary fields now (may) need updating
# ['frames_detections_label', 'frames_detections_confidence', ...]


Note that inclusion in check_summary_fields() is only a heuristic, as any sample modifications may not have affected the summary’s source field.

Use update_summary_field() to regenerate a summary field based on the current values of its source field:


Finally, use delete_summary_field() or delete_summary_fields() to delete existing summary field(s) that you no longer need:


Media type

When a Sample is created, its media type is inferred from the filepath to the source media and available via the media_type attribute of the sample, which is read-only.

Media type is inferred from the MIME type of the file on disk, as per the table below:

MIME type/extension media_type Description
image/* image Image sample
video/* video Video sample
*.fo3d 3d 3D sample
*.pcd point-cloud Point cloud sample
other - Generic sample


The filepath of a sample can be changed after the sample is created, but the new filepath must have the same media type. In other words, media_type is immutable.


All Sample instances have a tags field, which is a string list. By default, this list is empty, but you can use it to store information like dataset splits or application-specific issues like low quality images:

dataset = fo.Dataset("tagged_dataset")

        fo.Sample(filepath="/path/to/image1.png", tags=["train"]),\
        fo.Sample(filepath="/path/to/image2.png", tags=["test", "low_quality"]),\

# ["test", "low_quality", "train"]


Did you know? You can add, edit, and filter by sample tags directly in the App.

The tags field can be used like a standard Python list:

sample = dataset.first()


You must call in order to persist changes to the database when editing samples that are in datasets.

Datasets and views provide helpful methods such as count_sample_tags(), tag_samples(), untag_samples(), and match_tags() that you can use to perform batch queries and edits to sample tags:

import fiftyone as fo
import fiftyone.zoo as foz

dataset = foz.load_zoo_dataset("quickstart").clone()
print(dataset.count_sample_tags())  # {'validation': 200}

# Tag samples in a view
test_view = dataset.limit(100)
print(dataset.count_sample_tags())  # {'validation': 100, 'test': 100}

# Create a view containing samples with a specific tag
validation_view = dataset.match_tags("validation")
print(len(validation_view))  # 100


All Sample instances have a metadata field, which can optionally be populated with a Metadata instance that stores data type-specific metadata about the raw data in the sample. The FiftyOne App and the FiftyOne Brain will use this provided metadata in some workflows when it is available.

Dates and datetimes

You can store date information in FiftyOne datasets by populating fields with date or datetime values:

from datetime import date, datetime
import fiftyone as fo

dataset = fo.Dataset()
            acquisition_time=datetime(2021, 8, 24, 21, 18, 7),\
            acquisition_date=date(2021, 8, 24),\



Did you know? You can create dataset views with date-based queries!

Internally, FiftyOne stores all dates as UTC timestamps, but you can provide any valid datetime object when setting a DateTimeField of a sample, including timezone-aware datetimes, which are internally converted to UTC format for safekeeping.

# A datetime in your local timezone
now = datetime.utcnow().astimezone()

sample = fo.Sample(filepath="image.png", acquisition_time=now)

dataset = fo.Dataset()

# Samples are singletons, so we reload so `sample` will contain values as
# loaded from the database

sample.acquisition_time.tzinfo  # None

By default, when you access a datetime field of a sample in a dataset, it is retrieved as a naive datetime instance expressed in UTC format.

However, if you prefer, you can configure FiftyOne to load datetime fields as timezone-aware datetime instances in a timezone of your choice.


FiftyOne assumes that all datetime instances with no explicit timezone are stored in UTC format.

Therefore, never use when populating a datetime field of a FiftyOne dataset! Instead, use datetime.datetime.utcnow().


The Label class hierarchy is used to store semantic information about ground truth or predicted labels in a sample.

Although such information can be stored in custom sample fields (e.g, in a DictField), it is recommended that you store label information in Label instances so that the FiftyOne App and the FiftyOne Brain can visualize and compute on your labels.


All Label instances are dynamic! You can add custom fields to your labels to store custom information:

# Provide some default fields
label = fo.Classification(label="cat", confidence=0.98)

# Add custom fields
label["int"] = 5
label["float"] = 51.0
label["list"] = [1, 2, 3]
label["bool"] = True
label["dict"] = {"key": ["list", "of", "values"]}

You can also declare dynamic attributes on your dataset’s schema, which allows you to enforce type constraints, filter by these custom attributes in the App, and more.

FiftyOne provides a dedicated Label subclass for many common tasks. The subsections below describe them.


The Regression class represents a numeric regression value for an image. The value itself is stored in the value attribute of the Regression object. This may be a ground truth value or a model prediction.

The optional confidence attribute can be used to store a score associated with the model prediction and can be visualized in the App or used, for example, when evaluating regressions.

import fiftyone as fo

sample = fo.Sample(filepath="/path/to/image.png")

sample["ground_truth"] = fo.Regression(value=51.0)
sample["prediction"] = fo.Classification(value=42.0, confidence=0.9)

<Sample: {
    'id': None,
    'media_type': 'image',
    'filepath': '/path/to/image.png',
    'tags': [],
    'metadata': None,
    'created_at': None,
    'last_modified_at': None,
    'ground_truth': <Regression: {
        'id': '616c4bef36297ec40a26d112',
        'tags': [],
        'value': 51.0,
        'confidence': None,
    'prediction': <Classification: {
        'id': '616c4bef36297ec40a26d113',
        'tags': [],
        'label': None,
        'confidence': 0.9,
        'logits': None,
        'value': 42.0,


The Classification class represents a classification label for an image. The label itself is stored in the label attribute of the Classification object. This may be a ground truth label or a model prediction.

The optional confidence and logits attributes may be used to store metadata about the model prediction. These additional fields can be visualized in the App or used by Brain methods, e.g., when computing label mistakes.

import fiftyone as fo

sample = fo.Sample(filepath="/path/to/image.png")

sample["ground_truth"] = fo.Classification(label="sunny")
sample["prediction"] = fo.Classification(label="sunny", confidence=0.9)

<Sample: {
    'id': None,
    'media_type': 'image',
    'filepath': '/path/to/image.png',
    'tags': [],
    'metadata': None,
    'created_at': None,
    'last_modified_at': None,
    'ground_truth': <Classification: {
        'id': '5f8708db2018186b6ef66821',
        'label': 'sunny',
        'confidence': None,
        'logits': None,
    'prediction': <Classification: {
        'id': '5f8708db2018186b6ef66822',
        'label': 'sunny',
        'confidence': 0.9,
        'logits': None,


Did you know? You can store class lists for your models on your datasets.

Multilabel classification

The Classifications class represents a list of classification labels for an image. The typical use case is to represent multilabel annotations/predictions for an image, where multiple labels from a model may apply to a given image. The labels are stored in a classifications attribute of the object, which contains a list of Classification instances.

Metadata about individual labels can be stored in the Classification instances as usual; additionally, you can optionally store logits for the overarching model (if applicable) in the logits attribute of the Classifications object.

import fiftyone as fo

sample = fo.Sample(filepath="/path/to/image.png")

sample["ground_truth"] = fo.Classifications(
sample["prediction"] = fo.Classifications(
        fo.Classification(label="animal", confidence=0.99),\
        fo.Classification(label="cat", confidence=0.98),\
        fo.Classification(label="tabby", confidence=0.72),\

<Sample: {
    'id': None,
    'media_type': 'image',
    'filepath': '/path/to/image.png',
    'tags': [],
    'metadata': None,
    'created_at': None,
    'last_modified_at': None,
    'ground_truth': <Classifications: {
        'classifications': [\
            <Classification: {\
                'id': '5f8708f62018186b6ef66823',\
                'label': 'animal',\
                'confidence': None,\
                'logits': None,\
            <Classification: {\
                'id': '5f8708f62018186b6ef66824',\
                'label': 'cat',\
                'confidence': None,\
                'logits': None,\
            <Classification: {\
                'id': '5f8708f62018186b6ef66825',\
                'label': 'tabby',\
                'confidence': None,\
                'logits': None,\
        'logits': None,
    'prediction': <Classifications: {
        'classifications': [\
            <Classification: {\
                'id': '5f8708f62018186b6ef66826',\
                'label': 'animal',\
                'confidence': 0.99,\
                'logits': None,\
            <Classification: {\
                'id': '5f8708f62018186b6ef66827',\
                'label': 'cat',\
                'confidence': 0.98,\
                'logits': None,\
            <Classification: {\
                'id': '5f8708f62018186b6ef66828',\
                'label': 'tabby',\
                'confidence': 0.72,\
                'logits': None,\
        'logits': None,


Did you know? You can store class lists for your models on your datasets.

Object detection

The Detections class represents a list of object detections in an image. The detections are stored in the detections attribute of the Detections object.

Each individual object detection is represented by a Detection object. The string label of the object should be stored in the label attribute, and the bounding box for the object should be stored in the bounding_box attribute.


FiftyOne stores box coordinates as floats in [0, 1] relative to the dimensions of the image. Bounding boxes are represented by a length-4 list in the format:

[<top-left-x>, <top-left-y>, <width>, <height>]


Did you know? FiftyOne also supports 3D detections!

In the case of model predictions, an optional confidence score for each detection can be stored in the confidence attribute.

import fiftyone as fo

sample = fo.Sample(filepath="/path/to/image.png")

sample["ground_truth"] = fo.Detections(
    detections=[fo.Detection(label="cat", bounding_box=[0.5, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3])]
sample["prediction"] = fo.Detections(
            bounding_box=[0.480, 0.513, 0.397, 0.288],\

<Sample: {
    'id': None,
    'media_type': 'image',
    'filepath': '/path/to/image.png',
    'tags': [],
    'metadata': None,
    'created_at': None,
    'last_modified_at': None,
    'ground_truth': <Detections: {
        'detections': [\
            <Detection: {\
                'id': '5f8709172018186b6ef66829',\
                'attributes': {},\
                'label': 'cat',\
                'bounding_box': [0.5, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3],\
                'mask': None,\
                'confidence': None,\
                'index': None,\
    'prediction': <Detections: {
        'detections': [\
            <Detection: {\
                'id': '5f8709172018186b6ef6682a',\
                'attributes': {},\
                'label': 'cat',\
                'bounding_box': [0.48, 0.513, 0.397, 0.288],\
                'mask': None,\
                'confidence': 0.96,\
                'index': None,\


Did you know? You can store class lists for your models on your datasets.

Like all Label types, you can also add custom attributes to your detections by dynamically adding new fields to each Detection instance:

import fiftyone as fo

detection = fo.Detection(
    bounding_box=[0.5, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3],
    age=51,  # custom attribute
    mood="salty",  # custom attribute

<Detection: {
    'id': '60f7458c467d81f41c200551',
    'attributes': {},
    'tags': [],
    'label': 'cat',
    'bounding_box': [0.5, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3],
    'mask': None,
    'confidence': None,
    'index': None,
    'age': 51,
    'mood': 'salty',


Did you know? You can view custom attributes in the App tooltip by hovering over the objects.

Instance segmentations

Object detections stored in Detections may also have instance segmentation masks.

These masks can be stored in one of two ways: either directly in the database via the mask attribute, or on disk referenced by the mask_path attribute.

Masks stored directly in the database must be 2D numpy arrays containing either booleans or 0/1 integers that encode the extent of the instance mask within the bounding_box of the object.

For masks stored on disk, the mask_path attribute should contain the file path to the mask image. We recommend storing masks as single-channel PNG images, where a pixel value of 0 indicates the background (rendered as transparent in the App), and any other value indicates the object.

Masks can be of any size; they are stretched as necessary to fill the object’s bounding box when visualizing in the App.

import numpy as np
from PIL import Image

import fiftyone as fo

# Example instance mask
mask = ((np.random.randn(32, 32) > 0) * 255).astype(np.uint8)
mask_path = "/path/to/mask.png"

sample = fo.Sample(filepath="/path/to/image.png")

sample["prediction"] = fo.Detections(
            bounding_box=[0.480, 0.513, 0.397, 0.288],\

<Sample: {
    'id': None,
    'media_type': 'image',
    'filepath': '/path/to/image.png',
    'tags': [],
    'metadata': None,
    'created_at': None,
    'last_modified_at': None,
    'prediction': <Detections: {
        'detections': [\
            <Detection: {\
                'id': '5f8709282018186b6ef6682b',\
                'attributes': {},\
                'tags': [],\
                'label': 'cat',\
                'bounding_box': [0.48, 0.513, 0.397, 0.288],\
                'mask': None,\
                'mask_path': '/path/to/mask.png',\
                'confidence': 0.96,\
                'index': None,\

Like all Label types, you can also add custom attributes to your instance segmentations by dynamically adding new fields to each Detection instance:

import numpy as np
import fiftyone as fo

detection = fo.Detection(
    bounding_box=[0.5, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3],
    age=51,  # custom attribute
    mood="salty",  # custom attribute

<Detection: {
    'id': '60f74568467d81f41c200550',
    'attributes': {},
    'tags': [],
    'label': 'cat',
    'bounding_box': [0.5, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3],
    'mask_path': '/path/to/mask.png',
    'confidence': None,
    'index': None,
    'age': 51,
    'mood': 'salty',


Did you know? You can view custom attributes in the App tooltip by hovering over the objects.

Polylines and polygons

The Polylines class represents a list of polylines or polygons in an image. The polylines are stored in the polylines attribute of the Polylines object.

Each individual polyline is represented by a Polyline object, which represents a set of one or more semantically related shapes in an image. The points attribute contains a list of lists of (x, y) coordinates defining the vertices of each shape in the polyline. If the polyline represents a closed curve, you can set the closed attribute to True to indicate that a line segment should be drawn from the last vertex to the first vertex of each shape in the polyline. If the shapes should be filled when rendering them, you can set the filled attribute to True. Polylines can also have string labels, which are stored in their label attribute.


FiftyOne stores vertex coordinates as floats in [0, 1] relative to the dimensions of the image.


Did you know? FiftyOne also supports 3D polylines!

import fiftyone as fo

sample = fo.Sample(filepath="/path/to/image.png")

# A simple polyline
polyline1 = fo.Polyline(
    points=[[(0.3, 0.3), (0.7, 0.3), (0.7, 0.3)]],

# A closed, filled polygon with a label
polyline2 = fo.Polyline(
    points=[[(0.1, 0.1), (0.3, 0.1), (0.3, 0.3)]],

sample["polylines"] = fo.Polylines(polylines=[polyline1, polyline2])

<Sample: {
    'id': None,
    'media_type': 'image',
    'filepath': '/path/to/image.png',
    'tags': [],
    'metadata': None,
    'created_at': None,
    'last_modified_at': None,
    'polylines': <Polylines: {
        'polylines': [\
            <Polyline: {\
                'id': '5f87094e2018186b6ef6682e',\
                'attributes': {},\
                'label': None,\
                'points': [[(0.3, 0.3), (0.7, 0.3), (0.7, 0.3)]],\
                'index': None,\
                'closed': False,\
                'filled': False,\
            <Polyline: {\
                'id': '5f87094e2018186b6ef6682f',\
                'attributes': {},\
                'label': 'triangle',\
                'points': [[(0.1, 0.1), (0.3, 0.1), (0.3, 0.3)]],\
                'index': None,\
                'closed': True,\
                'filled': True,\

Like all Label types, you can also add custom attributes to your polylines by dynamically adding new fields to each Polyline instance:

import fiftyone as fo

polyline = fo.Polyline(
    points=[[(0.1, 0.1), (0.3, 0.1), (0.3, 0.3)]],
    kind="right",  # custom attribute

<Polyline: {
    'id': '60f746b4467d81f41c200555',
    'attributes': {},
    'tags': [],
    'label': 'triangle',
    'points': [[(0.1, 0.1), (0.3, 0.1), (0.3, 0.3)]],
    'confidence': None,
    'index': None,
    'closed': True,
    'filled': True,
    'kind': 'right',


Did you know? You can view custom attributes in the App tooltip by hovering over the objects.


You can store and visualize cuboids in FiftyOne using the Polyline.from_cuboid() method.

The method accepts a list of 8 (x, y) points describing the vertices of the cuboid in the format depicted below:

  /|       /|
 / |      / |
3--------2  |
|  4-----|--5
| /      | /
|/       |/


FiftyOne stores vertex coordinates as floats in [0, 1] relative to the dimensions of the image.

import cv2
import numpy as np
import fiftyone as fo

def random_cuboid(frame_size):
    width, height = frame_size
    x0, y0 = np.array([width, height]) * ([0, 0.2] + 0.8 * np.random.rand(2))
    dx, dy = (min(0.8 * width - x0, y0 - 0.2 * height)) * np.random.rand(2)
    x1, y1 = x0 + dx, y0 - dy
    w, h = (min(width - x1, y1)) * np.random.rand(2)
    front = [(x0, y0), (x0 + w, y0), (x0 + w, y0 - h), (x0, y0 - h)]
    back = [(x1, y1), (x1 + w, y1), (x1 + w, y1 - h), (x1, y1 - h)]
    vertices = front + back
    return fo.Polyline.from_cuboid(
        vertices, frame_size=frame_size, label="cuboid"

frame_size = (256, 128)

filepath = "/tmp/image.png"
size = (frame_size[1], frame_size[0], 3)
cv2.imwrite(filepath, np.full(size, 255, dtype=np.uint8))

dataset = fo.Dataset("cuboids")
        fo.Sample(filepath=filepath, cuboid=random_cuboid(frame_size))\
        for _ in range(51)]

session = fo.launch_app(dataset)


Like all Label types, you can also add custom attributes to your cuboids by dynamically adding new fields to each Polyline instance:

polyline = fo.Polyline.from_cuboid(
    vertics, frame_size=frame_size,
    type="sedan",  # custom attribute


Did you know? You can view custom attributes in the App tooltip by hovering over the objects.

Rotated bounding boxes

You can store and visualize rotated bounding boxes in FiftyOne using the Polyline.from_rotated_box() method, which accepts rotated boxes described by their center coordinates, width/height, and counter-clockwise rotation, in radians.


FiftyOne stores vertex coordinates as floats in [0, 1] relative to the dimensions of the image.

import cv2
import numpy as np
import fiftyone as fo

def random_rotated_box(frame_size):
    width, height = frame_size
    xc, yc = np.array([width, height]) * (0.2 + 0.6 * np.random.rand(2))
    w, h = 1.5 * (min(xc, yc, width - xc, height - yc)) * np.random.rand(2)
    theta = 2 * np.pi * np.random.rand()
    return fo.Polyline.from_rotated_box(
        xc, yc, w, h, theta, frame_size=frame_size, label="box"

frame_size = (256, 128)

filepath = "/tmp/image.png"
size = (frame_size[1], frame_size[0], 3)
cv2.imwrite(filepath, np.full(size, 255, dtype=np.uint8))

dataset = fo.Dataset("rotated-boxes")
        fo.Sample(filepath=filepath, box=random_rotated_box(frame_size))\
        for _ in range(51)\

session = fo.launch_app(dataset)


Like all Label types, you can also add custom attributes to your rotated bounding boxes by dynamically adding new fields to each Polyline instance:

polyline = fo.Polyline.from_rotated_box(
    xc, yc, width, height, theta, frame_size=frame_size,
    mood="surly",  # custom attribute


Did you know? You can view custom attributes in the App tooltip by hovering over the objects.


The Keypoints class represents a collection of keypoint groups in an image. The keypoint groups are stored in the keypoints attribute of the Keypoints object. Each element of this list is a Keypoint object whose points attribute contains a list of (x, y) coordinates defining a group of semantically related keypoints in the image.

For example, if you are working with a person model that outputs 18 keypoints ( left eye, right eye, nose, etc.) per person, then each Keypoint instance would represent one person, and a Keypoints instance would represent the list of people in the image.


FiftyOne stores keypoint coordinates as floats in [0, 1] relative to the dimensions of the image.

Each Keypoint object can have a string label, which is stored in its label attribute, and it can optionally have a list of per-point confidences in [0, 1] in its confidence attribute:

import fiftyone as fo

sample = fo.Sample(filepath="/path/to/image.png")

sample["keypoints"] = fo.Keypoints(
            points=[(0.3, 0.3), (0.7, 0.3), (0.7, 0.7), (0.3, 0.7)],\
            confidence=[0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9],\

<Sample: {
    'id': None,
    'media_type': 'image',
    'filepath': '/path/to/image.png',
    'tags': [],
    'metadata': None,
    'created_at': None,
    'last_modified_at': None,
    'keypoints': <Keypoints: {
        'keypoints': [\
            <Keypoint: {\
                'id': '5f8709702018186b6ef66831',\
                'attributes': {},\
                'label': 'square',\
                'points': [(0.3, 0.3), (0.7, 0.3), (0.7, 0.7), (0.3, 0.7)],\
                'confidence': [0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9],\
                'index': None,\

Like all Label types, you can also add custom attributes to your keypoints by dynamically adding new fields to each Keypoint instance. As a special case, if you add a custom list attribute to a Keypoint instance whose length matches the number of points, these values will be interpreted as per-point attributes and rendered as such in the App:

import fiftyone as fo

keypoint = fo.Keypoint(
    kind="square",  # custom object attribute
    points=[(0.3, 0.3), (0.7, 0.3), (0.7, 0.7), (0.3, 0.7)],
    confidence=[0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9],
    occluded=[False, False, True, False],  # custom per-point attributes

<Keypoint: {
    'id': '60f74723467d81f41c200556',
    'attributes': {},
    'tags': [],
    'label': 'rectangle',
    'points': [(0.3, 0.3), (0.7, 0.3), (0.7, 0.7), (0.3, 0.7)],
    'confidence': [0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9],
    'index': None,
    'kind': 'square',
    'occluded': [False, False, True, False],

If your keypoints have semantic meanings, you can store keypoint skeletons on your dataset to encode the meanings.

If you are working with keypoint skeletons and a particular point is missing or not visible for an instance, use nan values for its coordinates:

keypoint = fo.Keypoint(
        (0.3, 0.3),\
        (float("nan"), float("nan")),  # use nan to encode missing points\
        (0.7, 0.7),\
        (0.3, 0.7),\


Did you know? When you view datasets with keypoint skeletons in the App, label strings and edges will be drawn when you visualize the keypoint fields.

Semantic segmentation

The Segmentation class represents a semantic segmentation mask for an image with integer values encoding the semantic labels for each pixel in the image.

The mask can either be stored on disk and referenced via the mask_path attribute or stored directly in the database via the mask attribute.


It is recommended to store segmentations on disk and reference them via the mask_path attribute, for efficiency.

Note that mask_path must contain the absolute path to the mask on disk in order to use the dataset from different current working directories in the future.

Segmentation masks can be stored in either of these formats:

  • 2D 8-bit or 16-bit images or numpy arrays

  • 3D 8-bit RGB images or numpy arrays

Segmentation masks can have any size; they are stretched as necessary to fit the image’s extent when visualizing in the App.

import cv2
import numpy as np

import fiftyone as fo

# Example segmentation mask
mask_path = "/tmp/segmentation.png"
mask = np.random.randint(10, size=(128, 128), dtype=np.uint8)
cv2.imwrite(mask_path, mask)

sample = fo.Sample(filepath="/path/to/image.png")
sample["segmentation1"] = fo.Segmentation(mask_path=mask_path)
sample["segmentation2"] = fo.Segmentation(mask=mask)

<Sample: {
    'id': None,
    'media_type': 'image',
    'filepath': '/path/to/image.png',
    'tags': [],
    'metadata': None,
    'created_at': None,
    'last_modified_at': None,
    'segmentation1': <Segmentation: {
        'id': '6371d72425de9907b93b2a6b',
        'tags': [],
        'mask': None,
        'mask_path': '/tmp/segmentation.png',
    'segmentation2': <Segmentation: {
        'id': '6371d72425de9907b93b2a6c',
        'tags': [],
        'mask': array([[8, 5, 5, ..., 9, 8, 5],\
               [0, 7, 8, ..., 3, 4, 4],\
               [5, 0, 2, ..., 0, 3, 4],\
               [4, 4, 4, ..., 3, 6, 6],\
               [0, 9, 8, ..., 8, 0, 8],\
               [0, 6, 8, ..., 2, 9, 1]], dtype=uint8),
        'mask_path': None,

When you load datasets with Segmentation fields containing 2D masks in the App, each pixel value is rendered as a different color (if possible) from the App’s color pool. When you view RGB segmentation masks in the App, the mask colors are always used.


Did you know? You can store semantic labels for your segmentation fields on your dataset. Then, when you view the dataset in the App, label strings will appear in the App’s tooltip when you hover over pixels.


The pixel value 0 and RGB value #000000 are reserved “background” classes that are always rendered as invisible in the App.

If mask targets are provided, all observed values not present in the targets are also rendered as invisible in the App.


The Heatmap class represents a continuous-valued heatmap for an image.

The map can either be stored on disk and referenced via the map_path attribute or stored directly in the database via the map attribute. When using the map_path attribute, heatmaps may be 8-bit or 16-bit grayscale images. When using the map attribute, heatmaps should be 2D numpy arrays. By default, the map values are assumed to be in [0, 1] for floating point arrays and [0, 255] for integer-valued arrays, but you can specify a custom [min, max] range for a map by setting its optional range attribute.

Heatmaps can have any size; they are stretched as necessary to fit the image’s extent when visualizing in the App.


It is recommended to store heatmaps on disk and reference them via the map_path attribute, for efficiency.

Note that map_path must contain the absolute path to the map on disk in order to use the dataset from different current working directories in the future.

import cv2
import numpy as np

import fiftyone as fo

# Example heatmap
map_path = "/tmp/heatmap.png"
map = np.random.randint(256, size=(128, 128), dtype=np.uint8)
cv2.imwrite(map_path, map)

sample = fo.Sample(filepath="/path/to/image.png")
sample["heatmap1"] = fo.Heatmap(map_path=map_path)
sample["heatmap2"] = fo.Heatmap(map=map)

<Sample: {
    'id': None,
    'media_type': 'image',
    'filepath': '/path/to/image.png',
    'tags': [],
    'metadata': None,
    'created_at': None,
    'last_modified_at': None,
    'heatmap1': <Heatmap: {
        'id': '6371d9e425de9907b93b2a6f',
        'tags': [],
        'map': None,
        'map_path': '/tmp/heatmap.png',
        'range': None,
    'heatmap2': <Heatmap: {
        'id': '6371d9e425de9907b93b2a70',
        'tags': [],
        'map': array([[179, 249, 119, ...,  94, 213,  68],\
               [190, 202, 209, ..., 162,  16,  39],\
               [252, 251, 181, ..., 221, 118, 231],\
               [ 12,  91, 201, ...,  14,  95,  88],\
               [164, 118, 171, ...,  21, 170,   5],\
               [232, 156, 218, ..., 224,  97,  65]], dtype=uint8),
        'map_path': None,
        'range': None,

When visualizing heatmaps in the App, when the App is in color-by-field mode, heatmaps are rendered in their field’s color with opacity proportional to the magnitude of the heatmap’s values. For example, for a heatmap whose range is [-10, 10], pixels with the value +9 will be rendered with 90% opacity, and pixels with the value -3 will be rendered with 30% opacity.

When the App is in color-by-value mode, heatmaps are rendered using the colormap defined by the colorscale of your App config, which can be:

  • The string name of any colorscale recognized by Plotly

  • A manually-defined colorscale like the following:

      [0.000, "rgb(165,0,38)"],\
      [0.111, "rgb(215,48,39)"],\
      [0.222, "rgb(244,109,67)"],\
      [0.333, "rgb(253,174,97)"],\
      [0.444, "rgb(254,224,144)"],\
      [0.555, "rgb(224,243,248)"],\
      [0.666, "rgb(171,217,233)"],\
      [0.777, "rgb(116,173,209)"],\
      [0.888, "rgb(69,117,180)"],\
      [1.000, "rgb(49,54,149)"],\

The example code below demonstrates the possibilities that heatmaps provide by overlaying random gaussian kernels with positive or negative sign on an image dataset and configuring the App’s colorscale in various ways on-the-fly:

import os
import numpy as np
import fiftyone as fo
import fiftyone.zoo as foz

def random_kernel(metadata):
    h = metadata.height // 2
    w = metadata.width // 2
    sign = np.sign(np.random.randn())
    x, y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-1, 1, w), np.linspace(-1, 1, h))
    x0, y0 = np.random.random(2) - 0.5
    kernel = sign * np.exp(-np.sqrt((x - x0) ** 2 + (y - y0) ** 2))
    return fo.Heatmap(map=kernel, range=[-1, 1])

dataset = foz.load_zoo_dataset("quickstart").select_fields().clone()

for sample in dataset:
    heatmap = random_kernel(sample.metadata)

    # Convert to on-disk
    map_path = os.path.join("/tmp/heatmaps", os.path.basename(sample.filepath))
    heatmap.export_map(map_path, update=True)

    sample["heatmap"] = heatmap

session = fo.launch_app(dataset)
# Select `Settings -> Color by value` in the App
# Heatmaps will now be rendered using your default colorscale (printed below)
# Switch to a different named colorscale
session.config.colorscale = "RdBu"
# Switch to a custom colorscale
session.config.colorscale = [\
    [0.00, "rgb(166,206,227)"],\
    [0.25, "rgb(31,120,180)"],\
    [0.45, "rgb(178,223,138)"],\
    [0.65, "rgb(51,160,44)"],\
    [0.85, "rgb(251,154,153)"],\
    [1.00, "rgb(227,26,28)"],\


Did you know? You customize your App config in various ways, from environment variables to directly editing a Session object’s config. See this page for more details.

Temporal detection

The TemporalDetection class represents an event occurring during a specified range of frames in a video.

The label attribute stores the detection label, and the support attribute stores the [first, last] frame range of the detection in the video.

The optional confidence attribute can be used to store a model prediction score, and you can add custom attributes as well, which can be visualized in the App.

import fiftyone as fo

sample = fo.Sample(filepath="/path/to/video.mp4")
sample["events"] = fo.TemporalDetection(label="meeting", support=[10, 20])

<Sample: {
    'id': None,
    'media_type': 'video',
    'filepath': '/path/to/video.mp4',
    'tags': [],
    'metadata': None,
    'created_at': None,
    'last_modified_at': None,
    'events': <TemporalDetection: {
        'id': '61321c8ea36cb17df655f44f',
        'tags': [],
        'label': 'meeting',
        'support': [10, 20],
        'confidence': None,
    'frames': <Frames: 0>,

If your temporal detection data is represented as timestamps in seconds, you can use the from_timestamps() factory method to perform the necessary conversion to frames automatically based on the sample’s video metadata:

import fiftyone as fo
import fiftyone.zoo as foz

# Download a video to work with
dataset = foz.load_zoo_dataset("quickstart-video", max_samples=1)
filepath = dataset.first().filepath

sample = fo.Sample(filepath=filepath)

sample["events"] = fo.TemporalDetection.from_timestamps(
    [1, 2], label="meeting", sample=sample

<Sample: {
    'id': None,
    'media_type': 'video',
    'filepath': '~/fiftyone/quickstart-video/data/Ulcb3AjxM5g_053-1.mp4',
    'tags': [],
    'metadata': <VideoMetadata: {
        'size_bytes': 1758809,
        'mime_type': 'video/mp4',
        'frame_width': 1920,
        'frame_height': 1080,
        'frame_rate': 29.97002997002997,
        'total_frame_count': 120,
        'duration': 4.004,
        'encoding_str': 'avc1',
    'created_at': None,
    'last_modified_at': None,
    'events': <TemporalDetection: {
        'id': '61321e498d5f587970b29183',
        'tags': [],
        'label': 'meeting',
        'support': [31, 60],
        'confidence': None,
    'frames': <Frames: 0>,

The TemporalDetections class holds a list of temporal detections for a sample:

import fiftyone as fo

sample = fo.Sample(filepath="/path/to/video.mp4")
sample["events"] = fo.TemporalDetections(
        fo.TemporalDetection(label="meeting", support=[10, 20]),\
        fo.TemporalDetection(label="party", support=[30, 60]),\

<Sample: {
    'id': None,
    'media_type': 'video',
    'filepath': '/path/to/video.mp4',
    'tags': [],
    'metadata': None,
    'created_at': None,
    'last_modified_at': None,
    'events': <TemporalDetections: {
        'detections': [\
            <TemporalDetection: {\
                'id': '61321ed78d5f587970b29184',\
                'tags': [],\
                'label': 'meeting',\
                'support': [10, 20],\
                'confidence': None,\
            <TemporalDetection: {\
                'id': '61321ed78d5f587970b29185',\
                'tags': [],\
                'label': 'party',\
                'support': [30, 60],\
                'confidence': None,\
    'frames': <Frames: 0>,


Did you know? You can store class lists for your models on your datasets.

3D detections

The App’s 3D visualizer supports rendering 3D object detections represented as Detection instances with their label, location, dimensions, and rotation attributes populated as shown below:

import fiftyone as fo

# Object label
label = "vehicle"

# Object center `[x, y, z]` in scene coordinates
location = [0.47, 1.49, 69.44]

# Object dimensions `[x, y, z]` in scene units
dimensions = [2.85, 2.63, 12.34]

# Object rotation `[x, y, z]` around its center, in `[-pi, pi]`
rotation = [0, -1.56, 0]

# A 3D object detection
detection = fo.Detection(


Did you know? You can view custom attributes in the App tooltip by hovering over the objects.

3D polylines

The App’s 3D visualizer supports rendering 3D polylines represented as Polyline instances with their label and points3d attributes populated as shown below:

import fiftyone as fo

# Object label
label = "lane"

# A list of lists of `[x, y, z]` points in scene coordinates describing
# the vertices of each shape in the polyline
points3d = [[[-5, -99, -2], [-8, 99, -2]], [[4, -99, -2], [1, 99, -2]]]

# A set of semantically related 3D polylines
polyline = fo.Polyline(label=label, points3d=points3d)


Did you know? You can view custom attributes in the App tooltip by hovering over the objects.


The GeoLocation class can store single pieces of location data in its properties:

  • point: a [longitude, latitude] point

  • line: a line of longitude and latitude coordinates stored in the following format:

[[lon1, lat1], [lon2, lat2], ...]
  • polygon: a polygon of longitude and latitude coordinates stored in the format below, where the first element describes the boundary of the polygon and any remaining entries describe holes:
      [[lon1, lat1], [lon2, lat2], ...],\
      [[lon1, lat1], [lon2, lat2], ...],\


All geolocation coordinates are stored in [longitude, latitude] format.

If you have multiple geometries of each type that you wish to store on a single sample, then you can use the GeoLocations class and its appropriate properties to do so.

import fiftyone as fo

sample = fo.Sample(filepath="/path/to/image.png")

sample["location"] = fo.GeoLocation(
    point=[-73.9855, 40.7580],
            [-73.949701, 40.834487],\
            [-73.896611, 40.815076],\
            [-73.998083, 40.696534],\
            [-74.031751, 40.715273],\
            [-73.949701, 40.834487],\

<Sample: {
    'id': None,
    'media_type': 'image',
    'filepath': '/path/to/image.png',
    'tags': [],
    'metadata': None,
    'created_at': None,
    'last_modified_at': None,
    'location': <GeoLocation: {
        'id': '60481f3936dc48428091e926',
        'tags': [],
        'point': [-73.9855, 40.758],
        'line': None,
        'polygon': [\
                [-73.949701, 40.834487],\
                [-73.896611, 40.815076],\
                [-73.998083, 40.696534],\
                [-74.031751, 40.715273],\
                [-73.949701, 40.834487],\


Did you know? You can create location-based views that filter your data by their location!

All location data is stored in GeoJSON format in the database. You can easily retrieve the raw GeoJSON data for a slice of your dataset using the values() aggregation:

import fiftyone as fo
import fiftyone.zoo as foz

dataset = foz.load_zoo_dataset("quickstart-geo")

values = dataset.take(5).values("location.point", _raw=True)
[{'type': 'Point', 'coordinates': [-73.9592175465766, 40.71052995514191]},\
 {'type': 'Point', 'coordinates': [-73.97748118760413, 40.74660360881843]},\
 {'type': 'Point', 'coordinates': [-73.9508690871987, 40.766631164626]},\
 {'type': 'Point', 'coordinates': [-73.96569416502996, 40.75449283200206]},\
 {'type': 'Point', 'coordinates': [-73.97397106211423, 40.67925541341504]}]

Label tags

All Label instances have a tags field, which is a string list. By default, this list is empty, but you can use it to store application-specific information like whether the label is incorrect:

detection = fo.Detection(label="cat", bounding_box=[0, 0, 1, 1])


# ["mistake"]


Did you know? You can add, edit, and filter by label tags directly in the App.

Datasets and views provide helpful methods such as count_label_tags(), tag_labels(), untag_labels(), match_labels(), and select_labels() that you can use to perform batch queries and edits to label tags:

import fiftyone as fo
import fiftyone.zoo as foz
from fiftyone import ViewField as F

dataset = foz.load_zoo_dataset("quickstart").clone()

# Tag all low confidence prediction
view = dataset.filter_labels("predictions", F("confidence") < 0.1)
view.tag_labels("potential_mistake", label_fields="predictions")
print(dataset.count_label_tags())  # {'potential_mistake': 1555}

# Create a view containing only tagged labels
view = dataset.select_labels(tags="potential_mistake", fields="predictions")
print(len(view))  # 173
print(view.count("predictions.detections"))  # 1555

# Create a view containing only samples with at least one tagged label
view = dataset.match_labels(tags="potential_mistake", fields="predictions")
print(len(view))  # 173
print(view.count("predictions.detections"))  # 5151

dataset.untag_labels("potential_mistake", label_fields="predictions")
print(dataset.count_label_tags())  # {}

Label attributes

The Detection, Polyline, and Keypoint label types have an optional attributes field that you can use to store custom attributes on the object.

The attributes field is a dictionary mapping attribute names to Attribute instances, which contain the value of the attribute and any associated metadata.


The attributes field will be removed in an upcoming release.

Instead, add custom attributes directly to your Label objects:

detection = fo.Detection(label="cat", bounding_box=[0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8])
detection["custom_attribute"] = 51

# Equivalent
detection = fo.Detection(
    bounding_box=[0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8],

There are Attribute subclasses for various types of attributes you may want to store. Use the appropriate subclass when possible so that FiftyOne knows the schema of the attributes that you’re storing.

Attribute class Value type Description
BooleanAttribute bool A boolean attribute
CategoricalAttribute string A categorical attribute
NumericAttribute float A numeric attribute
ListAttribute list A list attribute
Attribute arbitrary A generic attribute of any type
import fiftyone as fo

sample = fo.Sample(filepath="/path/to/image.png")

sample["ground_truth"] = fo.Detections(
            bounding_box=[0.5, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3],\
                "age": fo.NumericAttribute(value=51),\
                "mood": fo.CategoricalAttribute(value="salty"),\
sample["prediction"] = fo.Detections(
            bounding_box=[0.480, 0.513, 0.397, 0.288],\
                "age": fo.NumericAttribute(value=51),\
                "mood": fo.CategoricalAttribute(\
                    value="surly", confidence=0.95\

<Sample: {
    'id': None,
    'media_type': 'image',
    'filepath': '/path/to/image.png',
    'tags': [],
    'metadata': None,
    'created_at': None,
    'last_modified_at': None,
    'ground_truth': <Detections: {
        'detections': [\
            <Detection: {\
                'id': '60f738e7467d81f41c20054c',\
                'attributes': {\
                    'age': <NumericAttribute: {'value': 51}>,\
                    'mood': <CategoricalAttribute: {\
                        'value': 'salty', 'confidence': None, 'logits': None\
                'tags': [],\
                'label': 'cat',\
                'bounding_box': [0.5, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3],\
                'mask': None,\
                'confidence': None,\
                'index': None,\
    'prediction': <Detections: {
        'detections': [\
            <Detection: {\
                'id': '60f738e7467d81f41c20054d',\
                'attributes': {\
                    'age': <NumericAttribute: {'value': 51}>,\
                    'mood': <CategoricalAttribute: {\
                        'value': 'surly', 'confidence': 0.95, 'logits': None\
                'tags': [],\
                'label': 'cat',\
                'bounding_box': [0.48, 0.513, 0.397, 0.288],\
                'mask': None,\
                'confidence': 0.96,\
                'index': None,\


Did you know? You can view attribute values in the App tooltip by hovering over the objects.

Converting label types

FiftyOne provides a number of utility methods to convert between different representations of certain label types, such as converting between instance segmentations, semantic segmentations, and polylines.

Let’s load some instance segmentations from the COCO dataset to see this in action:

import fiftyone as fo
import fiftyone.zoo as foz

dataset = foz.load_zoo_dataset(
    classes=["cat", "dog"],

sample = dataset.first()
detections = sample["instances"]

For example, you can use Detections.to_polylines() to convert instance segmentations to polylines:

# Convert `Detections` to `Polylines`
polylines = detections.to_polylines(tolerance=2)

Or you can use Detections.to_segmentation() to convert instance segmentations to semantic segmentation masks:

metadata = fo.ImageMetadata.build_for(sample.filepath)

# Convert `Detections` to `Segmentation`
segmentation = detections.to_segmentation(
    frame_size=(metadata.width, metadata.height),
    mask_targets={1: "cat", 2: "dog"},

# Export the segmentation to disk
segmentation.export_mask("/tmp/mask.png", update=True)


Methods such as Segmentation.to_detections() and Segmentation.to_polylines() also exist to transform semantic segmentations back into individual shapes.

In addition, the fiftyone.utils.labels module contains a variety of utility methods for converting entire collections’ labels between common formats:

import fiftyone.utils.labels as foul

# Convert instance segmentations to semantic segmentations stored on disk
    mask_targets={1: "cat", 2: "dog"},

# Convert instance segmentations to polylines format
foul.instances_to_polylines(dataset, "instances", "polylines", tolerance=2)

# Convert semantic segmentations to instance segmentations
    mask_targets={1: "cat", 2: "dog"},
    mask_types="thing",  # give each connected region a separate instance

Name:        coco-2017-validation-25
Media type:  image
Num samples: 25
Persistent:  False
Tags:        []
Sample fields:
    id:               fiftyone.core.fields.ObjectIdField
    filepath:         fiftyone.core.fields.StringField
    tags:             fiftyone.core.fields.ListField(fiftyone.core.fields.StringField)
    metadata:         fiftyone.core.fields.EmbeddedDocumentField(fiftyone.core.metadata.ImageMetadata)
    created_at:       fiftyone.core.fields.DateTimeField
    last_modified_at: fiftyone.core.fields.DateTimeField
    instances:        fiftyone.core.fields.EmbeddedDocumentField(fiftyone.core.labels.Detections)
    segmentations:    fiftyone.core.fields.EmbeddedDocumentField(fiftyone.core.labels.Segmentation)
    polylines:        fiftyone.core.fields.EmbeddedDocumentField(fiftyone.core.labels.Polylines)
    instances2:       fiftyone.core.fields.EmbeddedDocumentField(fiftyone.core.labels.Detections)

Note that, if your goal is to export the labels to disk, FiftyOne can automatically coerce the labels into the correct format based on the type of the label_field and the dataset_type that you specify for the export without explicitly storing the transformed labels as a new field on your dataset:

# Export the instance segmentations in the `instances` field as semantic
# segmentation images on disk
    mask_targets={1: "cat", 2: "dog"},

Dynamic attributes

Any field(s) of your FiftyOne datasets that contain DynamicEmbeddedDocument values can have arbitrary custom attributes added to their instances.

For example, all Label classes and Metadata classes are dynamic, so you can add custom attributes to them as follows:

# Provide some default attributes
label = fo.Classification(label="cat", confidence=0.98)

# Add custom attributes
label["int"] = 5
label["float"] = 51.0
label["list"] = [1, 2, 3]
label["bool"] = True
label["dict"] = {"key": ["list", "of", "values"]}

By default, dynamic attributes are not included in a dataset’s schema, which means that these attributes may contain arbitrary heterogeneous values across the dataset’s samples.

However, FiftyOne provides methods that you can use to formally declare custom dynamic attributes, which allows you to enforce type constraints, filter by these custom attributes in the App, and more.

You can use get_dynamic_field_schema() to detect the names and type(s) of any undeclared dynamic embedded document attributes on a dataset:

import fiftyone as fo
import fiftyone.zoo as foz

dataset = foz.load_zoo_dataset("quickstart")

    'ground_truth.detections.iscrowd': <fiftyone.core.fields.FloatField>,
    'ground_truth.detections.area': <fiftyone.core.fields.FloatField>,

You can then use add_sample_field() to declare a specific dynamic embedded document attribute:

dataset.add_sample_field("ground_truth.detections.iscrowd", fo.FloatField)

or you can use the add_dynamic_sample_fields() method to declare all dynamic embedded document attribute(s) that contain values of a single type:



Pass the add_mixed=True option to add_dynamic_sample_fields() if you wish to declare all dynamic attributes that contain mixed values using a generic Field type.

You can provide the optional flat=True option to get_field_schema() to retrieve a flattened version of a dataset’s schema that includes all embedded document attributes as top-level keys:

    'id': <fiftyone.core.fields.ObjectIdField>,
    'filepath': <fiftyone.core.fields.StringField>,
    'tags': <fiftyone.core.fields.ListField>,
    'metadata': <fiftyone.core.fields.EmbeddedDocumentField>,
    'metadata.size_bytes': <fiftyone.core.fields.IntField>,
    'metadata.mime_type': <fiftyone.core.fields.StringField>,
    'metadata.width': <fiftyone.core.fields.IntField>,
    'metadata.height': <fiftyone.core.fields.IntField>,
    'metadata.num_channels': <fiftyone.core.fields.IntField>,
    'created_at': <fiftyone.core.fields.DateTimeField object at 0x7fea584bc730>,
    'last_modified_at': <fiftyone.core.fields.DateTimeField object at 0x7fea584bc280>,
    'ground_truth': <fiftyone.core.fields.EmbeddedDocumentField>,
    'ground_truth.detections': <fiftyone.core.fields.ListField>,
    '': <fiftyone.core.fields.ObjectIdField>,
    'ground_truth.detections.tags': <fiftyone.core.fields.ListField>,
    'ground_truth.detections.iscrowd': <fiftyone.core.fields.FloatField>,
    'ground_truth.detections.area': <fiftyone.core.fields.FloatField>,

By default, dynamic attributes are not declared on a dataset’s schema when samples are added to it:

import fiftyone as fo

sample = fo.Sample(
                bounding_box=[0.1, 0.1, 0.4, 0.4],\
                bounding_box=[0.5, 0.5, 0.4, 0.4],\

dataset = fo.Dataset()

schema = dataset.get_field_schema(flat=True)

assert "ground_truth.detections.mood" not in schema

However, methods such as add_sample(), add_samples(), add_dir(), from_dir(), and merge_samples() provide an optional dynamic=True option that you can provide to automatically declare any dynamic embedded document attributes encountered while importing data:

dataset = fo.Dataset()

dataset.add_sample(sample, dynamic=True)
schema = dataset.get_field_schema(flat=True)

assert "ground_truth.detections.mood" in schema

Note that, when declaring dynamic attributes on non-empty datasets, you must ensure that the attribute’s type is consistent with any existing values in that field, e.g., by first running get_dynamic_field_schema() to check the existing type(s). Methods like add_sample_field() and add_samples(..., dynamic=True) do not validate newly declared field’s types against existing field values:

import fiftyone as fo

sample1 = fo.Sample(

sample2 = fo.Sample(

dataset = fo.Dataset()


# Either of these are problematic
dataset.add_sample(sample2, dynamic=True)
dataset.add_sample_field("ground_truth.age", fo.IntField)

sample1.reload()  # ValidationError: bad-value could not be converted to int

If you declare a dynamic attribute with a type that is not compatible with existing values in that field, you will need to remove that field from the dataset’s schema using remove_dynamic_sample_field() in order for the dataset to be usable again:

# Removes dynamic field from dataset's schema without deleting the values

You can use select_fields() and exclude_fields() to create views that select/exclude specific dynamic attributes from your dataset and its schema:

dataset.add_sample_field("ground_truth.age", fo.Field)
sample = dataset.first()

assert "ground_truth.age" in dataset.get_field_schema(flat=True)
assert sample.ground_truth.has_field("age")

# Omits the `age` attribute from the `ground_truth` field
view = dataset.exclude_fields("ground_truth.age")
sample = view.first()

assert "ground_truth.age" not in view.get_field_schema(flat=True)
assert not sample.ground_truth.has_field("age")

# Only include `mood` (and default) attributes of the `ground_truth` field
view = dataset.select_fields("ground_truth.mood")
sample = view.first()

assert "ground_truth.age" not in view.get_field_schema(flat=True)
assert not sample.ground_truth.has_field("age")

Custom embedded documents

If you work with collections of related fields that you would like to organize under a single top-level field, you can achieve this by defining and using custom EmbeddedDocument and DynamicEmbeddedDocument classes to populate your datasetes.

Using custom embedded document classes enables you to access your data using the same object-oriented interface enjoyed by FiftyOne’s builtin label types.

The EmbeddedDocument class represents a fixed collection of fields with predefined types and optional default values, while the DynamicEmbeddedDocument class supports predefined fields but also allows users to populate arbitrary custom fields at runtime, like FiftyOne’s builtin label types.

Defining custom documents on-the-fly

The simplest way to define custom embedded documents on your datasets is to declare empty DynamicEmbeddedDocument field(s) and then incrementally populate new dynamic attributes as needed.

To illustrate, let’s start by defining an empty embedded document field:

import fiftyone as fo

dataset = fo.Dataset()

# Define an empty embedded document field

From here, there are a variety of ways to add new embedded attributes to the field.

You can explicitly declare new fields using add_sample_field():

# Declare a new `camera_id` attribute
dataset.add_sample_field("camera_info.camera_id", fo.StringField)

assert "camera_info.camera_id" in dataset.get_field_schema(flat=True)

or you can implicitly declare new fields using add_samples() with the dynamic=True flag:

# Includes a new `quality` attribute
sample1 = fo.Sample(

sample2 = fo.Sample(

# Automatically declares new dynamic attributes as they are encountered
dataset.add_samples([sample1, sample2], dynamic=True)

assert "camera_info.quality" in dataset.get_field_schema(flat=True)

or you can implicitly declare new fields using set_values() with the dynamic=True flag:

# Populate a new `description` attribute on each sample in the dataset
dataset.set_values("camera_info.description", ["foo", "bar"], dynamic=True)

assert "camera_info.description" in dataset.get_field_schema(flat=True)

Defining custom documents in modules

You can also define custom embedded document classes in Python modules and packages that you maintain, using the appropriate types from the fiftyone.core.fields module to declare your fields and their types, defaults, etc.

The benefit of this approach over the on-the-fly definition from the previous section is that you can provide extra metadata such as whether fields are required or should have default values if they are not explicitly set during creation.


In order to work with datasets containing custom embedded documents defined using this approach, you must configure your module_path in all environments where you intend to work with the datasets that use these classes, not just the environment where you create the dataset.

To avoid this requirement, consider defining custom documents on-the-fly instead.

For example, suppose you add the following embedded document classes to a module:

from datetime import datetime

import fiftyone as fo

class CameraInfo(fo.EmbeddedDocument):
    camera_id = fo.StringField(required=True)
    quality = fo.FloatField()
    description = fo.StringField()

class LabelMetadata(fo.DynamicEmbeddedDocument):
    created_at = fo.DateTimeField(default=datetime.utcnow)
    model_name = fo.StringField()

and then to FiftyOne’s module_path config setting (see this page for more ways to register this):


# Verify module path
fiftyone config

You’re now free to use your custom embedded document classes as you please, whether this be top-level sample fields or nested fields:

import fiftyone as fo
import as fb

sample = fo.Sample(
            description="A dynamic field",

dataset = fo.Dataset()
dataset.add_sample(sample) = "test"
dataset.persistent = True

As long as is on your module_path, this dataset can be loaded in future sessions and manipulated as usual:

import fiftyone as fo

dataset = fo.load_dataset("test")
<Sample: {
    'id': '6217b696d181786cff360740',
    'media_type': 'image',
    'filepath': '/path/to/image.png',
    'tags': [],
    'metadata': None,
    'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 7, 22, 5, 16, 10, 701907),
    'last_modified_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 7, 22, 5, 16, 10, 701907),
    'camera_info': <CameraInfo: {
        'camera_id': '123456789',
        'quality': 99.0,
        'description': None,
    'weather': <Classification: {
        'id': '6217b696d181786cff36073e',
        'tags': [],
        'label': 'sunny',
        'confidence': 0.95,
        'logits': None,
        'metadata': <LabelMetadata: {
            'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 2, 24, 16, 47, 18, 10000),
            'model_name': 'resnet50',
            'description': 'A dynamic field',

Image datasets

Any Sample whose filepath is a file with MIME type image/* is recognized as a image sample, and datasets composed of image samples have media type image:

import fiftyone as fo

sample = fo.Sample(filepath="/path/to/image.png")

dataset = fo.Dataset()

print(dataset.media_type)  # image
<Sample: {
    'id': '6655ca275e20e244f2c8fe31',
    'media_type': 'image',
    'filepath': '/path/to/image.png',
    'tags': [],
    'metadata': None,
    'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 7, 22, 5, 15, 8, 122038),
    'last_modified_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 7, 22, 5, 15, 8, 122038),

Example image dataset

To get started exploring image datasets, try loading the quickstart dataset from the zoo:

import fiftyone as fo
import fiftyone.zoo as foz

dataset = foz.load_zoo_dataset("quickstart")

print(dataset.count("ground_truth.detections"))  # 1232
print(dataset.count("predictions.detections"))  # 5620
# {'dog': 15, 'airplane': 24, 'dining table': 15, 'hot dog': 5, ...}

session = fo.launch_app(dataset)


Video datasets

Any Sample whose filepath is a file with MIME type video/* is recognized as a video sample, and datasets composed of video samples have media type video:

import fiftyone as fo

sample = fo.Sample(filepath="/path/to/video.mp4")

dataset = fo.Dataset()

print(dataset.media_type)  # video
<Sample: {
    'id': '6403ccef0a3af5bc780b5a10',
    'media_type': 'video',
    'filepath': '/path/to/video.mp4',
    'tags': [],
    'metadata': None,
    'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 7, 22, 5, 3, 17, 229263),
    'last_modified_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 7, 22, 5, 3, 17, 229263),
    'frames': <Frames: 0>,

All video samples have a reserved frames attribute in which you can store frame-level labels and other custom annotations for the video. The frames attribute is a dictionary whose keys are frame numbers and whose values are Frame instances that hold all of the Label instances and other primitive-type fields for the frame.


FiftyOne uses 1-based indexing for video frame numbers.

You can add, modify, and delete labels of any type as well as primitive fields such as integers, strings, and booleans using the same dynamic attribute syntax that you use to interact with samples:

frame = fo.Frame(
            fo.Detection(label="cat", bounding_box=[0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2]),\
            fo.Detection(label="dog", bounding_box=[0.7, 0.7, 0.2, 0.2]),\

# Add labels to the first frame of the video
sample.frames[1] = frame


You must call in order to persist changes to the database when editing video samples and/or their frames that are in datasets.

<Sample: {
    'id': '6403ccef0a3af5bc780b5a10',
    'media_type': 'video',
    'filepath': '/path/to/video.mp4',
    'tags': [],
    'metadata': None,
    'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 7, 22, 5, 3, 17, 229263),
    'last_modified_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 7, 22, 5, 3, 17, 229263),
    'frames': <Frames: 1>,    <-- `frames` now contains 1 frame of labels


The frames attribute of video samples behaves like a defaultdict; a new Frame will be created if the frame number does not exist when you access it.

You can iterate over the frames in a video sample using the expected syntax:

for frame_number, frame in sample.frames.items():
<Frame: {
    'id': '6403cd972a54cee076f88bd2',
    'frame_number': 1,
    'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 7, 22, 5, 3, 40, 839000),
    'last_modified_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 7, 22, 5, 3, 40, 839000),
    'quality': 97.12,
    'weather': <Classification: {
        'id': '609078d54653b0094e9baa52',
        'tags': [],
        'label': 'sunny',
        'confidence': None,
        'logits': None,
    'objects': <Detections: {
        'detections': [\
            <Detection: {\
                'id': '609078d54653b0094e9baa53',\
                'attributes': {},\
                'tags': [],\
                'label': 'cat',\
                'bounding_box': [0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2],\
                'mask': None,\
                'confidence': None,\
                'index': None,\
            <Detection: {\
                'id': '609078d54653b0094e9baa54',\
                'attributes': {},\
                'tags': [],\
                'label': 'dog',\
                'bounding_box': [0.7, 0.7, 0.2, 0.2],\
                'mask': None,\
                'confidence': None,\
                'index': None,\

Notice that the dataset’s summary indicates that the dataset has media type video and includes the schema of any frame fields you add:

Name:           2021.
Media type:     video
Num samples:    1
Persistent:     False
Tags:           []
Sample fields:
    id:               fiftyone.core.fields.ObjectIdField
    filepath:         fiftyone.core.fields.StringField
    tags:             fiftyone.core.fields.ListField(fiftyone.core.fields.StringField)
    metadata:         fiftyone.core.fields.EmbeddedDocumentField(fiftyone.core.metadata.VideoMetadata)
    created_at:       fiftyone.core.fields.DateTimeField
    last_modified_at: fiftyone.core.fields.DateTimeField
Frame fields:
    id:               fiftyone.core.fields.ObjectIdField
    frame_number:     fiftyone.core.fields.FrameNumberField
    created_at:       fiftyone.core.fields.DateTimeField
    last_modified_at: fiftyone.core.fields.DateTimeField
    quality:          fiftyone.core.fields.FloatField
    weather:          fiftyone.core.fields.EmbeddedDocumentField(fiftyone.core.labels.Classification)
    objects:          fiftyone.core.fields.EmbeddedDocumentField(fiftyone.core.labels.Detections)

You can retrieve detailed information about the schema of the frames of a video Dataset using dataset.get_frame_field_schema().

The samples in video datasets can be accessed like usual, and the sample’s frame labels can be modified by updating the frames attribute of a Sample:

sample = dataset.first()
for frame_number, frame in sample.frames.items():
    frame["frame_str"] = str(frame_number)
    del frame["weather"]
    del frame["objects"]

<Frame: {
    'id': '6403cd972a54cee076f88bd2',
    'frame_number': 1,
    'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 7, 22, 5, 3, 40, 839000),
    'last_modified_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 7, 22, 5, 4, 49, 430051),
    'quality': 97.12,
    'weather': None,
    'objects': None,
    'frame_str': '1',


You must call in order to persist changes to the database when editing video samples and/or their frames that are in datasets.

See this page for more information about building labeled video samples.

Example video dataset

To get started exploring video datasets, try loading the quickstart-video dataset from the zoo:

import fiftyone as fo
import fiftyone.zoo as foz

dataset = foz.load_zoo_dataset("quickstart-video")

print(dataset.count("frames"))  # 1279
print(dataset.count("frames.detections.detections"))  # 11345
# {'vehicle': 7511, 'road sign': 2726, 'person': 1108}

session = fo.launch_app(dataset)


3D datasets

Any Sample whose filepath is a file with extension .fo3d is recognized as a 3D sample, and datasets composed of 3D samples have media type 3d.

An FO3D file encapsulates a 3D scene constructed using the Scene class, which provides methods to add, remove, and manipulate 3D objects in the scene. A scene is internally represented as a n-ary tree of 3D objects, where each object is a node in the tree. A 3D object is either a 3D mesh, point cloud, or a 3D shape geometry.

A scene may be explicitly initialized with additional attributes, such as camera, lights, and background. By default, a scene is created with neutral lighting, and a perspective camera whose up is set to Y axis in a right-handed coordinate system.

After a scene is constructed, it should be written to the disk using the scene.write() method, which serializes the scene into an FO3D file.

import fiftyone as fo

scene = fo.Scene() = fo.PerspectiveCamera(up="Z")

mesh = fo.GltfMesh("mesh", "mesh.glb")
mesh.rotation = fo.Euler(90, 0, 0, degrees=True)

sphere1 = fo.SphereGeometry("sphere1", radius=2.0)
sphere1.position = [-1, 0, 0]
sphere1.default_material.color = "red"

sphere2 = fo.SphereGeometry("sphere2", radius=2.0)
sphere2.position = [-1, 0, 0]
sphere2.default_material.color = "blue"

scene.add(mesh, sphere1, sphere2)


sample = fo.Sample(filepath="/path/to/scene.fo3d")

dataset = fo.Dataset()

print(dataset.media_type)  # 3d

To modify an existing scene, load it via Scene.from_fo3d(), perform any necessary updates, and then re-write it to disk:

import fiftyone as fo

scene = fo.Scene.from_fo3d("/path/to/scene.fo3d")

for node in scene.traverse():
    if isinstance(node, fo.SphereGeometry):
        node.visible = False


3D meshes

A 3D mesh is a collection of vertices, edges, and faces that define the shape of a 3D object. Whereas some mesh formats store only the geometry of the mesh, others also store the material properties and textures of the mesh. If a mesh file contains material properties and textures, FiftyOne will automatically load and display them. You may also assign default material for your meshes by setting the default_material attribute of the mesh. In the absence of any material information, meshes are assigned a MeshStandardMaterial with reasonable defaults that can also be dynamically configured from the app. Please refer to material_3d for more details.

FiftyOne currently supports GLTF, OBJ, PLY, STL, and FBX 7.x+ mesh formats.


We recommend the GLTF format for 3D meshes where possible, as it is the most compact, efficient, and web-friendly format for storing and transmitting 3D models.

import fiftyone as fo

scene = fo.Scene()

mesh1 = fo.GltfMesh("mesh1", "mesh.glb")
mesh1.rotation = fo.Euler(90, 0, 0, degrees=True)

mesh2 = fo.ObjMesh("mesh2", "mesh.obj")
mesh3 = fo.PlyMesh("mesh3", "mesh.ply")
mesh4 = fo.StlMesh("mesh4", "mesh.stl")
mesh5 = fo.FbxMesh("mesh5", "mesh.fbx")

scene.add(mesh1, mesh2, mesh3, mesh4, mesh5)


3D point clouds

FiftyOne supports the PCD point cloud format. A code snippet to create a PCD object that can be added to a FiftyOne 3D scene is shown below:

import fiftyone as fo

pcd = fo.PointCloud("my-pcd", "point-cloud.pcd")
pcd.default_material.shading_mode = "custom"
pcd.default_material.custom_color = "red"
pcd.default_material.point_size = 2

scene = fo.Scene()


You can customize the appearance of a point cloud by setting the default_material attribute of the point cloud object, or dynamically from the app. Please refer to the PointCloudMaterial class for more details.


If your scene contains multiple point clouds, you can control which point cloud is included in orthographic projections by initializing it with flag_for_projection=True.

Here’s how a typical PCD file is structured:

import numpy as np
import open3d as o3d

points = np.array([(x1, y1, z1), (x2, y2, z2), ...])
colors = np.array([(r1, g1, b1), (r2, g2, b2), ...])

pcd = o3d.geometry.PointCloud()
pcd.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(points)
pcd.colors = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(colors)"/path/to/point-cloud.pcd", pcd)


When working with modalities such as LIDAR, intensity data is assumed to be encoded in the r channel of the rgb field of the PCD files.

When coloring by intensity in the App, the intensity values are automatically scaled to use the full dynamic range of the colorscale.

3D shapes

FiftyOne provides a set of primitive 3D shape geometries that can be added to a 3D scene. The following 3D shape geometries are supported:

Similar to meshes and point clouds, shapes can be manipulated by setting their position, rotation, and scale. Their appearance can be customized either by setting the default_material attribute of the shape object, or dynamically from the app.

import fiftyone as fo

scene = fo.Scene()

box = fo.BoxGeometry("box", width=0.5, height=0.5, depth=0.5)
box.position = [0, 0, 1]
box.default_material.color = "red"

sphere = fo.SphereGeometry("sphere", radius=2.0)
sphere.position = [-1, 0, 0]
sphere.default_material.color = "blue"

cylinder = fo.CylinderGeometry("cylinder", radius_top=0.5, height=1)
cylinder.position = [0, 1, 0]

plane = fo.PlaneGeometry("plane", width=2, height=2)
plane.rotation = fo.Euler(90, 0, 0, degrees=True)

scene.add(box, sphere, cylinder, plane)


3D annotations

3D samples may contain any type and number of custom fields, including 3D detections and 3D polylines, which are natively visualizable by the App’s 3D visualizer.

Because 3D annotations are stored in dedicated fields of datasets rather than being embedded in FO3D files, they can be queried and filtered via dataset views and in the App just like other primitive/label fields.

import fiftyone as fo

scene = fo.Scene()
scene.add(fo.GltfMesh("mesh", "mesh.gltf"))

detection = fo.Detection(
    location=[0.47, 1.49, 69.44],
    dimensions=[2.85, 2.63, 12.34],
    rotation=[0, -1.56, 0],

sample = fo.Sample(

Orthographic projection images

In order to visualize 3D datasets in the App’s grid view, you can use compute_orthographic_projection_images() to generate orthographic projection images of each scene:

import fiftyone as fo
import fiftyone.utils.utils3d as fou3d
import fiftyone.zoo as foz

# Load an example 3D dataset
dataset = foz.load_zoo_dataset("quickstart-3d")

# This dataset already has orthographic projections populated, but let's
# recompute them to demonstrate the idea
    (-1, 512),  # (width, height) of each image; -1 means aspect-preserving
    bounds=((-50, -50, -50), (50, 50, 50)),
    projection_normal=(0, -1, 0),

session = fo.launch_app(dataset)

Note that the method also supports grouped datasets that contain 3D slice(s):

import fiftyone as fo
import fiftyone.utils.utils3d as fou3d
import fiftyone.zoo as foz

# Load an example group dataset that contains a 3D slice
dataset = foz.load_zoo_dataset("quickstart-groups")

# Populate orthographic projections
fou3d.compute_orthographic_projection_images(dataset, (-1, 512), "/tmp/proj")

dataset.group_slice = "pcd"
session = fo.launch_app(dataset)


Orthographic projection images currently only include point clouds, not meshes or 3D shapes.

If a scene contains multiple point clouds, you can control which point cloud to project by initializing it with flag_for_projection=True.

The above method populates an OrthographicProjectionMetadata field on each sample that contains the path to its projection image and other necessary information to properly visualize it in the App.

Refer to the compute_orthographic_projection_images() documentation for available parameters to customize the projections.

Example 3D datasets

To get started exploring 3D datasets, try loading the quickstart-3d dataset from the zoo:

import fiftyone as fo
import fiftyone.zoo as foz

dataset = foz.load_zoo_dataset("quickstart-3d")

# {'bottle': 5, 'stairs': 5, 'keyboard': 5, 'car': 5, ...}

session = fo.launch_app(dataset)


Also check out the quickstart-groups dataset, which contains a point cloud slice:

import fiftyone as fo
import fiftyone.utils.utils3d as fou3d
import fiftyone.zoo as foz

dataset = foz.load_zoo_dataset("quickstart-groups")

# Populate orthographic projections
fou3d.compute_orthographic_projection_images(dataset, (-1, 512), "/tmp/proj")

print(dataset.count("ground_truth.detections"))  # 1100
# {'Pedestrian': 133, 'Car': 774, ...}

dataset.group_slice = "pcd"
session = fo.launch_app(dataset)


Point cloud datasets


The point-cloud media type has been deprecated in favor of the 3D media type.

While we’ll keep supporting the point-cloud media type for backward compatibility, we recommend using the 3d media type for new datasets.

Any Sample whose filepath is a PCD file with extension .pcd is recognized as a point cloud sample, and datasets composed of point cloud samples have media type point-cloud:

import fiftyone as fo

sample = fo.Sample(filepath="/path/to/point-cloud.pcd")

dataset = fo.Dataset()

print(dataset.media_type)  # point-cloud
<Sample: {
    'id': '6403ce64c8957c42bc8f9e67',
    'media_type': 'point-cloud',
    'filepath': '/path/to/point-cloud.pcd',
    'tags': [],
    'metadata': None,
    'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 7, 22, 5, 16, 10, 701907),
    'last_modified_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 7, 22, 5, 16, 10, 701907),

Point cloud samples may contain any type and number of custom fields, including 3D detections and 3D polylines, which are natively visualizable by the App’s 3D visualizer.


Previous sections have demonstrated how to add and interact with Dataset components like samples, fields, and labels. The true power of FiftyOne lies in the ability to search, sort, filter, and explore the contents of a Dataset.

Behind this power is the DatasetView. Whenever an operation like match() or sort_by() is applied to a dataset, a DatasetView is returned. As the name implies, a DatasetView is a view into the data in your Dataset that was produced by a series of operations that manipulated your data in different ways.

A DatasetView is composed of SampleView objects for a subset of the samples in your dataset. For example, a view may contain only samples with a given tag, or samples whose labels meet a certain criteria.

In turn, each SampleView represents a view into the content of the underlying Sample in the dataset. For example, a SampleView may represent the contents of a sample with Detections below a specified threshold filtered out.

Learn more about DatasetViews

import fiftyone as fo
import fiftyone.zoo as foz
from fiftyone import ViewField as F

dataset = foz.load_zoo_dataset("quickstart")

# Create a view containing the 5 samples from the validation split whose
# images are >= 48 KB that have the most predictions with confidence > 0.9
complex_view = (
    .match(F("metadata.size_bytes") >= 48 * 1024)  # >= 48 KB
    .filter_labels("predictions", F("confidence") > 0.9)
    .sort_by(F("predictions.detections").length(), reverse=True)

# Check to see how many predictions there are in each matching sample
# [29, 20, 17, 15, 15]

Merging datasets

The Dataset class provides a powerful merge_samples() method that you can use to merge the contents of another Dataset or DatasetView into an existing dataset.

By default, samples with the same absolute filepath are merged, and top-level fields from the provided samples are merged in, overwriting any existing values for those fields, with the exception of list fields (e.g., tags) and label list fields (e.g., Detections), in which case the elements of the lists themselves are merged. In the case of label list fields, labels with the same id in both collections are updated rather than duplicated.

The merge_samples() method can be configured in numerous ways, including:

  • Which field to use as a merge key, or an arbitrary function defining the merge key

  • Whether existing samples should be modified or skipped

  • Whether new samples should be added or omitted

  • Whether new fields can be added to the dataset schema

  • Whether list fields should be treated as ordinary fields and merged as a whole rather than merging their elements

  • Whether to merge only specific fields, or all but certain fields

  • Mapping input fields to different field names of this dataset

For example, the following snippet demonstrates merging a new field into an existing dataset:

import fiftyone as fo
import fiftyone.zoo as foz

dataset1 = foz.load_zoo_dataset("quickstart")

# Create a dataset containing only ground truth objects
dataset2 = dataset1.select_fields("ground_truth").clone()

# Create a view containing only the predictions
predictions_view = dataset1.select_fields("predictions")

# Merge the predictions

print(dataset1.count("ground_truth.detections"))  # 1232
print(dataset2.count("ground_truth.detections"))  # 1232

print(dataset1.count("predictions.detections"))  # 5620
print(dataset2.count("predictions.detections"))  # 5620

Note that the argument to merge_samples() can be a DatasetView, which means that you can perform possibly-complex transformations to the source dataset to select the desired content to merge.

Consider the following variation of the above snippet, which demonstrates a workflow where Detections from another dataset are merged into a dataset with existing Detections in the same field:

from fiftyone import ViewField as F

# Create a new dataset that only contains predictions with confidence >= 0.9
dataset3 = (
    .filter_labels("predictions", F("confidence") > 0.9)

# Create a view that contains only the remaining predictions
low_conf_view = dataset1.filter_labels("predictions", F("confidence") < 0.9)

# Merge the low confidence predictions back in
dataset3.merge_samples(low_conf_view, fields="predictions")

print(dataset1.count("predictions.detections"))  # 5620
print(dataset3.count("predictions.detections"))  # 5620

Finally, the example below demonstrates the use of a custom merge key to define which samples to merge:

import os

# Create a dataset with 100 samples of ground truth labels
dataset4 = dataset1[50:150].select_fields("ground_truth").clone()

# Create a view with 50 overlapping samples of predictions
predictions_view = dataset1[:100].select_fields("predictions")

# Merge predictions into dataset, using base filename as merge key and
# never inserting new samples
    key_fcn=lambda sample: os.path.basename(sample.filepath),

print(len(dataset4))  # 100
print(len(dataset4.exists("predictions")))  # 50


Did you know? You can use merge_dir() to directly merge the contents of a dataset on disk into an existing FiftyOne dataset without first loading it into a temporary dataset and then using merge_samples() to perform the merge.

Cloning datasets

You can use clone() to create a copy of a dataset:

import fiftyone as fo
import fiftyone.zoo as foz

dataset = foz.load_zoo_dataset("quickstart")

dataset2 = dataset.clone()
dataset2.add_sample_field("new_field", fo.StringField)

# The source dataset is unaffected
assert "new_field" not in dataset.get_field_schema()

Dataset clones contain deep copies of all samples and dataset-level information in the source dataset. The source media files, however, are not copied.


Did you know? You can also clone specific subsets of your datasets.

Batch updates

You are always free to perform any necessary modifications to a Dataset by iterating over it via a Python loop and explicitly performing the edits that you require.

However, the Dataset class provides a number of methods that allow you to efficiently perform various common batch actions to your entire dataset.

Cloning, renaming, clearing, and deleting fields

You can use the clone_sample_field(), rename_sample_field(), clear_sample_field(), and delete_sample_field() methods to efficiently perform common actions on the sample fields of a Dataset:

import fiftyone as fo
import fiftyone.zoo as foz
from fiftyone import ViewField as F

dataset = foz.load_zoo_dataset("quickstart")

# Clone an existing field
dataset.clone_sample_field("predictions", "also_predictions")
print("also_predictions" in dataset.get_field_schema())  # True

# Rename a field
dataset.rename_sample_field("also_predictions", "still_predictions")
print("still_predictions" in dataset.get_field_schema())  # True

# Clear a field (sets all values to None)
print(dataset.count_values("still_predictions"))  # {None: 200}

# Delete a field

You can also use dot notation to manipulate the fields or subfields of embedded documents in your dataset:

sample = dataset.first()

# Clone an existing embedded field
print(sample.predictions.detections[0]["also_label"])  # "bird"

# Rename an embedded field
print(sample.predictions.detections[0]["still_label"])  # "bird"

# Clear an embedded field (sets all values to None)
print(sample.predictions.detections[0]["still_label"])  # None

# Delete an embedded field

Efficient batch edits

You are always free to perform arbitrary edits to a Dataset by iterating over its contents and editing the samples directly:

import random

import fiftyone as fo
import fiftyone.zoo as foz
from fiftyone import ViewField as F

dataset = foz.load_zoo_dataset("quickstart")

# Populate a new field on each sample in the dataset
for sample in dataset:
    sample["random"] = random.random()

print(dataset.count("random"))  # 200
print(dataset.bounds("random")) # (0.0007, 0.9987)

However, the above pattern can be inefficient for large datasets because each call makes a new connection to the database.

The iter_samples() method provides an autosave=True option that causes all changes to samples emitted by the iterator to be automatically saved using an efficient batch update strategy:

# Automatically saves sample edits in efficient batches
for sample in dataset.select_fields().iter_samples(autosave=True):
    sample["random"] = random.random()


As the above snippet shows, you should also optimize your iteration by selecting only the required fields.

You can configure the default batching strategy that is used via your FiftyOne config, or you can configure the batching strategy on a per-method call basis by passing the optional batch_size and batching_strategy arguments to iter_samples().

You can also use the save_context() method to perform batched edits using the pattern below:

# Use a context to save sample edits in efficient batches
with dataset.save_context() as context:
    for sample in dataset.select_fields():
        sample["random"] = random.random()

The benefit of the above approach versus passing autosave=True to iter_samples() is that allows you to be explicit about which samples you are editing, which avoids unnecessary computations if your loop only edits certain samples.

Setting values

Another strategy for performing efficient batch edits is to use set_values() to set a field (or embedded field) on each sample in the dataset in a single batch operation:

# Delete the field we added earlier

# Equivalent way to populate the field on each sample in the dataset
values = [random.random() for _ in range(len(dataset))]
dataset.set_values("random", values)

print(dataset.count("random"))  # 50
print(dataset.bounds("random")) # (0.0041, 0.9973)


When possible, using set_values() is often more efficient than performing the equivalent operation via an explicit iteration over the Dataset because it avoids the need to read Sample instances into memory and sequentially save them.

Similarly, you can edit nested sample fields of a Dataset by iterating over the dataset and editing the necessary data:

# Add a tag to all low confidence predictions in the dataset
for sample in dataset:
    for detection in sample["predictions"].detections:
        if detection.confidence < 0.06:

# {'low_confidence': 447}

However, an equivalent and often more efficient approach is to use values() to extract the slice of data you wish to modify and then use set_values() to save the updated data in a single batch operation:

# Remove the tags we added in the previous variation

# Load all predicted detections
# This is a list of lists of `Detection` instances for each sample
detections = dataset.values("predictions.detections")

# Add a tag to all low confidence detections
for sample_detections in detections:
    for detection in sample_detections:
        if detection.confidence < 0.06:

# Save the updated predictions
dataset.set_values("predictions.detections", detections)

# {'low_confidence': 447}

Setting label values

Often when working with Label fields, the edits you want to make may be naturally represented as a mapping between label IDs and corresponding attribute values to set on each Label instance. In such cases, you can use set_label_values() to conveniently perform the updates:

# Grab some random label IDs
view = dataset.take(5, seed=51)
label_ids = view.values("", unwind=True)

# Populate a `random` attribute on all labels
values = {_id: True for _id in label_ids}
dataset.set_label_values("predictions.detections.random", values)

# {True: 111, None: 5509}